These listings contain some immigrant, others are arrival and departure lists for
both ships and airlines. Some are military passenger lists.

Some of the lists contain the full date of birth, place of birth, address in US
[if US resident], military rank, unit, whether crew member and occupation on 

If you find a name that interests you, copy the name of the listing, then copy and 
paste the info I have entered here on that name and e-mail and I will take a look
at the full image and see if any other info exists - Please, 3 at a time only.

You will find two individuals that did a lot of travelling in the South American 
Countries, before and during WW2. I can only assume they were either diplomats or
US Intelligence - their citizenship varied as you will note.

Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists, 1820-1873 and 1893-1959

Name 		  Arrival DT  Est YOB   Gender Port of Departure   Last Res 	    Ship Name 
Alex Wahamaki 	  06 Feb 1901 abt 1890  Male   Liverpool, England  Liverpool  	    Corinthian   
Famry Wahamaki 	  -- Dec 1900 abt 1881  Female Liverpool, England  Wasa  	    Tunisian   
Johan Wahamaki 	  17 Feb 1901 abt 1881  Male   Liverpool, England  Wasa  	    Tunisian   
Julia Wahamaki 	  27 Mar 1901 abt 1877  Male   Liverpool, England  Wasa  	    Parisian  
Sanna Wahamaki    17 Feb 1901 abt 1879  Female Liverpool, England  Wasa  	    Tunisian   
Susana Wahamaki   06 Feb 1901 abt 1873  Female Liverpool, England  Liverpool  	    Corinthian   
Johan Wahomaki    06 Feb 1901 abt 1880  Male   Liverpool, England  Liverpool  	    Corinthian   
Johan Wahomaki    11 Apr 1905 abt 1874  Male   Liverpool, England  Worsaloug Hango  Kensington   
Alexander Waimkka 20 Dec 1909 abt 1876  Male   Liverpool, England  Finland  	    Southwark 
Dorothea Wameke   17 Oct 1866 abt 1847         Not Stated	   Kostorf  	    Iris  
Donnie G Womack   27 Feb 1954 abt 1932         Aruba     	    		    Esso Binghamton   
Martha G Womack   18 Apr 1922 abt 1902  Female Antwerp, Belgium     		    Cantigny  

Atlantic Ports, Gulf Coasts, and Great Lakes Passenger Lists, Roll 3: Galveston Texas 1846-1871

Name 		Date 	    Age Sex Port of Arrival   Country of Origin Occupation Ship 

Dorothea Wameke 17 Oct 1866 19   F  Galveston, Texas  Kostorf, Germany   None  	   Bark Iris 

Baltimore Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1820-1872

Name 		   Arrival Date Age Gender Port of Dep 	Place of Origin 	Ship 

Franz Wamocie 	   22 Apr 1870  19  Male   Bremen  	  Bohmen 		Ohio  
Josepf Wanack 	   26 May 1868  20  Male   Bremen  	  Bohmen  		Johanne Wilhelmine  
Andreas Weimisch   26 Apr 1869  01  Male   Bremen  	  Bohemia  		Baltimore  
Anna Weimisch      26 Apr 1869  26  Female Bremen  	  Bohemia  		Baltimore  
Elisabeth Weimisch 26 Apr 1869  06  Female Bremen  	  Bohemia  		Baltimore  
Lina Wemke 	   16 Nov 1870  20  Female Bremen     	  Not Listed		Berlin
Anton Womaca       02 Jul 1868  35  Male   Bremen  	  Bohmen  		Schiller  
Maria Womaca       02 Jul 1868  36  Female Bremen  	  Bohmen  		Schiller  
Victorine Womaca   02 Jul 1868  14  Female Bremen  	  Bohmen  		Schiller 

Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948

Name 			Arrival Dt  Est YOB   Gender Port of Dep Last Res Ship Name 

Francisca Wamacha 	16 Jun 1880 abt 1855  Female  Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Hermann   
Francisca Wamacha 	16 Jun 1880 abt 1877  Female  Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Hermann   
Josef Wamacha 		16 Jun 1880 abt 1879  Male    Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Hermann   
Josef Wamacha 		16 Jun 1880 abt 1849  Male    Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Hermann  
Franz Wamacka 		05 Jun 1880 abt 1852  Male    Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Berlin   
Leonhard Wammiska 	15 May 1882 abt 1882  Male    Bremen, Germany     	Leipzig   
Rosal Wammiska 		15 May 1882 abt 1856  Female  Bremen, Germany     	Leipzig   
Franz Wamocie     			      Male    Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Ohio  
Elise Waymack 		06 Mar 1902 abt 1878  Male    Bremen, Germany  Tarajeva Willehad   
Josef Waymack 		06 Mar 1902 abt 1870  Male    Bremen, Germany  Tarajeva Willehad  
Johann Weymke 		29 May 1884 abt 1857  Male    Bremen, Germany     	Braunschweig 
James Whomch      			      Male    Liverpool, England     	Hermann   
John Whomch      			      Male    Liverpool, England      	Hermann  
Anna Womacka 		05 Jun 1880 abt 1871  Female  Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Berlin   
Franz Womacka 		05 Jun 1880 abt 1877  Male    Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Berlin   
Josef Womacka 		05 Jun 1880 abt 1841  Male    Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Berlin   
Josefa Womacka 		05 Jun 1880 abt 1879  Female  Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Berlin   
Katt Womacka 		05 Jun 1880 abt 1844  Female  Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Berlin   
Wenzel Womacka 		05 Jun 1880 abt 1864  Male    Bremen, Germany  Bohemia  Berlin   
Feliksa Womiak 		11 Jul 1906 abt 1883  Female  Bremen, Germany  Russia   Main   
Jakob Womiak 		30 Aug 1905 abt 1868  Male    Bremen, Germany  Galicy   Brandenburg   
Radc Womic 		03 Feb 1907 abt 1867  Male    Bremen, Germany  HUN;HRV  Hannover  
Amela Wonmak 		11 Apr 1912 abt 1889  Female  Bremen, Germany  Russia   Breslau   
Josefa Wonmak 		11 Apr 1912 abt 1911  Female  Bremen, Germany  Russia   Breslau  

Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943

Name 		Arrival Dt   Est YOB  Gender Port of Dep  			Last Res  Ship Name 

Joh Wahahnaki 	07 Mar 1887 abt 1857  Male  Queenstown, Ireland and Liverpool, Eng         Catalonia   
Fredrik Wahamaki 25 Dec 1898 abt 1880 Male  Liverpool, England  		Allaharma  Dominion   
Herman Wahamaki 24 Sep 1902 abt 1880  Male  Liverpool, England  		Hango  	   Saxonia   
Hulda Wahamaki 	28 Mar 1913 abt 1879  Female Liverpool, England  		Finland    Ivernia   
Joh Wahamaki 	22 Oct 1888 abt 1859  Male  Queenstown, Ireland and Liverpool, Eng         Catalonia   
Johan Wahamaki 	-- Aug 1899 abt 1871  Male  Liverpool, England  		Kurikka    Catalonia   
Jolmar Wahamaki 30 Jun 1904 abt 1893  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Ivernia   
Juho Wahamaki 	03 Feb 1910 abt 1885  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Ivernia   
Julio Wahamaki 	24 Sep 1913 abt 1885  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Franconia   
Karl Wahamaki 	11 Oct 1906 abt 1882  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Saxonia   
Maria Wahamaki 	30 Jun 1904 abt 1875  Female  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Ivernia   
Samuel Wahamaki 10 Feb 1906 abt 1885  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Cymric   
Samuel Wahamaki 19 Jul 1906 abt 1882  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Saxonia   
Thomas Wahamaki 10 Feb 1906 abt 1880  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Cymric   
Akseli Wahanaki 14 May 1903 abt 1883  Male  Liverpool, England  		Hango      Carpathia   
VJane Wahmaugh 	20 Jul 1891 abt 1857  Female  Queenstown, Ireland and Liverpool, Eng       Pavonia   
Jane Wahmaugh 	20 Jul 1891 abt 1857  Female  Queenstown, Ireland and Liverpool, Eng       Pavonia   
Wm Wahmaugh 	20 Jul 1891 abt 1888  Male  Queenstown, Ireland and Liverpool, Eng         Pavonia   
Isork Walimaki 	12 Dec 1912 abt 1896  Male  Liverpool, England  		Finland    Arabic   
Jas Wamach 	28 Aug 1902 abt 1850  Male  Yarmouth, Nova Scotia  		Nova Scotia Prince George   
Wamack 		01 Sep 1900 abt 1852        Yarmouth, Nova Scotia  		Nova Scotia Prince George   
Elizabeth Wamack 08 Sep 1890 abt 1853 Female Queenstown, Ireland and Liverpool, Eng    	   Catalonia   
Lucy Wamack 	01 Sep 1900 abt 1872        Yarmouth, Nova Scotia  	        Nova Scotia Prince George   
S W Wamack 	01 Sep 1900 abt 1850        Yarmouth, Nova Scotia  	        Nova Scotia Prince George   
Thos Wamack 	06 Aug 1903 abt 1894  Male  Charlottetown, 
					    Prince Ed Is 	
					    and Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia  	Boston      Olivette   
Thos Wamack 	06 Aug 1903 abt 1865  Male  Charlottetown, 
					    Prince Ed Is 
					    and Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia  	Boston      Olivette   
Lyevesket Wamiaskey 17 Jan 1916 abt 1879  Male  St Nazaire, France  		Canada      Ultonia   
Wamick 		31 Mar 1854 abt 1824  Male  Liverpool, England     		Canada   
Carrie Waymack  21 Apr 1901 abt 1877  Female Yarmouth, Nova Scotia  		Nova Scotia  Prince George   
Richard Waymack 04 Sep 1860 abt 1821  Male   Cape Town, South Africa     		     Willaim G Anderson   
Richard Waymack 04 Sep 1860 abt 1835  Female Cape Town, South Africa     	             Willaim G Anderson   
Onni Wimikka 	12 May 1910 abt 1888  Male   Liverpool, England  		Finland      Cymric    
Clement Womack 	03 Sep 1889 abt 1880  Male   Liverpool, England     			     Michigan 
Emma Womack 	03 Sep 1889 abt 1839  Female Liverpool, England     			     Michigan   
Emma Womack 	03 Sep 1889 abt 1839  Female Liverpool, England     			     Michigan   
Frances Womack 	24 Apr 1889 abt 1872  Female Liverpool, England     			     Michigan   
Ieresa Womack 	03 Sep 1889 abt 1878  Female Liverpool, England     			     Michigan   
Kenneth Elliott 
Womack 		20 Jul 1924 abt 1880  Male   Liverpool, England    		     	     Celtic   
Mary Womack 	03 Sep 1889 abt 1869  Female Liverpool, England     			     Michigan   
Wellesley Womack05 Oct 1940 abt 1926  Male   Liverpool via St Johns, 
					     Newfoundland and Halifax, 
					     Nova Scotia  			England      Nova Scotia   
Nikolay Womoz 	23 Jan 1914 abt 1891  Male  	Liverpool, England  		Russia       Andania  
California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957

