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Subject: Extreme Priority – Escape from hell Objet: Priorité Extrême – l’évasion de l’enfer URL: I HAVE A BRAND NEW IMAGE FOR TODAY; i209.jpg MARKING WHO IS BEHIND SOME ACTIVITIES IN FORCING ME TO CONVERT MY RELIGION AND MAKE ME BE FORCED TO LOSE IT AS A VERY KEY MOTTO OF A VERY IMPORTANT ORGANIZATION THE PEOPLE KNOW VERY FEW THINGS ABOUT IS THERE ON THE SLOGAN OF THIS PICTURE. AS A RESULT OF SEEING THIS IMAGE, I OBSERVE TWO THINGS, FIRSTLY MAKING ME BE REGARDED WITHIN A ROLE I SAY I AM NOT OR TO SOME NO LONGER, I AM TRIED TO BE REGARDED AS THE REASON FOR SOME CATASTROPHES HAPPENING, WITH SOME PROPAGANDA MACHINERY TO WORK IN SOME AREAS TO STATE THAT MY ARRIVAL IS THE REASON. EVEN THOUGH IT REQUIRES MORE EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THAT THE ORGANIZATION WITH MOTTO REVEALED HERE HAS ACTUALLY DONE THE DREADFUL SERIES OF EVENTS – ALBEIT IT CAN BE SAID THAT EARLY WARNING COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED BY THEIR MISSION AND TO KEEP ME OFF FROM THERE, IT MAY BE A CLEAR THING TO SUGGEST THAT MY EMERGENCE AS A CIVILIZED WESTERN NATION’S CITIZEN WITH MORE RIGHTS OF PENETRATION COULD BE SEEN AS A DANGER TO HELP SOME COUNTRIES’ EFFORTS TO KEEP ME AWAY FROM EXPENDITURES TO BE JUSTIFIED, WITH SOME GLOBAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO BE PROPOSED TO GIVEN UNDER CONTROL OF SOME FIGURES ORGANICALLY CLOSE TO THERE IS EQUALLY DRIVING ME SUSPICIOUS. I CAN RECALL HOW THEY CROSS-INTERROGATED ME IN PRISON THEN; I ALSO WONDER THE NOTES OF THE FORMER LAND OFFICIAL AND WHAT NOTES HE TOOK DURING THEN. IF THERE WAS A BETTER, A CLOSER OPTION WITH INVOLVEMENT OF SOME PARTIES I FEEL CLOSE TO DUE TO MY BIRTH, I COULD ARGUE THAT IT MAY NO LONGER BE FRUITFUL FOR ME TO DEPART THERE, BUT PRESS FOR ESTABLISHING MY DREAM LIFE SOMEWHERE ELSE, LESS PRONE TO DISASTERS FROM UNDERNEATH THE EARTH OR ABOVE FROM THE SKY, SUCH AS A COMET FALLING DOWN; AS STILL LIVING HERE IS NOT REGARDED AS THE SOLUTION, THE IMPACT OF WHICH SHOULD NOT COST MY ACADEMIC OR HEALTH RELATED ASPECTS OF LIFE AS WELL AS WHO I WISH TO HAVE ALONGSIDE. EVEN IF WE ASSUME NEITHER WORTH DISCUSSING, WE CAN STILL REFER TO THE SLOGAN ABOVE THAT IMAGE; i209.jpg TO STILL SUGGEST THAT SOME COUNTRY’S POLICY OF DISCRIMINATION IS ON SCENE ONCE MORE. FOR THE CERTAIN CAPTORS TO CLAIM TO BE RESPECTING TO A ROLE I AM CLAIMED TO HAVE TAKEN ROLE OF IS STILL A DISRESPECT TO WHO I BELIEVE WHO I ONCE WAS AND WHERE I BELIEVE I SHOULD BELONG TO, WITH MY NATIVE LANDS BEING FAR AND I SOMEBODY BANISHED. THE FORMER LAND HERE ACTS IN DOUBLE STANDARDS AND THEY ALSO NEGLECT THAT THE CONSENT OF A HUMAN BEING IS PART OF THE DESTINY BECAUSE HUMAN BEING’S CONSENT RISES FROM HIS SYSTEM OF BELIEF AND DIRECTLY HIS REFERRING TO THE DESTINY ITSELF. IT’S AGAINST MY BASIC RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES AS WELL AS MY PRIVACY TO BE DICTATED SUCH A ROLE, WHICH I NEED NO SUCH ASSIGNMENT FROM ANY WORLD POWER. AND I PRAY EVEN IF THE DOOM SHOULD COME I WANT A CHANCE FOR MY NEW LIFE AND MY DESCENDANTS TO FIND A NEW DIMENSION; JUST AS LOT OR NOAH WAS ENABLED TO BE ALIVE IN A NEW WORLD TO BE READY FOR THE ETERNAL LIFE BECAUSE MY OWN BREED MAY NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY GIVEN ACCESS TO EDEN, WHICH IS NO CONCERN STILL OF ANY MUNDANE ORGANIZATION, LET ALONE SOME WHOSE MISSION CONCERNS RAISING CHAOS AND CONFUSION IN SOME PLACES ON EARTH FOR THE SAKE OF CLAIMING CONTROL OVER MY ASSETS. The people may be proud of where they live; so much proud that they can’t help exaggerate about the beauties of their home towns; even to the extent of neglecting the ugly or dirty aspects of it. But I am not that lucky about where I have to live because it looks like everywhere but a true home; home is where you feel proud and happy of belonging to but in this case I am far from proud or happy. But I can easily say that Satan, if lived among us (I often doubt he does) would be pleased to call it some home town, feeling cozier then he would be in any layer of hell. This is a place I am forced to be a part of, having been forced to come and be raised here and as God Himself would better know, I haven’t done anything to deserve being here and what’s more I learned more about doing tricks and do things a normal man wouldn’t be normally proud of; such as the best thing to preserve my security that I could do being nothing but bearing a meat cleaver, I envy the people who go out shopping and carrying bags of goods or