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My Obsession

SIGN GUESTBOOK AFTER PICTURES ARE OVER... Theses Are some of my all time Favorite Romeo and Juliet pictures of them together! Enjoy!!! As You see some of theses are Icons that could be used in they are 100 by 100 pixles if you use please e-mail and let me know, thank you! Here are some of my favorites of Romeo by himself played by the sexy Leonardo Dicaprio! Did I put theses pictures in? ???Hmm SExY lol Juliet By herself By far her best picture in this movie! I really do not have many of her, Hmm Must get more. Sorry, If any request I sure will try and do! Romeo and Juliet Poster Romeo and his Friends Other Pictures of Leo... Hey Orlando Bloom OOOOOOO SEXY!!!!! Awesome Icon Some Cool Pictures Leo in Catch Me If You Can (AWESOME MOVIE!) I KNOW I MESSED UP THERE ARE A LOT OF ROMEO(LEO)BY HIMSELF I MESSED THOUGH...OPPS SORRY, I'LL FIX IT IN TIME THOUGH! My Prom dresses for 2004 I can't pick which one yet, what do you think? Front, I really like this one...Back...Here it is in Blue hmm? Then this one I really like too, front , back What do you think? Stary Stary Night, Very awesome picture Heres Ron W. From Harry Potter if anybody likes him...

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