Name 			Arrival Dt  Est YOB   Gender Port of Dep  	Last Res  	Ship Name 

A Francis Womack 	11 Feb 1930 abt 1902  Female  Manila. P.i     		   	Henderson   
Agnes Womack 		12 Jul 1941 abt 1886  Female  Hong Kong, China  China  		President Taylor   
B F Womack 		27 Apr 1950 abt 1870  Male    Balboa, Panama     		General Henry W Butner   
Barbara Womack 		27 Mar 1950 abt 1944  Female  Guam     				General W A Mann   
VBenjamin Womack 	29 May 1937 abt 1869  Male    Panama, Canal Zone     		Virginia   
Claire Womack 		31 Oct 1949 abt 1911  Female  Guam     				General William Mitchell   
Cornelius J Womack 	29 Jun 1920 abt 1881  Male    Yokohama, Japan     		Nanking   
David Womack 		08 Oct 1949 abt 1945  Male    Yokohama, Japan     		General William O Darby   
Dorothy Womack 		10 Sep 1956                   Honolulu, Hawaii     		Lurline   
E Womack 		17 Mar 1927 abt 1900  Female  Manila, Philippines     		Thomas   
E Louisa Womack 	27 Jul 1935 abt 1911  Female  Canal Zone     			California   
E Louise Womack		27 Apr 1950 abt 1911  Female  Balboa, Panama    		General Henry W Butner   
F Womack 		17 Mar 1927 abt 1920  Female  Manila, Philippines     		Thomas   
Florance Womack 	18 Jun 1932 abt 1908  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Calawai   
Florance Womack 	12 Jul 1934 abt 1908  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Lurline   
Francis E Womack 	24 Apr 1941 abt 1880  Female  Panama     			Buenos Aires Maru   
Gladys Womack 		13 Nov 1929 abt 1889  Female  Yokohama, Japan     		President Cleveland   
Gladys Womack 		16 Sep 1919 abt 1889  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Sachem   
Gladys Womack 		27 Jun 1934 abt 1889  Female  Manila, Philippines     		President Wilson   
Gladys Womack 		13 Jul 1926 abt 1890  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Maui   
Gladys M Womack 	27 Jul 1922 abt 1889  Female  Shanghai, China     		President Cleveland   
Glenn W Womack 		03 Jan 1952 abt 1951  Male    Yokohama, Japan     		General W A Mann   
Hamilton O Womack 	14 Feb 1955             					Marine Phoenix   
James D Womack 		15 Jun 1955       	      Inchon     			Kyska   
Jeannie A Womack 	14 Apr 1950 abt 1949  Female  Okinawa, ri     			General Hugh J Gaffey   
Kay Womack 		29 Sep 1939 abt 1912  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Lurline   
Lida Womack 		29 May 1937 abt 1876  Female  Panama, Canal Zone     		Virginia   
Lida L Womack 		27 Apr 1950 abt 1877  Female  Balboa, Panama     		General Henry W Butner   
VLinda K Womack 	03 Jan 1952 abt 1949  Female  Yokohama, Japan     		General W A Mann   
Lou Womack 		07 Jan 1936 abt 1911  Female  Balboa, Panama     		Katsuragi Maru   
Lyla L Womack 		27 Apr 1950 abt 1935  Female  Balboa, Panama     		General Henry W Butner   
Lyla Lou Womack 	07 Jan 1936 abt 1934  Female  Balboa, Panama     		Katsuragi Maru   
Lyla Lou Womack 	27 Jul 1935 abt 1934  Female  Canal Zone     			California   
Lyle Womack 		12 Apr 1929 abt 1902  Male    Wellington, New Zealand     	Tahiti   
Lyle A Womack 		27 Apr 1950 abt 1944  Male    Balboa, Panama     		General Henry W Butner   
Lyle E Womack 		27 Apr 1950 abt 1902  Male    Balboa, Panama     		General Henry W Butner   
Lyle E Womack 		07 Jan 1936 abt 1902  Male    Balboa, Panama     		Katsuragi Maru   
M Womack 		17 Mar 1927 abt 1915  Female  Manila, Philippines     		Thomas   
Mary J Womack 		27 Mar 1950 abt 1925  Female  Guam     				General W A Mann   
Max E Womack 		15 Aug 1949 abt 1928  Male    Guam     				General A E Anderson   
Otis A Womack 		17 Feb 1957       	      Honolulu, Hawaii     		Leilani   
Otis A Womack 		10 Feb 1956 abt 1908          Keelong And Formica     		Japan Transport   
Pearl Womack 		04 Sep 1929 abt 1890  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Malolo   
Pearl Womack 		20 Jul 1928 abt 1890  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		City Of Honolulu   
Robert Womack 		13 Jul 1926 abt 1879  Male    Honolulu, Hawaii     		Maui   
Robert J Womack 	31 Oct 1952 abt 1923  Male    Guam     				General D E Aultman   
Robert R Womack 	23 Dec 1922 abt 1880  Male    Honolulu, Hawaii    		City Of Los Angeles   
Robert R Womack 	16 Sep 1919 abt 1879  Male    Honolulu, Hawaii     		Sachem   
Robert R Womack 	27 Jul 1922 abt 1879  Male    Shanghai, China     		President Cleveland   
Theodore R Womack 	21 Feb 1955       	      Yokohama, Japan     		Remsen Heights  
Thomas Womack 		21 Oct 1905 abt 1865  Male    Cardiff, England  England  	Waddon   
Vera J Womack 		14 Apr 1950 abt 1927  Female  Okinawa, ri     			General Hugh J Gaffey   
W E Womack 		10 Feb 1929 abt 1896  Male    Manila, Philippines     		U S Grant   
William John Womack 	14 Feb 1934 abt 1896  Male    Hong Kong, China  United States   President Coolidge   
William John Womack 	16 May 1938 abt 1896  Male    Sydney, Australia New York  	Mariposa   
Wilma M Womack 		03 Jan 1952 abt 1919  Female  Yokohama, Japan     		General W A Mann   
Yashti lee Womack 	05 Apr 1952 abt 1914  Female  Guam     				General Edwin D Patrick 

Barbara Wommack 	23 Jun 1939 abt 1910  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Lurline   
Barbara Wommack 	13 Jul 1935 abt 1910  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Mariposa   
Charles Wommack 	13 Jul 1935 abt 1925  Male    Honolulu, Hawaii     		Mariposa   
Greta Wommack 		20 Nov 1940 abt 1922  Female  Honolulu, Hawaii     		Matsonia  

Leonard Leroy Wammack 	20 Feb 1932 abt 1892  Male    Hong Kong, China     		Tatsuta Maru 

Canadian Immigrant Records, Part One

Name 			Year of Record Occupation Source/Event 

Arthur Charles WOMACK 	    1887       Arrived aboard the 'Circassian'  Passenger List of Ships Arriving at the Port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada  
Annie E. WOMACK 	    1887       Arrived aboard the 'Circassian'  Passenger List of Ships Arriving at the Port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada  
Joseph WOMACK 		    1929       Boys brought to Canada by the British Immigration and Colonisation Association  

Detroit Border Crossings and Passenger and Crew Lists, 1905-1957

Name 		Arrival Dt 	Est YOB 	Port of Arrival 

Celine Womack 	27 Aug 1951 	1927  		Detroit, Michigan   
Jesse W Womack 	27 Jun 1952    			Detroit, Michigan   
Perry Womack 	20 Jun 1947    			Detroit, Michigan  

Galveston Passenger Lists, 1896-1948

Name 				Arrival Dt  Est YOB   Gender Port of Dep 	Last Res Ship Name 

J Fendrich Womack 		09 Mar 1908 abt 1865  Male   Bremen, Germany     	  Koln  

Hawaii Passenger Lists, 1942-1948

Name 			Departure Dt Est YOB  Port of Arrival 			Ship Name/Airline 
Ralph Womac 		15 Mar 1942 abt 1908  San Francisco, California  	Pan American Airways  
Ralph Womac 		01 Oct 1943 abt 1907  San Francisco, California  	Pan American Airways  
Ralph Womac 		07 Feb 1945 abt 1909  San Francisco, California  	Pan American Airways  
Yashti Lee Womack 	09 Mar 1947 abt 1914  Wake Island And Guam And 
					      Manila, Philippines  		Pan American Airways

Irish Immigrants: New York Port Arrival Records, 1846-1851

Name 		Age Gender Residence Native Country Embarkation Ship 		Arrival Date 

Womack, C. 	20  Male   Unknown   Great Britain  Dublin  	James Fagan 	06 May 1850 
Womack, U Mr. 	25  Male   Unknown   Great Britain  Dublin  	James Fagan 	06 May 1850 

Minnesota Crew Lists, 1929-1952

Name 		Arrival Dt 	Est YOB Gender 	Port of Departure 
		Ship Name 
Robert Womack 	25 Oct 1954       		Sault Ste Marie, Ontario  	John Hulst 

Minnesota Naturalization Records Index, 1854-1957

Name 				County 		Date Document 	Type 		Years 
Oscar B. Wahamaki 		Carlton  	27 May 1988 
Edward Michael Wahamaki 	Virginia  	07 August 1990       
Anna Matilda Nixon Wahamaki 	Virginia  	07 August 1990       
Anna Matilda Wahamaki 		Virginia  	25 September 1990       
Edwart Michael Wahamaki 	Virginia  	25 September 1990  

New Orleans Passenger Lists, 1820-1945  

Name 			Arrival Dt  Gender Port of Dep 			Last Res 	Ship Name 

Ada Womack 		23 Feb 1928 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Granada   
Amoret Womack 		31 Oct 1938 Female  Havana, Cuba     Toloa   
Bernice Womack 		22 Dec 1924 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Parismina   
Billie Womack 		20 Jan 1936 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa   
Billie Womack 		15 Aug 1938 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa   
Billie G Womack 	19 Jan 1933 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa   
Billie G Womack 	18 Jan 1933 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa   
Billie G Womack 	24 Jun 1926 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Granada   
David Ray Womack 	31 Oct 1938 Male    Havana, Cuba     				Toloa   
E P Womack 		30 Sep 1837         Galveston, Texas  		Tennessee  	Julia   
Edna Womack 		18 Mar 1927 Female  Havana, Cuba     				Abangarez   
Eugene Womack 		12 Nov 1930 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Atlantida   
Eugene Womack 		30 Oct 1928 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Saramacca   
Eugene Womack 		15 Jul 1932 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Saramacca   
Eugene Womack 		15 Aug 1938 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa   
Eugenia Womack 		28 Sep 1936 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Cefalu   
Eugenia Womack 		19 Feb 1934 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Cefalu   
Eugenia Womack 		15 Apr 1935 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa   
Frank Womack 		05 Jun 1923 Male    Puerto Castilla, Honduras     		Norma   
Helen Womack 		19 Sep 1938 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Cefalu   
J H Womack 		16 Aug 1912 Male    Havana, Cuba  		USA  		Excelsior   
John H Womack 		23 Feb 1928 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Granada   
Lawerence Womack 	17 Nov 1921 Male    Puerto Castilla, Honduras     		Mandeville   
Lawrance L Womack 	02 Jan 1923 Male    La Ceiba, Honduras     			Yoro   
Lee Womack 		13 Sep 1920 Male    Bocas Del Toro, Panama     			Atenas   
Lewis P Womack 		01 Nov 1910 Male    Bocas Del Toro, Panama     			Atenas   
Lillian Womack 		22 Aug 1940 Female  Puerto Barrios, Guatemala     		Santa Marta   
Lucille Womack 		05 Mar 1926 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Abangarez   
Luella Womack 		11 Aug 1938 Female  New Orleans, Louisiana     			Santa Marta   
Lyle Womack 		21 Sep 1925 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Parismina   
Lyle E Womack 		10 Jun 1926 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Granada   
M Womack 		04 Jan 1908 Female  Havana, Cuba  		Havana,Cuba  	Proteus   
Owen Walter Womack 	24 May 1939 Male    Buenos Aires, Argentina 
					    and Santos and Rio De Janeiro 
					    and Victoria, Brazil     			Delnorte   
R M Womack 		23 Jul 1912 Male    Colon, Panama     				Abangarez   
Rufus Womack 		18 Mar 1927 Male    Havana, Cuba     				Abangarez   
Ruth E Womack 		10 Jun 1926 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Granada   
Sidney Womack 		04 Sep 1916 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Atenas   
Steve Womack 		05 Jun 1929 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone    			Coppename   
Tousand Womack 		25 May 1936 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa   
William Womack 		17 Jul 1929 Male    Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Coppename   
Zera Womack 		27 Aug 1934 Female  Cristobal, Canal Zone     			Contessa  

