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PONCHOjones Version 1.0 is here

2/22/04- Damn it's been a long time. I have gam gonna put a lot more updates on. Trust me! For now, I will just change my main picture.

10/13/03-Shit it's been a long time. Anyway, I added a new song. Esham the Unholy.

7/27/03-Nothin big, just added another song. A Dark Lotus song

7/23/03-I added this new title pic. Other than that, nothing.

7/22/03-Okay here's how shit has been goin down. I've added like a lot of stuff to my lyrics section. My links section is still shit. That's about it.

Parts to this crappy site

Lyrics to songs EVERYONE should listen to
Links to cool stuff!!
Learn about PONCHOjones
I'm not telling you anything you don't already know
Learn MORE about PONCHOjones
The Chaos Theory
Words of Wisdom
**NEW SECTION** Wrestling Picture Album