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Tortilla Flats Ride 3/29

What a great afternoon. This ride planned earlier in the week was threatened by bad weather but the weather knew better than to mess around with one of the Rides planned on this forum. ;^)

I met up with Martin, Jim, and Kent a little after 1 over at the BK on Buckeye and 16th Street and poor Kent had to go back to work. What a bummer!

Martin had posted he wanted to take the ride out to Tortilla Flats so I nosed my way in to the ride (yeah like normal) Well we took the Scenic Route. We took the 202 out to 87 then 87 to Bush Hwy where we headed into Sagauro Lake. You know even though that stretch is pretty straight it sure is pretty with the Mountains being framed in the background. Well anyway we make it to the Sagaruo Lake Marina and within a few Minutes Clyde shows up on his new Venture to do the rest of the ride with us.

After taking a short break and doing short introductions we were on the road again. We took Bush Hwy all the way to Power Road then stopped early at a Texaco on the corner of McDowell and Power for a little break and fuel stop. From there McDowell to Usery Pass/Ellsworth road then to Brown/Lost Dutchman bypassing the east Mesa Apache Junction madness.

We then took our left on 88 heading out towards Canyon Lake and Tortilla Flats. WOOOOO WOOOOOOO! I love this road ;^) Unfortunately got behing a real slow car. (Thats too bad) No thats good. Because of the timing Martin got a bee in his helmet (Thats too bad) NO thats good too because by the time he cleared it and I swung back around the slow car was a ways ahead (geez thats good) NO thats bad we still caught up with it ;^) Luckily they pulled off at the overlook over the lake. (Thats good) No thats bad we then caught up with an even slower car (Thats Bad) No thats good this guy finally pulled over.

Well we finally got out from behind all traffic the other side of Tortilla Flats and rode up to where there is a dirt patch just before the dirt road starts. We stopped there for a little bit and talked with some other bikers that were taking a break there. Well it came time to start back and I had free road all the way to Tortilla Flats all I can say is I LOVE THIS ROAD wait I think I already mentioned that.

We stopped in at the Cafe in Tortilla Flats for a smallish BBQ Beef Sandwich and drink which I want to thank Martin again for buying for everyone. SEE KENT I TOLD YOU YOU SHOULD HAVE COME. ;^) We had a nice late lunch early supper then headed back. Turning off on Lost Dutchman/Brown we headed to Power road where Clyde waved off on his way home. I took Jim and Martin to Champion Cycles so Martin could get a new tire for the front of his wing as we noticed a screw in the front tire when we stopped at Tortilla Flats. Unfortunately I had to leave early as I found out I had a very sick dog at the vets.

Any day I ride is a great day. This was one of the better ones. Met a couple of new friends and had a great time. Looking forward to the next one.

Here are some Pics that Jim took Hope you enjoy.
Thanks for the pics Jim!
Thanks to Martin, Jim and Clyde for a great afternoon!!

As always these are just Thumbnails pics click on them to see the larger picture

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