Tom Campbell Wommack 	13 Aug 1937 Male    Glasgow, Scotland     			Gateway City  

A D Wammack 		05 Nov 1857 Male    Havana, Cuba     				Black Warrior   
J Wammack 		12 May 1859 Male    Vera Cruz, Mexico     			Tennessee  
Harry Warmack 		03 Jan 1945 Male    Balboa, Canal Zone     			Atlantida  

New York City Immigrants (Austria, Galicia, Poland), 1890

Name 		Ship 	Arrival Date 

Osip WAMYKY 	Amalfi  April 14, 1890 

New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957

Name 			Arrival Dt  Est YOB   Gender Port of Dep 	Place of Origin Ship Name 

Mr. Womack 		06 May 1850 abt 1825  Male   Dublin, Ireland     		James Fagan    
?lifford Womack 	31 May 1939 abt 1901         New York, NY     			Santa Lucia    
Ada Womack 		10 May 1946 abt 1923           					Queen Mary    
Ada Womack 		06 May 1946 abt 1923           					Holbrook    
Albert Womack 		26 Aug 1952 abt 1950  Male   Southampton, Eng     		Queen Mary    
Alex Womack 		23 Jul 1943 abt 1913         New York, NY  	American  	John M Clayton    
Alice F Womack 		09 Sep 1953       	     Oslo, Norway          
Alice F Womack 		11 Sep 1955       	     Oslo, Norway  	American       
Alice K Womack 		07 Nov 1953       	     London, England          
Alma Womack 		17 Sep 1929 abt 1879  Female Southampton, England        	Olympic     
Alma Womack 		21 Oct 1933 abt 1880  Female Cherbourg, France     		Bremen     
Alma Womack 		26 Sep 1938 abt 1880  Female Southampton, England     		Normandie     
Alma Womack 		13 Oct 1952 abt 1879  Female Southampton, England     		Mauretania    
Alma M Womack 		13 Jul 1921 abt 1879  Female Southampton     			Olympic     
Alma Miller Womack 	27 Aug 1924 abt 1881  Female Cherbourg     			Homeric     
Alma Miller Womack 	18 Sep 1927 abt 1880  Female Southampton, England     		Belgenland     
Alton A Womack 		19 Feb 1945           	     Gourock, Scotland     		Queen Elizabeth    
Anita G Womack 		19 Oct 1954 abt 1952  Female Bremerhaven, Germany     		General Alexander M Patch    
Anna Womack 		12 Jul 1901 abt 1881  Male   Bremen  		galicy  	Friedrich der Grosse     
Mrs. Anna Womack 	09 Aug 1932 abt 1862  Female Chiba,hnd     			Gatun    
Anna Womack 		05 Jul 1937 abt 1863  Female New York, New York     		Pastores    
Anna Womack 		10 Apr 1938 abt 1863  Female Vera Cruz, Mexico     		Orizaba    
Anne Womack 		13 Nov 1865 abt 1844  Male   Liverpool, England 
					             and Queenstown, Ireland  Eng	City of Washington    
Annie J Womack 		02 Jun 1957                  Paris 				Orly          
Archie C Womack 	29 May 1945                  Liverpool, England     		Charles A Stafford    
Ardelia Womack 		09 Dec 1955           	     Bremerhaven, Germany  American  	Geiger    
Ardelia D Womack 	24 May 1951 abt 1921  Female Bremerhaven,deu  	   American  	General William O Darby    
Arthur W Womack 	07 Oct 1951 abt 1890  Male   Liverpool, England     		Parthia    
Atha Womack 		14 May 1948 abt 1910  Female Frankfurt, Germany    American       
Audrey G Womack 	21 Mar 1946 abt 1923         Southampton, England     		Vulcania    
Audrey g Womack 	13 Oct 1952 abt 1923  Female Southampton, England  britain  	Queen Elizabeth    
Austine R Womack 	09 Sep 1955 abt 1955  Female Munich, Germany  	   American       
Mr. B Womack 		18 Jul 1908 abt 1878  Female Cristobal     			Advance    
B L Womack 		28 Dec 1945             					General W F Hase    
Bandy w Womack 		20 Jun 1945             					Queen Mary    
Barbara Womack 		02 Jul 1957                  Kindley Field, Hamilton, Bermuda          
Barnett Womack 		21 Dec 1907 abt 1868  Male   Liverpool     			Mauretania     
Ben A Womack 		21 Aug 1945             					Queen Mary    
Mrs. Benj Womack 	12 Jul 1910 abt 1876  Female Cristobal,canal Zon     		Panama    
Benj F Womack 		12 Jul 1908                  Cristobal,canal Zone     		Esperanza    
Benj F Womack 		01 Jul 1910 abt 1870  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Colon    
Benj F Womack 		30 Jun 1911 abt 1870  Male   Cristobal     			Colon    
Mrs. Benj F Womack 	28 Jul 1914 abt 1876  Female Cristobal     			Panama    
Benj F Womack 		21 Feb 1915 abt 1869  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Panama    
Benj F Womack 		13 Sep 1920 abt 1869  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Colon    
Benj Franklin Womack 	27 Jun 1924 abt 1870  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Cristobal    
Benjamin A Womack 	10 May 1946 abt 1943           					Queen Mary    
Benjamin A Womack 	06 May 1946 abt 1946           					Holbrook 
Benjamin F Womack 	13 Nov 1933 abt 1869  Male   Port au Prince, Haiti     		Stuyvesant    
Benjamin F Womack 	13 Nov 1933 abt 1869  Male   Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Ancon    
Bertice F Womack 	10 Sep 1945 abt 1939           					Queen Mary    
Beryl Womack 		26 Aug 1952 abt 1924  Female Southampton, England     		Queen Mary    
Beryl M Womack 		07 Mar 1946 abt 1924           					Brazil    
Beryl M Womack 		07 Mar 1946    	      Female        				Brazil    
Betty J Womack 		09 Sep 1950 abt 1943  Female Bremerhaven, Germany     		Henry Gibbins    
Betty J Womack 		01 May 1954       	     Southampton,eng     		General William O Darby    
Billie Womack 		25 Jul 1940 abt 1879  Male   Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Veragua    
Billie P Womack 	28 Oct 1945             					James Parker    
Mrs Blanche Womack 	11 Sep 1953 abt 1918  Female Rhein Main,deu          
Burt H Womack 		14 Dec 1945 abt 1914           					Queen Mary    
Mr. C Womack 		06 May 1850 abt 1830  Male   Dublin, Ireland     		James Fagan    
C Womack 		05 Jul 1937 abt 1901         Havana, Cuba     			California     
C Womack 		14 Aug 1943 abt 1900         Not Stated  	American  	F H Bedford Jr    
C V Womack 		16 Jun 1941 abt 1901         San Nicolas, Aruba     		Baltic    
Catherine Womack 	20 Aug 1931 abt 1903  Female Cherbourg, France     		Berengaria     
Cathy M Womack 		03 Jul 1954       	     Northampton,eng     		General Maurice Rose    
Ch Cecil George Womack 	12 Sep 1915 abt 1912  Male   Liverpool          English  	St Louis     
Celine F Womack 	15 Jan 1952 abt 1928  Female Oslo, Norway  	Norwegian  	Oslofjord    
Celine F Womack 	09 Sep 1953       	     Oslo, Norway          
Celine F Womack 	11 Sep 1955       	     Oslo, Norway  	American       
Chafford Womack 	31 Aug 1947 abt 1901  Male   London,eng  	American       
Charles Womack 		15 May 1941 abt 1940  Male   San Juan, Puerto Rico     		San Jacinto    
Charles Womack 		21 Aug 1946 abt 1940  Male   San Juan, Puerto Rico  W       
Mstr Charles Womack 	11 Sep 1953 abt 1950  Male   Rhein Main,deu          
Charles A Womack 	14 Dec 1945 abt 1915         Southampton, England     		Queen Mary    
Charles R Womack 	03 Jan 1946       	     Southampton, England     		Queen Mary    
Charles R Womack 	01 May 1954       	     Southampton,eng     		General William O Darby    
Charlotte Womack 	21 Aug 1936 abt 1908  Female New York, New York     		Prince Henry    
Chas Womack 		20 Mar 1838 abt 1814  Male   Liverpool, England     		North America    
Christine Womack 	21 Nov 1954 abt 1932  Female Southampton, Eng 	English  	Upshur    
Christine J Womack 	17 Mar 1946 abt 1944           Saturnia    
Clara E Womack 		02 Jun 1906 abt 1873  Female Liverpool  	English  	Baltic     
Clarence R Womack 	10 Nov 1945 abt 1911           					Vulcania    
Cliff V Womack 		10 Feb 1937 abt 1895         Pisco, Peru     			Cacique    
Clifford Womack 	08 Nov 1937 abt 1901  Male   San Francisco, California     	California     
Clifford Womack 	27 Sep 1937 abt 1901  Male   San Francisco, California     	California     
Clifford Womack 	16 Aug 1937 abt 1901  Male   Havana, Cuba     			California     
Clifford Womack 	20 Dec 1937 abt 1901  Male   San Francisco, California     	California     
Clifford Womack 	31 Jan 1938 abt 1902  Male   San Francisco, California     	California     
Clifford Womack 	14 Mar 1938 abt 1907  Male   San Francisco and Los Angeles, 
						     California and Acapulco, Mexico 
						     and Balboa and Cristobal, Canal 
						     Zone and Havana, Cuba     		California     
Clifford Womack 	27 Jul 1938 abt 1901         New York, New York     		Southern Cross    
Clifford Womack 	27 Jul 1938 abt 1901  Male   Rio De Janeiro and Santos, Brazil 
						     and Montevideo, Uruguay and 
						     Buenos Aires, Argentina and 
						     Trinidad     			Southern Cross    
Clifford Womack 	11 Jul 1939 abt 1901         Valparaiso, Chile     		Santa Lucia    
Clifford Womack 	11 Jul 1939 abt 1901  Male   Valparaiso, Chile  American  	Santa Lucia    
Clifford Womack 	15 Aug 1941 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Stillman    
Clifford Womack 	10 Oct 1941 abt 1902  Male   Aruba 	 	American  	C O Stillman    
Clifford Womack 	23 Sep 1941 abt 1902  Male   Aruba  		American  	C O Stillman    
Clifford Womack 	04 Sep 1941 abt 1898  Male   Aruba  		English  	C O Stillman 
Clifford Womack 	28 Sep 1943 abt 1901         Not Stated  	American  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford Womack 	03 Jun 1950 abt 1901         Wilmington, Delaware     		Birch Coulie    
Clifford Womack 	14 Oct 1953 abt 1901  Male   Port Said, Egypt   Native American Steel Worker    
Clifford C Womack 	09 Feb 1954       	     London, England  	ill       
clifford c Womack 	13 Oct 1951 abt 1919  Male   London, England  	American  	Sea Beaver    
Clifford R Womack 	15 May 1943 abt 1901         Not Stated  	American  	Esso Augusta    
Clifford V Womack 	16 Mar 1937 abt 1902         Pisco, Peru     			Cacique    
Clifford V Womack 	29 Jun 1937 abt 1902  Male   San Antonio and Antofagasta, 
						     Chille and Pisco and Cerro Azul 
						     and Callao and Chancay and Huacho, 
						     Peru and Cristobal, Canal Zone     Cacique    
Clifford V Womack 	16 Mar 1937 abt 1902  Male   Callao, Peru     			Cacique    
Clifford V Womack 	29 Jun 1937 abt 1902         New York, New York     		Cacique    
Clifford V Womack 	16 Mar 1937 abt 1902         Pisco, Peru     			Cacique    
Clifford V Womack 	04 May 1938 abt 1901         New York, New York     		Southern Cross    
Clifford V Womack 	07 Dec 1939 abt 1900  Male   Aruba  		English  	Leda    
Clifford V Womack 	18 Sep 1939 abt 1900         La Guaira, Venezuela     		Leda    
Clifford V Womack 	07 Dec 1939 abt 1900         Aruba     				Leda    
Clifford V Womack 	07 May 1940 abt 1901         Panama, Canal Zone     		Baltic    
Clifford V Womack 	12 Apr 1940 abt 1902         Caripito, Venezuela     		J H Senior    
Clifford V Womack 	15 Feb 1940 abt 1902  Male   Aruba  		White  		Senior    
Clifford V Womack 	12 Apr 1940 abt 1902  Male   Caripito, Venezuela and Buenos 
						     Aires, Argentina  	White  		J H Senior    
Clifford V Womack 	25 Jul 1941 abt 1901         Las Piedras, Venezuela     	C O Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	25 Dec 1941 abt 1902  Male   Aruba  		American  	Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	29 Apr 1941 abt 1901  Male   Aruba and Cartagena, 
						     Colombia  		English  	Baltic    
Clifford V Womack 	07 Dec 1941 abt 1902  Male   Aruba  		American  	C O Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	24 Mar 1941 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Baltic    
Clifford V Womack 	28 May 1941 abt 1901  Male   Halifax, Nova Scotia  Scotish  	Baltic    
Clifford V Womack 	16 Jun 1941 abt 1899  Male   Aruba  		Scotish  	Baltic    
Clifford V Womack 	18 Nov 1941 abt 1902  Male   Aruba  		American  	Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	20 Apr 1942 abt 1903  Male   Aruba  		American  	C O Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	23 Sep 1942 abt 1901         Aruba     				Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	10 Dec 1942 abt 1900         Curacao     			Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	20 Apr 1942 abt 1903         Aruba     				C O Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	04 Feb 1942 abt 1903  Male   Aruba  		American  	C O Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	15 Mar 1942 abt 1903  Male   Aruba  		American  	C O Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	12 Jan 1942 abt 1903  Male   Aruba  		American  	Stillman    
Clifford V Womack 	23 Sep 1942 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	17 Dec 1943 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	08 Aug 1943 abt 1900         Not Stated  	American  	Esso Augusta    
Clifford V Womack 	01 Jul 1943 abt 1901  Male   Reykjavik, Iceland English  	Esso Augusta    
Clifford V Womack 	28 Sep 1943 abt 1900         Panama, Canal Zone American  	F H Bedford Jr    
Clifford V Womack 	06 Feb 1943 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	09 Jan 1943 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	26 Apr 1943 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	28 Mar 1943 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	29 Oct 1943 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	26 Apr 1943 abt 1901         Aruba  		American  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	17 Dec 1943 abt 1913         Not Stated  	American  	Esso Bolivar    