getting their newspapers under their armpits and having their coffee mugs or paper cups on the other hands or when they carry their loaves of bread or just walk eating a single sandwich, but I am all surrounded and mostly isolated living here because of people and factors I dislike and I have to live here so that they will carry on but which I have to say I will keep fighting; and secondly my mother’s country (not some Nazi slogan mother and father land; maternal land, where my real mother was born and bred in) has done enough wrong to make me be prepared to some certain missions and praising some criteria not favored by many of us to be dictated to escape former land’s fury and is now being protested by return to some inclinations, which shouldn’t necessarily have to say I want to live next to former land and on the upper side of its territory; I don’t deserve to be treated this way and the disappointment within the family being the maternal land government doing nothing about my righteous quest and making my salvation become more than a process swift and ordinary; I have to point my ear not by showing my right ear with my right hand pointing finger but showing my left finger with my right arm over my head and place my right hand pointing finger over my left ear; as I will go to the ends of the world in an attempt to escape from hell; as she has done nothing to enable me with a passport both her and the biggest country not easily to be bullied by the former land would enable me passport rights and I would be going wherever I could feel securer and able to pick up my family, not falling apart from my roots and at the same time be somewhere where I wouldn’t be treated as somebody, a refugee poor and ordinary during admission, as each time a no answer coming per each job application makes me think that I will be much likelier to face such a transaction as on the other hand it seems more likely that I could even be deported back here to the person that will be here to wait for me; as a happy (!) family picture with plenty of optimism (!) awaiting. I don’t even mention their codes on my domestic animal and even petty things like fruit or vegetables I can bring for my own use; with one world that was doomed since the death or play dead of my relations making this world that I built here for me however small but cute collapsing, how should I face such whimsical and exception for the standard kind of things being dictated to me are extremely pathetic and not humanly at all; and I disbelieve another is a serious option to my first love to come with me if I will be away; what they give is not somebody I love or trust in. Therefore thinking that with this maternal government it’s impossible for me to reach for somewhere and with me finding myself more like the butt of the fate and the human masses as well as a remote entity of former land being two much likelier cases, I come to believe that I should lean on opposition and as a reflection of that opposition doing some things through touching their guts and ribs within history are all meant to make pay for what I received within this life, which is plenty of disappointment and plenty of ignorance. This will not go on this way and I want to be with people that can truly and deeply care for me and next to who I can feel much more at home and loved; and meanwhile another say; it’s not the intent of staying “cool” to look not much enthusiastic for some that I will end up with, but really the intent of being away from them is the motive behind my choices shaping up my private and emotional life; because having been decimated in terms of prestige about how much I had to seem as if I force some for relationship and how revelation of some details have to do with some associations and means of propaganda for seemingly forcing some to be with me being spoken within some gatherings, it’s more than a necessity for me to oust such parties and find myself those having to do with pure, real loving than some intrigues because I have never felt this much mortified in my life. But there is more than that in terms of mortification, I am afraid, which are being nothing but some former land efforts emerging to claim some more serious tricks of sedition; which are that THE FORMER LAND IS GETTING READY TO CLAIM THAT IT WAS I WITH MY MEAT CLEAVER THAT SLAIN THOSE RATS AND MADE IT TO MAKE THE WORLD BE UPRISING THROUGH SOME LIBEL ATTEMPT AND THE ENEMY PERSISTS THAT ME PICKING UP COINS FROM THE PAVEMENT SHOW HOW NEAT AND TIDY I AM WITH URINE AND SALIVA AS WELL AS DOG POOP SCATTERED STREETS SHOWING I CAN DO SUCH THINGS MYSELF. WITHOUT EXTENDING THIS THING WRITING OF WHICH IS FAIRLY DISGUSTING AND MAKES ME FEEL THE NEED TO VOMIT, I WILL MAKE WHAT I HAD TO HEAR AVAILABLE AND SEAL TODAY’S MESSAGE: The 1st tape starts. This was recorded from a call made during afternoon hours local time. One of the lines belongs to a former land origin shop and the other belongs to an instant food shop vendor. 