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Welcome to my website. My name is Nick Redwine. This website wsa ORIGINALY created to show off some of my poetry that alot of people dont normly get to see. As for now this is he most writting done on the front page of my site for quite some time. This "Intro" and everything that follows except for the poems were forced upon me by the good people at t he english department locted on NAU campus. :) The Poems are still here, all you have to do is just click on one of the links to go to the poem. Notice that the poems aare kind morbid and sad, thats all i really write. Also notice that the titles of the poems have nothing to do with the content. Everything else will probably be located on this page. So enjoy!

Classroom Interaction

Well....I guess i paricipated by making the stupid jokes about what we were reading. The small group discusions usualy consisted of no one pying attention to what was going on. Usualy we had one person with the assignment but noone else bothered to look at it. We usualy made fun of the one opinionated but uninformed guy in our group and that was about all we actualy did in the group. I think everyone thought the essays we read were really lame and repetitive. The journals were good though. Writting the three journal entries i did, it was a good chance for me to be as creative or as judgmental as i wanted.

Of My Own
Steam From my Tea
Something Sane
New Curve
Aplication 9.3
Gasoline kisses for everyone (Lyrics By Park)
27 lovely lies
Tears of the mind
Just No Room
Beautiful die young thats why im ugly
Cruelty Of the pen
Cassies Poem!
Meghans Song!
Shameless Disposition
Lost Hearts Lost Minds Lost Loves
El Scorcho
Alysons poem
Dr. Light
Your Last Secrets

All Poems are copywriten