Clifford V Womack 	08 Aug 1943 abt 1901  Male   Reykjavik  	German  	Esso Augusta    
Clifford V Womack 	01 Nov 1944 abt 1901  Male   Milford Haven, Wales  White  	Esso Camden  
Clifford V Womack 	16 Apr 1944 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		American  	Esso New Haven    
Clifford V Womack 	22 Jun 1944 abt 1901  Male   Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela  White  	Gem of New Haven    
Clifford V Womack 	23 Sep 1944 abt 1901         Gourock, Scotland  American  	Esso Camden    
Clifford V Womack 	07 Jun 1944 abt 1901  Male   Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela  White  	Gem of New Haven    
Clifford V Womack 	01 Nov 1944 abt 1901         Not Stated  	American  	Esso Camden    
Clifford V Womack 	31 Jul 1945 abt 1901         Wilmington, Delaware  American  	Esso Nashville    
Clifford V Womack 	04 May 1945 abt 1902  Male   Bristol, England  	English  	Fort Stevens    
Clifford V Womack 	18 May 1945 abt 1902  Male   Guiria,ven  	English  	Fort Stevens    
Clifford V Womack 	01 Dec 1948 abt 1901  Male   Quinart,abw  	White  		Kern Hills    
Clifford V Womack 	25 Apr 1948 abt 1901  Male   Curacao  		American       
Clifford V Womack 	22 Sep 1948 abt 1901  Male   Port Said, Egypt  	American  	Kern Hills    
Clifford V Womack 	13 Sep 1952 abt 1901         Wilmington, Delaware     		Esso Portland    
Clifford V Womack 	13 Sep 1952 abt 1901  Male   Halifax, Nova Scotia  German  	Esso Portland    
Clifford V Womack 	06 Aug 1953 abt 1901         Wilmington, Delaware     		Esso Lynchburg    
Clifford V Womack 	29 Jan 1955       	     Cartagena, Colombia  American  	Utica    
clifford v Womack 	21 Nov 1943 abt 1901  Male   Aruba  		English  	Bolivar    
David Womack 		15 Dec 1953    	      Male   Frankfurt M,deu          
David C Womack 		02 Aug 1954       	     Frankfurt, Germany          
Capt. David C Womack 	12 Jan 1955 abt 1920  Male   Frankfurt          
Donald Womack 		27 Jun 1944 abt 1923  Male   Avonmouth, England  English  	Catawba Ford    
Donald W Womack 	31 May 1943 abt 1923         Portland, Maine  	American  	Isaac Sharpless    
Donald W Womack 	27 Feb 1944 abt 1923  Male   Barry Hochs  	American  	Exceller    
Donald W Womack 	01 Aug 1944 abt 1913  Male   Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela  White  	Hat Creek    
Donald W Womack 	01 Jan 1944 abt 1923  Male   Swansea, Wales  	American  	Exceller    
Donald w Womack 	16 Oct 1943 abt 1922         New York, New York  American  	Exceller    
donald w Womack 	06 Apr 1944 abt 1923  Male   Liverpool, England  American  	Exceller    
Dorothy Womack 		07 Jun 1954 abt 1909  Female Le Havre, France     		Ile de France     
Dorothy E Womack 	01 May 1954       	     Southampton,eng     		General William O Darby    
Dorothy H Womack 	10 Feb 1946 abt 1921  Female        				Queen Mary    
Dorothy M Womack 	10 Feb 1946 abt 1921           					Queen Mary    
Dorothy R Womack 	17 Mar 1946 abt 1921           					Saturnia    
Douglas M E Womack 	12 Jul 1952 abt 1949  Male   Bremerhaven,deu     		General Alexander M Patch    
Doyce E Womack 		16 May 1957       	     Paris, France          
Doyle C Womack 		18 Aug 1945 abt 1927         Naples, Italy  	American  	Cape Lookout    
Doyle C Womack 		18 Aug 1945 abt 1927  Male   Naples, Italy  	Irish  		Cape Lookout    
Earl Womack 		22 Aug 1943 abt 1895  Male   Bristol, England  	German  	Paul H Harwood    
Earl Womack 		01 Nov 1947 abt 1894  Male   Southampton, England     		Marine Marlin    
Earl Womack 		17 Mar 1949 abt 1895  Male   Curacao  		American  	Christopher L Sholes    
Earl Womack 		09 Dec 1953       	     San Nicolos,abw,nwi  American  	R F McConnell    
Earl J Womack 		28 Feb 1942 abt 1895         Curacao     			George W Barnes    
Earl J Womack 		31 Dec 1943 abt 1894  Male   Puerto de la Luz, Spain  White  	Esso Philadelphia    
Earl J Womack 		09 Jul 1943 abt 1895  Male   Liverpool, England  German  	Paul H Harwood    
Earl J Womack 		25 May 1943 abt 1895  Male   Liverpool, England  American  	Paul H Harwood    
Earl J Womack 		31 Mar 1943 abt 1895  Male   Liverpool, England     		Paul H Harwood    
Earl J Womack 		22 Aug 1943 abt 1895         Wilmington, Delaware  American  	Paul H Harwood    
Earl J Womack 		20 May 1944 abt 1895         Not Stated  	American  	Esso Buffalo    
Earl J Womack 		02 Mar 1944 abt 1895  Male   Caripito, Venezuela  White  	Esso Philadelphia    
Earl J Womack 		20 Apr 1944 abt 1895  Male   Aruba  		White  		Esso Philadelphia    
Earl J Womack 		24 Jun 1944 abt 1895  Male   Cartagena, Colombia  White  	Esso Buffalo    
Earl J Womack 		03 Aug 1945 abt 1895  Male   Las Piedras, Venezuela  German  	Beaconhill  
Earl J Womack 		03 Dec 1948 abt 1894         Bremen, Germany  	American  	San Juan    
Earl J Womack 		03 Dec 1948 abt 1894         New York, New York American  	San Juan    
Earl J Womack 		14 Sep 1950 abt 1895  Male   Puerto Pondan  	White  		Coalinga Hills    
Earl J Womack 		05 Jan 1955       	     Cartagena,col  	American  	Pan American    
Edgar C Womack 		14 Dec 1943             					Chatham C Lyon    
Edith Womack 		29 Apr 1929 abt 1883  Female Liverpool, England English  	Baltic     
Edith E Womack 		05 Aug 1947 abt 1882  Female Southampton  	English  	Queen Mary    
Edith E Womack 		16 May 1953       	     Liverpool  	Britain  	Britannic    
Edythe Womack 		01 Jan 1932 abt 1907  Female Hamburg, Germany     		President Roosevelt     
Egbert H Womack 	30 Sep 1926 abt 1896  Male   Hamilton,bmu     			Fort Victoria    
Eliza Womack 		13 Apr 1868 abt 1847  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	City of Paris    
Eliza J Womack 		17 Mar 1911 abt 1871  Female Liverpool  	English  	Lusitania     
Elizabeth Womack 	15 Sep 1894 abt 1851  Female Liverpool  	English  	Campania     
Ennie Bryan Womack 	19 Aug 1934 abt 1899  Male   Liverpool, 	England     	Britannic    
Erika M Womack 		09 Dec 1955       	     Bremerhaven, Germany  German  	Geiger    
Mrs Erike L Womack 	05 Sep 1954 abt 1930  Female Rhein Main,deu          
Miss Estelle Womack 	09 Aug 1932 abt 1897  Female Chiba,hnd     			Gatun    
Estelle Womack 		24 Jul 1936 abt 1898  Female New York, New York     		Amapala    
Estelle Womack 		05 Jul 1937 abt 1898  Female New York, New York     		Pastores    
Estelle Womack 		10 Apr 1938 abt 1898  Female Vera Cruz, Mexico     		Orizaba    
Estelle Womack 		24 Oct 1940 abt 1898  Female New York, New York     		Platano    
Ethel Womack 		29 Sep 1936 abt 1878  Female Southampton, England  England  	Berengaria     
Ethel G Womack 		03 Feb 1912 abt 1881  Female Liverpool  	English  	Arabic    
Eugen Womack 		21 Dec 1948 abt 1916  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany  American  	General William O Darby    
Eugene Womack 		25 Jul 1940 abt 1881  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Veragua    
Eugene Womack 		28 Jan 1948 abt 1916         New York, New York  American  	Admiral W S Sims    
Eugene Womack 		21 Nov 1948 abt 1916  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany  American  	General William O Darby    
Eugene Womack 		21 Dec 1948 abt 1916         New York, New York  American  	General William O Darby    
Eugene Womack 		27 Jan 1949 abt 1917  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany  American  General William O Darby    
Eugene Womack 		07 Jun 1952 abt 1916  Male   La Polize  	American  	Carleton Victory    
Eva cheshire Womack 	20 Aug 1950       	     Geneva, Switzerland          
Flor Womack 		15 May 1941 abt 1909  Female San Juan, Puerto Rico     		San Jacinto    
Flor Womack 		21 Aug 1946 abt 1911  Male   San Juan, Puerto Rico  W       
Florence M Womack 	17 Mar 1911 abt 1901  Female Liverpool  English  		Lusitania     
Frances Womack 		05 Nov 1956    	      Female Brussels, Belgium          
Frank Womack 		29 Jun 1957       	     Prestwick,sct          
Frank E Womack 		23 Sep 1934 abt 1899  Male   Southampton, England     		Statendam     
Gather B Womack 	15 Mar 1934 abt 1912  Male   Trinidad, Cuba     American 	Legion    
George Womack 		13 Apr 1868 abt 1843  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	City of Paris    
George Womack 		15 Sep 1894 abt 1844  Male   Liverpool  	English  	Campania     
George Womack 		06 Jul 1911 abt 1874  Male   Hamilton,bmu     			Oceana    
George Womack 		12 Jul 1922 abt 1875  Male   Cherbourg, France     		Olympic     
George M Womack 	11 Nov 1947 abt 1867  Male   Southampton, England  English  	Queen Mary    
George Malvern Womack 	28 Dec 1932 abt 1867  Male   Southampton, England  English  	Majestic     
George Melvern Womack 	12 Sep 1915 abt 1867  Male   Liverpool  	English  	St Louis     
Glen Womack 		11 Nov 1945       	     Cherbourg, France     		Larkspur    
Grace Womack 		22 Oct 1920 abt 1872  Female Hamilton, Bermuda     		Fort Victoria    
D Grace Womack 		22 Oct 1920 abt 1896  Female Hamilton, Bermuda     		Fort Victoria 
Gregory J Womack 	12 Jul 1952 abt 1950  Male   Bremerhaven,deu     		General Alexander M Patch    
Hamilton Q Womack 	13 Dec 1956 abt 1928  Male   Balboa, Canal Zone and 
						     Seattle, Washington     		General W H Gordon    
Harold Womack 		12 Jul 1945 abt 1923  Male   London, England  	White 		Council Grove    
Harold Womack 		07 Aug 1945 abt 1923  Male   Antwerp, Belgium  	White  		Council Grove    
Harold Womack 		02 Feb 1946 abt 1923  Male   Mobile, Alabama  	American  	Ackia    
Harold Stanley Womack 	28 Mar 1935 abt 1881  Male   Southampton, England  England  	Ascania     
Harold Stanley Womack 	27 Jul 1936 abt 1881  Male   Liverpool, England  England  	Laconia     
Harold W Womack Jr 	09 Sep 1950 abt 1942  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany     		Henry Gibbins    
Harriet K Womack 	11 Nov 1947 abt 1884  Female Southampton, England  English  	Queen Mary    
Wife Harriet Kate Womack 12 Sep 1915 abt 1884 Female Liverpool  	English  	St Louis     
Harriet Kate Womack 	28 Dec 1932 abt 1884  Female Southampton, England  English  	Majestic     
Heather L Womack 	08 Mar 1956 abt 1948  Female Casablanca, Morocco     		Private Elden H Johnson    
Henry B Womack 		02 Nov 1945             					General George O Squier    
Henry L Womack 		28 Sep 1945             					Queen Mary    
Henry M Womack 		29 Aug 1947 abt 1906  Male   Tampico,mex  W  			Phantom Hill    
henry m Womack 		11 Apr 1952 abt 1906  Male   Aruba  		e;po  		Hess Bunker    
Herbert Womack 		02 Jun 1906 abt 1872  Male   Liverpool  	English  	Baltic     
Herbert P Womack 	24 Sep 1954       	     London, England          
Herby Womack 	`	30 Oct 1945       	     Naples, Italy     			Algonquin    
Herman W Womack 	22 Apr 1944 abt 1926  Male   Basia  		Irish  		Henry Gilbert Costin    
Hermina Womack 		23 Mar 1954 abt 1925  Female Bremerhaven, Germany  Austria  	General Alexander M Patch    
Herschal S Womack 	06 Jun 1950 abt 1912  Male   Cherbourg, France     		Queen Mary    
Horace Womack 		09 Dec 1931 abt 1884  Male   Liverpool, England  English  	Laconia     
Horace Womack 		26 Jun 1945                  Monticello    
Horace Womack 		14 May 1948 abt 1912  Male   Frankfurt, Germany  American       
Houston R Womack 	08 Dec 1950 abt 1922  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany     		George W Goethals    
Howard Womack 		02 Jul 1957       	     Kindley Field, Hamilton, Bermuda          
Howard G Womack 	28 May 1957             					Queen Elizabeth    
Huey Womack 		20 Apr 1952 abt 1928  Male   Amuay Bay,ven  	White  		Chiwawa    
Imogene H Womack 	03 Jul 1954       	     Northampton,eng     		General Maurice Rose    
Ingeburg Womack 	07 Dec 1948 abt 1928  Female Bremerhaven, Germany     		General Hugh J Gaffey    
Iola S Womack 		08 Jun 1952 abt 1920  Female Naples, Italy     			Independence    
Iola S Womack 		26 Mar 1957             					Constitution    
J B Womack 		15 Aug 1955       	     Paris, France          
James Womack 		24 Jun 1943   	     Male             
James Womack 		24 Jun 1943       	     Prestwick, Scotland  American       
James Womack 		09 Aug 1950       	     Paris, France          
James Womack 		28 Nov 1952       	     Paris, France  	American       
1st Lt James Womack 	11 Sep 1953 abt 1900  Male   Rhein Main,deu          
James Womack 		08 Oct 1956       	     Amsterdam, Netherlands          
James C Womack 		20 Dec 1955       	     Frankfurt, Germany          
James D Womack 		02 Feb 1951 abt 1928  Male   Rotterdam, Netherlands  White  	Claiborne    
James D Womack 		20 Feb 1953 abt 1928  Male   Bremen, Germany  	sc;ir  		Gateway City    
James D Womack 		25 Nov 1956       	     Maracaibo, Venezuela     		Cantigny    
James Donald Womack 	04 Nov 1952 abt 1927         South And East Coast Of Africa          
James E Womack 		02 Aug 1950       	     Dhabrao,sau  	American       
