Because the shirts you wear now suck.™
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Or Else

Or Else



You're Retarded

You're Retarded

Time Waster

Time Waster

Drinking Game

Drinking Game

Welcome to StupidFox. I am trying to make a million dollars by selling t-shirts. I don't like working and would rather just hang around coming up with stupid ideas and putting them on shirts. So that's why I'm here. I'm the supplier, the entreprenuer.

Then there's you, the buyer, the customer. Apparently, I'm supposed to pay attention to you and somehow get you to buy stuff from me. Kind of like dating, but for money, so more like whoring. So I'm offering to be your whore. Just tell me how to get you to give me money, and I'll likely do it.

Alright, with the introduction out of the way, I suppose I ought to lift my metaphoric skirt. I've made shopping easier for you. Note the two columns on the right. One is the newest stuff I've made, and the other is what other people have bought most. The Newest and the Most Popular. Click on the picture, and you'll go to the design's shop. Also, on the left, you can go to my Online Shop, and see all the designs I've made.

I'm not self-centered enough to think that only I can come up with stupid ideas. If you want something on a shirt or any other product I offer, use the Contact Fox link on the left, and I'll try to do it. But only because of the money, not because I love you. No kissing on the mouth.

Also, I'm not perfect. I'm lazy. If you like a design but I didn't resize the image to fit on the item well, tell me. If you want the design in a different color, tell me. Want a custom shirt for your friend's bachelor party? Tell me a week ahead of time. Inside jokes, have-to-be-there humor, wierd fetishes, whatever crosses your mind, tell me. You're the boss as long as you're paying, honey.