1: If the a.. is proven to chop them itself, the landscape will seem totally different, you know? 2: Honestly, our litter audition team sucks. Anyway, now if we will find a video footage or a few secret shots showing he operated over rats just like they do on frogs, this would be a great opportunity to prove he makes everything and everything will be his plot. 1: But the problem is if we can prove he can dare to do such disgusting things. 2: But there is one thing you miss; this is a fellow who can pick coins from where most dangerous microbes live; rats can never be an argument and who can prove that those rats are contaminated? Maybe they are lab mice for research, like guinea pigs? 1: He doesn’t have any such somebody he knows in person. 2: Well, does he contact with those to provide tapes all the time? 1: I understand sir. There is a period of over 120 seconds. The 2nd tape starts. The lines respectively belong to a hotel downtown here and the other is an apartment not too far from former land’s former place. 1fl: We are so much bewildered. We don’t seem to have a way out; at the end of the tunnel this time there is no light. 2fl: We are reluctant in making good maneuvers; we think the resistance is going to be tough so we don’t move. I am telling you, let’s storm into his damn apartment and seize his computer. Let’s do it? What is the big deal about it? 1fl: That seems good but we will not find anything functioning in it. Nobody will believe it is useful; we have to focus on the bag. It’s all inside the bag. 2fl: So you recommend? 1fl: We will find a team of bikers to mug the bag; as if there is something really precious and a few narcotic addict criminals on some bike will have mugged the bastard, and if he will not give up the bag, then he will be dragged after the bike. This is the plan. 2fl: Okay? I’ll handle the details. 1fl: He always wrote about the crime; then let’s give him a case of crime. The order of the message and the files are as follows: /main.html or /index.html and yesterday's message is available at /hier-yesterday.html, and requirement of immigrations to alternative land are available at /checkout.html and BRAND NEW PAGE SHOWING LOCAL LAWYER DATABASE ENGINE IN /search.htm or .html AND HOW FORMER LAND HAS VISA AND CITIZENSHIP PROCEEDINGS DONE IS IN NEW PAGE: /look.html, SEE ALSO /ps.html FOR THE OFTEN TRUNCATED REPEATED POST SCRIPTION BLOCK. THE COURTS ARE SUPPOSED TO DELIVER THEIR VERDICTS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY IMMEDIATELY FOR THE LAW ENFORCEMENT MEANS TO ACT ACCORDINGLY, IN THE DAY MENTIONED IN THE IMAGE i114.jpg OR WITHIN CONSECUTIVE DAYS OR WITHIN DAYS OF DELIVERING ME THE RESULTS (WHICH TOO WERE NOT CONTAINING THE VERDICT) SHOW THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS COUNTRY IS NOT INVOLVED IN TRYING ME; AVAILABLE AT theirverdicts.html ***Images (in the same domain address and directory) i200+ are newer (for related images of lack of sanitation or under quality living do see 16, 17, 40, 48, 50, 51, 65, 68, 69 and 84); the media files uploaded via this domain from i001.jpg to the last media file; …/i209.jpg (the former land origin call message to a certain faith; not just for other faiths but also other sects of their same faith as there are centuries old tradition of other faiths living in this country) .../i208.jpg (another dead rat by the sewer) …/i207.jpg (another 37 appearance, in a field matching my prior vulnerability, software piracy in relation with my lack of affordability and proven poverty) .../i206.jpg (numerology of hidden intents blended to the entity dictated to me for assimilation knowing I haven’t got many places to go) .../i205.jpg (start the proceedings) .../i204.jpg (My poverty indicating official paper scanned – FATHER NAME GIVEN BECAUSE OF FAMILY STRUCTURE HERE, NO HARD FEELINGS MORE OR LESS THAN THAT FOR SO-CALLED MOTHER) THE REST OF THE EXPLANATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN PS.HTML FILE Yours faithfully / Veuillez agréer Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!