James Eldves Womack 	12 Nov 1949       	     Dilarram  		American       
James Elvis Womack 	07 Aug 1950       	     Zurich,che  	American       
James L Womack 		25 Mar 1930 abt 1881  Male   Aruba     				F H Wickett    
Mrs. Jane Womack 	24 Jan 1955 abt 1923  Female Frankfurt          
Jay Womack 		05 Dec 1944 abt 1893  Male   Cardiff, Wales  	Scotish  	Robert Luckenbach    
Jesse W Womack 		03 Oct 1953       	     Fort William, Ont     		Great Lakes Shipping, J F Durston   
Joan A Womack 		21 Aug 1946 abt 1942  Female San Juan, Puerto Rico  W       
Joe R Womack 		04 May 1954      	     Dharhan S Arabia          
Joel Womack 		07 Jun 1947 abt 1946           					General M L Hersey    
Joel M Womack 		15 Jul 1918 abt 1845  Male   San Juan,pr     Brazos    
John Womack 		17 Oct 1938 abt 1905  Male   Hamilton, Bermuda     		Queen of Bermuda     
Mr. John Womack 	14 Oct 1938 abt 1883  Male   Hamilton, Bermuda     		Imperial Cavalier    
John Womack 		13 Jan 1939 abt 1899  Male   Hamilton, Bermuda     		Monarch of Bermuda     
John Womack 		19 Feb 1952 abt 1900  Male   New York, New York     		Mauretania    
John Womack 		08 Oct 1956       	     Amsterdam, Netherlands          
John H Womack 		13 Apr 1945       	     Southampton, England     		Excelsior    
John W Womack 		18 Sep 1945 abt 1911         Le Havre, France     		Exchange    
Johnny G Womack 	27 May 1944 abt 1922  Male   Murmansk,rus  	Scotish  	George M Cohan    
Johnny G Womack 	07 Sep 1944 abt 1922  Male   Swansea, Wales  	Irish  		George M Cohan [same as above!]   
Joseph Womack 		18 Oct 1946 abt 1927  Male   Avonmouth (bristol),eng  English  	Benjamin H Hill    
Joseph Womack 		18 Apr 1946 abt 1927  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany  White  	Claymont Victory    
Joseph Womack 		18 Oct 1946 abt 1927         Avonmouth, England  American  	Benjamin H Hill    
Joseph D Womack 	24 May 1946 abt 1927  Male   Le Havre, France  Polish  		Claymont Victory    
Joy Womack 		06 Apr 1945 abt 1894  Male   Matanzas, Cuba  American  		Clement Clay    
Joyce M Womack 		21 Aug 1946 abt 1942  Female San Juan, Puerto Rico  W       
Judith Womack 		08 Oct 1956       	     Amsterdam, Netherlands          
Julia Edna Womack 	14 Jan 1952 abt 1921  Female     		English       
Julian M Womack 	05 May 1945             					Sea Owl    
K E Womack 		16 Jun 1913 abt 1879  Male   Cherbourg, France     		Amerika     
J P Womack 		16 Jun 1913 abt 1879  Female Cherbourg, France     		Amerika This will show as K E on index, image shows J P    
Kames Womack 		07 May 1955    	      Male   Amsterdam, Netherlands          
Kenneth Womack 		18 Sep 1927 abt 1916  Male   Southampton, England     		Belgenland     
Kenneth Womack 		26 Jul 1927 abt 1879  Male   Cherbourg, France     		Olympic     
Kenneth Womack 		17 Sep 1929 abt 1916  Male   Southampton, England     		Olympic     
Kenneth Womack 		17 Sep 1929 abt 187?  Male   Southampton, England     		Olympic     
Kenneth Womack 		21 Oct 1933 abt 1879  Male   Cherbourg, France     		Bremen     
Kenneth Womack 		26 Sep 1938 abt 1879  Male   Southampton, England     		Normandie     
With Mother 
Kenneth E Womack Jr 	27 Aug 1924 abt 1916  Male   Southampton     			Homeric     
Kenneth E Womack 	15 Jan 1952 abt 1917  Male   Oslo, Norway     			Oslofjord    
Kenneth E Womack 	11 Sep 1955       	     Oslo, Norway  			American       
Kenneth Elli Womack Jr  13 Jul 1921 abt 1916  Male   Southampton     			Olympic     
Kenneth Elliott Womack 	13 Jul 1921 abt 1879  Male   Southampton     			Olympic     
Kenneth Elliott Womack 	21 Jul 1924 abt 1879  Male   Liverpool     			Celtic     
Kenneth Elliott Womack	29 Sep 1933 abt 1916  Male   Southampton, England     		Columbus     
Kenneth F Womack 	11 Sep 1955       	     Oslo, Norway  	American       
L Womack 		10 May 1953       	     Rome, Italy        		Pan Am Flt 109/19  
Mrs L A Womack 		11 Apr 1906       	     Boulogne S/mer     		Noordam     
L L Womack 		10 Sep 1907 abt 1868  Male   Cristobal     			Panama    
L L Womack 		21 Aug 1908 abt 1868  Male   Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Allianca    
L L Womack 		23 Aug 1909 abt 1867  Male   Créstobal,cz  	American  	Colon    
L R Womack 		03 Nov 1944       	     Prestwick, Scotland          	Army Air Force Plane 272196
Larry C Womack 		30 Jun 1953 abt 1940  Male   Southampton, England     		General Alexander M Patch    
Lawra Womack 		02 Jun 1903       	     Rotterdam     			Noordam     
Gwo Lawrence Womack 	24 Jan 1955 abt 1923  Male   Frankfurt        			SeaBoard & Western Airlines, contract carrier
Lawrence Womack 	24 Jan 1955 abt 1954  Male   Frankfurt          
Mrs. Ledec Womack 	27 Jun 1924 abt 1877  Female Cristobal,cz     			Cristobal    
Lee Womack 		30 Aug 1931 abt 1892  Male   Point a Pierre, Trinidad  American  Papoose    
Miss Lee Womack 	11 Sep 1953 abt 1950  Female Rhein Main,deu          
Lehman Womack 		23 Jun 1956 abt 1913  Male   Paris,fra          
Leigh B Womack 		26 Oct 1954       	     Southampton, England     		Queen Elizabeth    
Leo T Womack 		16 Oct 1945 abt 1907           					Queen Mary    
Leonard T Womack 	05 Sep 1945 abt 1927  Male   Naples, Italy  	American  	Sea Scamp    
Lesia R Womack 		23 Sep 1938 abt 1882  Female Southampton, England     		Hansa    
Lewis Womack 		08 Oct 1944 abt 1928  Male   Cherbourg, France  W  		John Ericcson    
Lewis A Womack 		03 Sep 1945             					General M M Patrick    
Lilian M Womack 	02 Jun 1906 abt 1906  Female Liverpool  English  Baltic     
Linda D Womack 		03 Jul 1954       	     Northampton,eng     		General Maurice Rose    
lorine s Womack 	07 Jun 1953    	      Female Prestwick, Scotland  	           
Louise Womack 		26 Jul 1941 abt 1911  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Cristobal      
Louise Page Womack 	11 Jan 1938 abt 1916  Female Cherbourg, France     		Aquitania     
Loyce H Womack 		01 Jan 1946       	     Marseille, France     		Monticello    
Loyd Womack		25 Nov 1942 abt 1918  Male  Liverpool, England  sc;ir  		Paul H Harwood    
Loyd W Womack 		04 Jul 1940 abt 1919  Male  Aruba  		American  	Farish    
Loyd W Womack 		25 Nov 1942 abt 1918        Not Stated     			Paul H Harwood    
Lucille Womack 		14 Mar 1950       	    Frankfurt, Germany  American       
Luther w Womack 	19 Sep 1945             					Queen Elizabeth    
Lyla Lou Womack 	26 Jul 1941 abt 1935  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Cristobal    
Lyle Womack 		18 Jul 1908 abt 1902  Male   Cristobal     			Advance    
Lyle Womack 		12 Jul 1910 abt 1902  Male   Cristobal,canal Zon     		Panama    
Lyle Womack 		12 Jul 1910 abt 1902  Male   Cristobal,canal Zon     		Panama    
Lyle Womack 		07 Nov 1927 abt 1902  Male   Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Cristobal    
Lyle B Womack 		28 Jul 1914 abt 1902  Male   Cristobal     			Panama    
Lyle E Womack 		15 Sep 1921 abt 1902  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Allianca    
Son Lyle Earl Womack 	13 Sep 1920 abt 1902  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Colon    
Lyle W Womack 		23 Jun 1956 abt 1944  Male   Paris,fra          
M Womack 		13 Mar 1957             					SS United States, Beautician, crew member    
Malcolm E Womack 	09 Nov 1945             					Queen Mary    
Margaret Womack 	26 Aug 1927 abt 1899  Female Cherbourg, France     		Berengaria     
Margaret Womack 	17 Aug 1946 abt 1928           					Holbrook    
Margaret Womack 	24 Jan 1955 abt 1946  Female Frankfurt          
Margaret Womack 	08 Oct 1956       	     Amsterdam, Netherlands          
Margaret M Womack 	04 May 1956       	     Prestwick, Scotland          
Margret Womack 		13 Jul 1948 abt 1929  Female Southampton  	gt britain  	Batory    
Martha Womack 		28 Oct 1929 abt 1902  Female Hamburg, Germany     		Cleveland    
Martha Womack 		28 Oct 1929 abt 1920  Female Hamburg, Germany  	German  	Cleveland    
Martha Womack 		25 Jun 1951 abt 1902  Female Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Argentina     
Martha Womack 		28 Feb 1951 abt 1902  Female Cartagena, Colombia  White  	Santa Paula    
Martha Womack 		28 Mar 1951 abt 1902  Female Cartagena, Colombia  German  	Santa Paula    
Martha Womack 		11 Apr 1951 abt 1902  Female Cartagena,col 	 German  	Santa Paula    
Martha Womack 		18 Jan 1951 abt 1902  Female Cartagena, Colombia  White  	Santa Paula    
Martha Womack 		20 Aug 1951 abt 1902  Female Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		24 Dec 1951 abt 1902  Female Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		31 Jan 1951 abt 1902  Female Cartagena, Colombia  White  	Santa Paula    
Martha Womack 		14 Mar 1951 abt 1910  Female Cartagena, Colombia  German  	Santa Paula  
Martha Womack 		25 Jun 1951          				American  	Argentina     
Martha Womack 		11 Jul 1951 abt 1901  Female Cartagena, Colombia  German  	Santa Paula    
Martha Womack 		14 Feb 1951 abt 1902  Female Cartagen,co  	White  		Santa Paula    
Martha Womack 		12 Nov 1951 abt 1902  Female Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		01 Oct 1951 abt 1902  Male   Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Brazil  Crew member, hairdresser, and says male! 
Martha Womack 		08 Jun 1952 abt 1902  Female Buenos Aires, Argentina  American  Brazil    
Martha Womack 		21 Jul 1952 abt 1902  Female Buenes Aires  	American  	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		20 Mar 1952 abt 1901  Male   Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		04 Feb 1952 abt 1902  Female Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		28 Apr 1952 abt 1902  Female Buenos Aires, Argentina  German  	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		01 Sep 1952 abt 1901  Male   Buenos Aires, Argentina     	Brazil    
Martha Womack 		11 Nov 1953       	     Rotterdam, Netherlands     	Veendam     
Martha Womack 		11 Oct 1954       	     Le Havre, France  American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		28 Sep 1954       	     Le Havre, France  American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		06 Jul 1954       	     Le Havre, France  American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		08 Jun 1954       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		19 Jul 1954       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		14 Sep 1954       	     Cherbourg, France  American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		04 Aug 1954       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		22 Jun 1954       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		15 Dec 1954       	     Southampton, England  American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		26 Oct 1954       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		26 Nov 1954       	     Le Havre  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		09 Nov 1954       	     Le Havre  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		31 Aug 1954       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		17 Aug 1954       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		11 May 1954       	     Cobh, Ireland  	American  	America    
Martha Womack 		05 Jul 1955       	     Lehavre  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		11 Oct 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		15 Feb 1955       	     Lehavre  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		18 Jul 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		28 Jan 1955       	     Southampton, England  American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		05 Jun 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		27 Sep 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		13 Sep 1955       	     Lehavre  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		23 May 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		30 Aug 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		11 Nov 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		07 Apr 1955                  Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		16 Dec 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		21 Jun 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		04 Mar 1955       	     Lehavre  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		23 Apr 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		25 Oct 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		09 May 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		16 Aug 1955       	     Lehaver  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		29 Nov 1955       	     Le Havre, France  	American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		03 Aug 1955       	     Lehavre  		American  	United States    
Martha Womack 		30 Jul 1956       	     Le Havre, France     		United States    
Martha Womack 		25 Sep 1956       	     Cherbourg     			United States  
[Note: Obviously Martha was a crew member, hairdresser, most says American some German. There
were many other listings that I skipped to go on to the next name]

