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The On-Line Song Book


Campfire Songs
Fun Songs
Songs with Actions
Rounds/Repeating Songs
Repeat-After-Me Songs
Girl Scout Songs
Other Songs
The Ashes of Friendship

Thank you for visiting my web site. I am constantly adding more and more songs. I am still in the building stages right now, but I hope to have my site completely finished prior to September.

I have built this web site as part of my Girl Scout Gold Award project. I hope to share the songs that I learned with people from all over the world.

The words are in a normal font; the actions are in italics and normally follow the line that is sung while doing the actions; the chorus is in a bold font.

Disclaimer: All of these songs were typed from memory and I only claim that I have compiled them and I did not write them. I started my project because although many of these songs are sung throughout the United States, no one has made a song book or web site before that lists the popular songs.

Attention all girls from Our Cabana! I would love you to help me by "donating" songs to my site! I would love my site to also have an international flair! Thanks a million and I hope to see you again!

If you would like to personally contact me or you want to add a song to my collection (which would be wonderful), please feel free to e-mail me at: Otherwise, please sign my guest book. Thank you and I hope that you have enjoyed my web site!

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