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Kevins Webpage


Yo s'up? I just started to make this webpage and it sucks big whup wanna fight about it? I'll be trying to add more shit to this page as soon as I can but for now I'll just leave as it is.

07/21/05 (7:40pm bitches)

-I have just finished the Outreach program and now I'm tired...Right Now I seem to have a headache and I must go and take a Pill. Anywho I have just added a gallery section to my page and also a link to a Half-Life stat page (this is for those that play Half-Life and want to look at there stats). Ok now I'm off to take a nap.


-Today is my last day at this outreach program and I'm fucking excited, I mean it wasn't all that bad but it was just so BORING! anywho I'll try to keep some of you updated on the shit thats going on around here..