Marvin Womack 		19 Sep 1945             					Queen Elizabeth  [military passenger]  
Mary Womack 		20 Sep 1929 abt 1887  Female Southampton, England     		Mauretania     
Mary Womack 		20 Jul 1930 abt 1880  Female Le Havre, France     		Lafayette    
Mary Womack 		09 Apr 1934 abt 1874  Female Pacific Coast of the USA     	Virginia    
Mary Womack 		13 Jan 1939 abt 1903  Female Hamilton, Bermuda     		Monarch of Bermuda     
Mary Womack 		08 Jul 1941 abt 1910  Female Los Angeles, California 
					      and Balboa, Canal Zone     		Paul Lockenbach    
Mary Womack 		18 May 1950 abt 1921  Female Port Harcourt, Nigeria     	African Glade    
Mary Womack 		19 Feb 1952 abt 1903  Female New York, New York     		Mauretania    
Mary Womack 		25 May 1954                  Southampton, England     		United States    
Mary C Womack 		04 Oct 1945             Vulcania    
Mary E Womack 		12 Jul 1952 abt 1926  Female Bremerhaven,deu     		General Alexander M Patch    
Mary Jane Womack 	24 Jan 1955 abt 1946  Male   Frankfurt  [actually a female]        
Mary W Womack 		18 Sep 1953                  Oslo, Norway          
Matha Womack 		22 Mar 1955       	     Lehavre  		American  	United States    
Matha Womack 		03 Jan 1957       	     Le Havre     			United States    
Max Edward Womack 	17 Jan 1946 abt 1928  Male   Port Said, Egypt  	White  		Frontenac Victory    
Melvin P Womack 	03 Jan 1946       	     Southampton, England     		Queen Mary    
Michael C Womack 	03 Jul 1954       	     Northampton,eng     		General Maurice Rose    
Mona L Womack 		12 Jul 1952 abt 1951  Female Bremerhaven,deu     		General Alexander M Patch    
Morris Womack 		23 Sep 1922 abt 1903  Male   Southampton     			Mauretania     
Muriel C Womack 	02 Jun 1906 abt 1902  Female Liverpool  	English  	Baltic     
Nannie Womack 		13 Aug 1922 abt 1852  Female San Juan     			Tanamo  
Nathan A Womack 	15 Jan 1930 abt 1901  Male   Southampton, England     		Aquitania     
Nellie R Womack 	30 Mar 1946 abt 1923           					John Ericsson    
Nellie R Womack 	26 Oct 1954       	     Southampton, England     		Queen Elizabeth    
Nettie Womack 		07 Jun 1947 abt 1925           					General M L Hersey    
Oather B Womack 	14 Jul 1945 abt 1912         Baltimore, Maryland  American  	James Caldwell    
Oather B Womack 	30 Nov 1945 abt 1912  Male   Cardiff, Wales  	American  	James Caldwell    
Oren Womack 		19 Jul 1945             					Aquitania     
Orville Womack 		25 Aug 1942 abt 1917  Male   Hamilton, Bermuda     		Atlantic Clipper    
Orville Womack 		22 Aug 1942 abt 1917  Male   Hamilton, Bermuda     		Atlantic Clipper    
Otis Womack 		16 Sep 1930 abt 1886  Male   Havana, Cuba  	English  	Havana    
Otis Womack 		08 Oct 1930 abt 1909  Male   Havana, Cuba  	Polish  	Havana    
Otis Womack 		26 Aug 1930 abt 1886         New York, New York American  	Havana    
Otis Womack 		16 Sep 1930 abt 1899         New York, New York American  	Havana    
Otis Womack		05 Jan 1932 abt 1909         New York, New York American  	Morro Castle    
Otis Womack 		30 Dec 1934 abt 1908  Male   Havana, Cuba  	American  	President Lincoln    
Otis Womack 		16 Jun 1940 abt 1908  Male   Kobe, Japan and 
						     Suez, Egypt  	American  	President Harrison     
Otis Womack 		16 Jun 1940 abt 1908         San Francisco, California     	President Harrison     
Otis Womack 		24 Jun 1940 abt 1907         New York, New York    		Illinois    
Otis Womack 		11 Mar 1943 abt 1909  Male   Casablanca, Morocco  American  	Hawaiian Shipper    
Otis Womack 		25 Jan 1943 abt 1908  Male   Greenock, Scotland     		Queen Elizabeth    
Otis A Womack 		17 Jan 1944 abt 1909         Los Angeles, California  American  John Hathorn    
Ovis Womack 		28 Dec 1931 abt 1908  Male   Havana, Cuba     			Havana    
Page Womack 		17 Oct 1938 abt 1897  Female Hamilton, Bermuda     		Queen of Bermuda     
Mrs. Page Womack 	14 Oct 1938 abt 1897  Female Hamilton, Bermuda     		Imperial Cavalier    
Patricia Womack 	29 Jun 1957       	     Prestwick,sct          
Paul Womack 		05 Nov 1956    	      Male   Brussels, Belgium          
Paul H Womack 		11 Jul 1945             					Queen Mary    
Perry J Womack 		09 Sep 1955 abt 1929  Male   Munich, Germany  	American       
Peter R Womack 		10 May 1946 abt 1945           					Queen Mary    
Peter R Womack 		06 May 1946 abt 1945           					Holbrook    
Peyton Womack 		07 Sep 1922 abt 1890  Male   Hamilton, Bermuda     		Fort Victoria    
Peyton Womack 		08 Apr 1923 abt 1891  Male   Hamilton,bmu     			Fort Hamilton    
Porter Womack 		31 Aug 1954       	     Southampton, England     		Queen Elizabeth    
Rachel B Womack 	23 Jun 1956 abt 1922  Female Paris,fra          
Ralph T Womack 		01 Jan 1946       	     Marseille, France     		Monticello    
Ray G Womack 		31 Aug 1945             Queen Elizabeth    
Raymond C Womack 	07 Nov 1943 abt 1925  Male   London, England  	American  	Mark Keppel    
Raymond C Womack 	14 May 1943 abt 1924         Mobile, Alabama  	American  	Raphael Semmes    
Raymond C Womack 	02 Feb 1945 abt 1925  Male   London, England  	Polish  	The Yakima    
Raymond C Womack 	01 Apr 1945 abt 1925  Male   London, England  	American  	The Yakima    
Raymond C Womack 	05 Mar 1945 abt 1925  Male   Liverpool, England  American  	The Yakima    
Raymond C Womack 	01 Feb 1946 abt 1926  Male   New York, New York  Irish  	Henry Gilbert Costin    
Raymond C Womack 	01 Feb 1946 abt 1926         Baltimore, Maryland  American  	Henry Gilbert Costin    
Raymond G Womack 	07 Nov 1943 abt 1925         New York, New York  American  	Mark Keppel    
Reginald L Womack 	05 Sep 1954 abt 1928  Male   Rhein Main,deu          
Rese Hayden Womack 	03 Feb 1912 abt 1911  Male   Liverpool  	English  	Arabic    
Rex H Womack 		03 Feb 1937 abt 1911  Male   Southampton, England  England  	Antonia     
Rex H T Womack 		09 May 1938 abt 1911  Male   Curacao  		American  	Santa Rosa    
Rex H T Womack 		02 Jun 1939 abt 1910  Male   Havana, Cuba  	Canadian  	Oriente    
Richard Womack 		30 Nov 1945 abt 1921         Stevensville,nf  	American        US Army Plane 2709, Air Transport Command
Richard H Womack 	10 Nov 1913 abt 1883  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Colon    
Mstr Robert Womack 	11 Sep 1953 abt 1953  Male   Rhein Main,deu          
Robert F Womack 	07 Feb 1943       	     New York, New York     		Oliver Hazard Perry    
Robert Franklin Womack 	24 Nov 1943             					Oliver H Perry    
Robert Franklin Womack	28 Apr 1943             					Oliver Hazard Perry    
Robert Franklin Womack 	20 Aug 1944       	     New York, New York     		Jean Baptiste Le Moyne    
Robert Franklin Womack 	09 Oct 1944       	     Belfast, Northern Ireland     	Jean Baptiste Le Moyne    
Robert J Womack 	10 Feb 1946 abt 1945           					Queen Mary    
Robert W Womack 	30 Jun 1945 abt 1916  Male   Antwerp, Belgium  	White  		Cape Corwin    
Roberta A Womack 	09 Sep 1955 abt 1933  Female Munich, Germany  	American       
Rome M Womack 		07 Jan 1950 abt 1925  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany     		Henry Gibbins    
Rome Malachi Womack 	19 Jun 1946 abt 1924  Male   Le Havre, France     		Sea Flier    
Rosalind O Womack	08 Mar 1956 abt 1950  Female Casablanca, Morocco     		Private Elden H Johnson    
Rose L Womack 		08 Mar 1956 abt 1918  Female Casablanca, Morocco     		Private Elden H Johnson    
Roy P Womack 		07 Sep 1955    	      Male   London, England          
Mr Rufus Womack 	11 Sep 1909 abt 1876  Male   Havre  American  			La Savoie     
Russell O Womack III 	08 Mar 1956 abt 1952  Male   Casablanca, Morocco     		Private Elden H Johnson    
Ruth Womack 		09 Aug 1890 abt 1862  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	City of Chicago    
Ruth Womack 		12 Jul 1910 abt 1909  Female Cristobal,canal Zon     		Panama    
Ruth Womack 		12 Jul 1910 abt 1909  Female Cristobal,canal Zon     		Panama    
Ruth Womack 		28 Jul 1914 abt 1910  Female Cristobal     			Panama    
With Aunt Ruth Womack 	27 Jun 1923 abt 1910  Female Cristobal,cz    	 		Cristobal    
Ruth Womack 		08 Apr 1923 abt 1898  Female Hamilton,bmu     			Fort Hamilton    
Miss Ruth Womack 	27 Jun 1924 abt 1910  Female Cristobal,cz     			Cristobal    
Sam Womack 		06 Aug 1925 abt 1885  Male   Quebec, Quebec     		Fort Hamilton    
Samuel S Womack 	05 Dec 1921 abt 1885  Male   San Juan     			San Lorenzo    
Sarah Womack 		28 Jul 1954 abt 1931  Female Southampton, England     		Ile de France     
Sidney J Womack 	17 Mar 1911 abt 1897  Male   Liverpool  English  		Lusitania     
Simone C Womack 	21 Mar 1946 abt 1923         Le Havre, France     		Vulcania    
Stella A Womack 	19 Oct 1954 abt 1924  Female Bremerhaven, Germany     		General Alexander M Patch    
Steve Womack 		26 Aug 1925 abt 1908  Male   Cherbourg, France     		Olympic     
Sylvia A Womack 	23 Mar 1954 abt 1954  Female Bremerhaven, Germany  German  	General Alexander M Patch    
Theodore Womack 	04 Dec 1945 abt 1927  Male   Ratterdam  	Black  		Richard K Call    
Theodore Womack 	16 Apr 1946 abt 1928  Male   Copenhagen, Denmark  Black  	Richard K Call    
Theodore Womack 	19 Mar 1948 abt 1928  Male   Rotterdam, Netherlands  Black  	Simeon G Reed    
Theodore Womack 	21 Dec 1950 abt 1924  Male   London, England  Black  American 	Banker    
Theodore Womack 	29 Mar 1954 qbt 1927  Male   Buenos Aires, Argentina  American  Uruguay    
Theodore R Womack 	22 Mar 1952 abt 1927  Male   Leith, Scotland  	Black  		Thomas B King    
Theodore R Womack 	15 Feb 1954 abt 1927  Male   Buenos Aires, Argentina  American  Uruguay    
Theodore R Womack 	13 Jun 1956       	     Maracaibo,ven     			Rock Landing    
Theodore R Womack 	10 Apr 1956       	     Las Piedras Ven  American  	Rock Landing    
Theodore R Womack 	07 Jan 1956       	     Las Piedras, Venezuela  American  	Rock Landing    
Thomas Womack 		13 Apr 1868 abt 1848  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	City of Paris    
Thomas Womack 		16 Mar 1926 abt 1866  Male   Curacao  		English  	Lacuna    
Thomas Womack 		30 Nov 1926 abt 1865  Male   Antwerp, Belgium  	English  	Delilian    
Thomas C Womack 	27 Nov 1945 abt 1897         Le Havre, France     		Queen Mary    
Thomas James Womack 	23 Jun 1923 abt 1865  Male   Hull  		English  	Melona    
Thomas L Womack 	22 Sep 1924 abt 1904  Male   Cherbourg,fra     			Leviathan     
Tollie S Womack 	19 Sep 1945             					Queen Elizabeth    
Travis Womack 		26 Aug 1952 abt 1949  Male   Southampton, England     		Queen Mary  
Ursula Womack 		18 Jan 1948 abt 1920           					Zebulon B Vance    
Uwe Womack 		24 May 1951 abt 1947  Male   Bremerhaven,deu  	German  	General William O Darby    
W Womack 		12 Jul 1954       Rome, Italy          
Walter Womack 		17 Mar 1911 abt 1871  Male   Liverpool  	English  	Lusitania     
Walter Womack 		21 Apr 1942 abt 1899  Male   Toronto, Ontario          
Walter Herbert Womack 	21 Apr 1942 abt 1898  Male   Toronto, Ontario  	sc;ir       
Wanda N Womack 		09 Sep 1950 abt 1923  Female Bremerhaven, Germany     		Henry Gibbins    
Waymon W Womack 	03 Jan 1946       	     Southampton, England     		Queen Mary    
Wesley H Womack 	09 Oct 1945             					Queen Elizabeth    
westes Womack 		11 Mar 1945 abt 1927  Male   Santos, Brazil  	American  	Liberty Glo    
Wilbert Womack 		02 May 1945             					John F Appleby    
Wilford Womack 		15 Dec 1953       	     Frankfurt, Germany          
William Womack 		20 May 1953       	     Rome, Italy          
William Womack 		10 Jul 1956 abt 1933  Male   Cherbourg, France     		Queen Elizabeth    
William Womack 		10 Jul 1956       	     Southampton, England    		 Queen Elizabeth    
william e Womack 	16 Jul 1954       	     Paris, France          
William J Womack 	28 Dec 1936 abt 1896  Male   Cherbourg, France  American  	Berengaria     
William John Womack 	13 Nov 1920 abt 1896  Male   Southampton, England  English  	Adriatic     
William John Womack 	05 Apr 1932 abt 1896  Male   Le Havre, France  	English  	Ile de France     
William John Womack 	28 Dec 1932 abt 1896  Male   Southampton, England  English  	Majestic     
William John Womack 	25 Dec 1934 abt 1896  Male   Le Havre, France  	English  	Ile de France     
William John Womack 	10 May 1934 abt 1896  Male   Villafrance  	English  	Conte di Savoia     
William John Womack 	20 Mar 1936 abt 1896  Male   Rio De Janeiro, Brazil  American  	Northern Prince    
William John Womack 	27 Dec 1938 abt 1896  Male   Rio De Janeiro, Brazil  American  	Brazil    
William K Womack 	11 Apr 1945                  
Willie Womack 		24 Jul 1945             					Thomas Hart Benton    
Willie J Womack 	23 Jun 1956 abt 1940  Male   Paris,fra          
Winford Womack 		11 Jul 1944 abt 1919         Liverpool, England  American  	Julius Olsen    
Winford Womack 		11 Jul 1944 abt 1919  Male   Liverpool, England  Spanish  	Julius Olsen Some one got slap happy with dottoes! not Spanish   
Woodrow Womack 		17 Jun 1945       	     Le Havre,fra     			Delaires    
Zemma E Womack 		09 Aug 1956       	     Madred, Spain          
Jerry R Womack  	29 Sep 1954       	     Paris,fra          
Steg Wolmack 		18 Jan 1872 abt 1849  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  Germany  	Wisconsin    
Boyd F Womac 		12 Jul 1944             					William D Hoxie    
Boyd F Womac 		17 Oct 1945       	     Le Havre, France     		Marine Wolf    
Boyde Fayne Womac 	15 Mar 1944       	     Manchester, England     		J D Ross    
Briddy Womac 		04 Jun 1851 abt 1801  Female Liverpool, England  Ireland  	Telamon    
Cath Womac 		04 Jun 1851 abt 1835  Female Liverpool, England  Ireland  	Telamon    
Maj James D Womac 	23 Mar 1955 abt 1917  Male   Frankfurt          
Jas Womac 		23 Jun 1881 abt 1847  Male   Liverpool, England  England  	Nevada    
Julius J A Womac 	17 Mar 1957           Male   Shannon, Ireland          
Kay Womac 		23 Mar 1955 abt 1949  Female Frankfurt          
M A Womac 		04 Nov 1851 abt 1821  Female Liverpool, England  England  	West Point    
Mrs. Marjorie R Womac 	23 Mar 1955 abt 1925  Female Frankfurt          
Mary Womac 		23 Mar 1955 abt 1952  Female Frankfurt          
Neal Womac 		04 Jun 1851 abt 1837  Female Liverpool, England  Ireland  	Telamon    
Otis Womac 		26 Aug 1930 abt 1909  Male   Havana, Cuba and Mexico     	Havana    
Thomas Womac 		06 Apr 1889 abt 1869  Male   Liverpool, England  Denmark  	Berlin    
B F Womacks 		28 Dec 1945             					Queen Elizabeth  
Elden C Womacks 	15 May 1946       	     Liverpool     Amherst Victory    
John Womacks 		09 Mar 1925 abt 1871  Male   Hamburg, Germany  	German  	Albert Ballin     
Katarina Womacks 	31 May 1906 abt 1843  Female Bremen  		German  	Grosser Kurfurst     
Robert Eugene Womacks 	25 Jun 1945       	     Le Havre, France     		Abraham Clark    
Robert Eugene Womacks 	24 Aug 1945       	     Le Havre, France     		Abraham Clark    
W L Womacks 		03 Feb 1946             					Queen Elizabeth    
Estelle Womak 		26 Mar 1939 abt 1898  Female Havana, Cuba     			Chiriqui    
Jerelene Womak 		29 Aug 1955    	      Female London Uk          
Otis Womak 		30 Dec 1931 abt 1908         Havana, Cuba  	American  	Morro Castle    
Ruth Womak 		09 Mar 1950       	     Frankfurt, Germany  German       
Yora Ruth Womak 	09 Mar 1950       	     Frankfurt, Germany  American       
Paul L Womax 		20 May 1945       	     Naples, Italy     			Mount Vernon    
Miss A Womick 		17 Sep 1883 abt 1857  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Servia     
Gurney B Womick 	06 Nov 1945       						Marseille, France          
Herbert Womick 		20 Apr 1923 abt 1895           					Santa Teresa    
Herbert A Womick 	26 Sep 1923 abt 1894  Male   Cristobal,cz     			Cristobal    
Herbert A Womick 	09 May 1927 abt 1894  Male   Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Ancon    
Kre Womick 		01 Feb 1890 abt 1860  Male   Bremen, Germany and 
						     Southampton, England  Austria  	Trave    
M Womick 		31 Mar 1845 abt 1817  Male   Not Stated     			Stephen Whitney    
Mathias Womick 		28 Aug 1882 abt 1823  Male   Bremen, Germany  	Austria  	General Werder    
Paul Womick 		22 Oct 1949 abt 1921  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany  American  	Thomas H Barry    
Sadie Womick 		16 Oct 1933 abt 1895  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Ancon    
Sadie Womick 		24 Jun 1935 abt 1896  Female Canal Zone, Canal Zone     	Pennsylvania    
Sadie K Womick 		09 May 1927 abt 1890  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Ancon    
Sadie K Womick 		16 Dec 1929 abt 1897  Female Cristobal,cz     Ancon    
Sadie K Womick 		17 Jun 1929 abt 1897  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Cristobal    
Sadie K Womick 		15 Nov 1937 abt 1902  Female Balboa, Canal Zone     		Santa Barbara    
Sadie K Womick 		25 Sep 1928 abt 1896  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Ancon    
Sadie Kyle Womick 	06 Sep 1941 abt 1901  Female Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Cristobal    
tevfila Womick 		08 Sep 1908 abt 1889  Female Bremen  		Polish  	Main     
Thedore R Womick 	02 Aug 1955       	     Bilbao, Spain  	American  	American Ranger    
Charlie Womock 		08 Sep 1890 abt 1867  Female Liverpool, England and 
					             Queenstown, Ireland  American 	Etruria     
Amabel Womock 		16 May 1893 abt 1873  Female Bremen  		Russian  	Darmstadt    
Ferdinerd Womock 	16 May 1893 abt 1885  Male   Bremen  		Russian  	Darmstadt    
Flowartine Womock 	16 May 1893 abt 1887  Female Bremen  		Russian  	Darmstadt    
Johann Womock 		16 May 1893 abt 1863  Male   Bremen  		Russian  	Darmstadt    
Lee Womock 		30 Aug 1931 abt 1892         Point a Pierre,Trinidad  American  Papoose    
Louise Womock 		16 May 1893 abt 1865  Female Bremen  		Russian  	Darmstadt  

Cecil Wommack 		23 Nov 1940 abt 1907  Male   Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Ancon    
Eugene Wommack 		05 Mar 1956 abt 1956  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany  
						     ulm wuttenberg,germany  		General Harry Taylor    
Mrs. H Wommack 		08 Jan 1890 abt 1858  Female Le Havre, France  	American  	La Normandie    
Howard Oscar Wommack 	31 Jan 1929 abt 1904  Male   Maracaibo, Venezuela     		Tachira    
Ingeborg E Wommack 	05 Mar 1956 abt 1933  Female Bremerhaven, Germany  
						     ichen hausen guneburg,germany  	General Harry Taylor    
J D Wommack 		28 Oct 1945             					James Parker    
James E Wommack 	10 Aug 1955       	     Frankfurt, Germany          
James S Wommack 	10 Aug 1955       	     Frankfurt, Germany          
Kermit E Wommack 	13 Feb 1954       	     New York, New York     		Ocean Monarch    
Leila T Wommack 	13 Feb 1954      	     New York, New York     		Ocean Monarch    
Margaret L Wommack 	10 Aug 1955       	     Frankfurt, Germany          
Mary Wommack 		23 Aug 1951       	     Gander, Newfoundland          
Mildred A Wommack 	01 Nov 1952 abt 1909  Female Bremerhaven, Germany     		George W Goethals    
Patricia A Wommack 	01 Nov 1952 abt 1947  Female Bremerhaven, Germany     		George W Goethals    
Rose Wommack 		18 Oct 1937    	      Male   Cherbourg, France     		Queen Mary     
Ross B Wommack 		18 Oct 1937 abt 1892  Male   Southampton, England     		Queen Mary     
Sidney Wommack 		11 Apr 1956    	      Male   Brussels, Belgium          
Sidney J Wommack Jr. 	15 Oct 1956       	     Rome          
Sidney J Wommack 	14 May 1957       	     Paris, France          
Sidney Jackson Wommack 	27 May 1956       	     Paris, France          
Suzanne P Wommack 	10 Aug 1955       	     Frankfurt, Germany          
T Wommack 		02 Apr 1887 abt 1849  Male   Antwerp, Belgium     		Belgenland    
Walter C Wommack 	19 Jul 1945             					Aquitania     
Carroll D Wammack 	12 Jun 1945             					James Hoban    
Edeltraud F W Wammack 	07 Aug 1953 abt 1930  Female Bremerhaven,deu  	German  	General H F Hodges    
James E Wammack 	19 Feb 1945       	     Gourock, Scotland     		Queen Elizabeth    
ohn Wammack 		02 May 1851 abt 1824  Male   Plymouth, England  Great Britain  	Johns    
Lewis O Wammack 	04 Oct 1949 abt 1918  Male   Bremerhaven, Germany     		George W Goethals    
Paule Wammack 		27 Nov 1949 abt 1924  Female Le Havre, France     		De Grasse    
Ruth L R Wammack 	02 Jan 1952 abt 1914  Female Rotterdam, Netherlands  German  	Westerdam  

??ew Wamack 		03 Oct 1928 abt 1899         Puerto Barios  	English  	La Marea  [Shown as Andrew Warmack and Andrew Wamoc, crew member]  
A C Wamack 		15 Oct 1860 abt 1824  Male   Aspinwall, Panama  American  	North Star    
Ad Wamack 		03 Mar 1862 abt 1843  Male   Hamburg, Germany  	Germany  	Borussia    
Annie Wamack 		09 Mar 1885 abt 1869  Female Glasgow, Scotland and 
						     Larne, Ireland  Ireland  		State of Indiana    
Barbora Wamack 		26 Oct 1881 abt 1875  Female Bremen, Germany  	Austria  	Habsburg    
Benjamin F Wamack 	23 May 1927 abt 1869  Male   Cristobal, Canal Zone     		Cristobal    
Charles Wamack 		14 Jul 1870 abt 1863  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Erin    
Chester Wamack 		31 Jan 1944 abt 1920         Bermuda  	`	American       
Clifford Wamack 	02 Feb 1945 abt 1902  Male   Cherbourg, France  English  	Fort Stevens    
Edward Wamack 		26 Aug 1932 abt 1897  Male   Halifax Liverpool  English  	Britannic    
Eliza Wamack 		06 Sep 1886 abt 1886  Female Greenock, Scotland and 
						     Moville, Ireland  	Ireland  	Furnessia     
Ernest Wamack 		20 May 1927 abt 1903  Male   St John, New Brunswick     	Charles C Lister    
Grace Wamack 		18 Aug 1874 abt 1819  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Idaho    
Heimrich Wilhelm Wamack 14 Oct 1862 abt 1832  Male   Bremen, Germany  	Hesse[Germany]  Tuisko    
Hugh Wamack 		06 Sep 1886 abt 1882  Male   Greenock, Scotland and 
						     Moville, Ireland  	Ireland  	Furnessia     
James Wamack 		03 Mar 1919 abt 1895         Montevideo     			Salto    
Joe Wamack 		06 Sep 1886 abt 1860  Male   Greenock, Scotland and 
						     Moville, Ireland  	Ireland  	Furnessia     
John Wamack 		14 Jul 1870 abt 1859  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Erin    
John Wamack 		24 May 1875 abt 1849  Male   Bermuda  		American  	Canima    
John Wamack 		09 Mar 1885 abt 1840  Male   Glasgow, Scotland and 
  						     Larne, Ireland  	Ireland  	State of Indiana    
John Wamack 		23 Apr 1886 abt 1846  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  Ireland  	City of Chicago    
Louise Page Wamack 	11 Jan 1938 abt 1916  Female Southampton, England     		Aquitania     
Maths Wamack 		03 Jan 1957             					United States    
O Wamack 		22 May 1930 abt 1909         New York, New York  American  	Baracoa    
Otis Wamack 		11 Jul 1942 abt 1909  Male   Cartagena, Colombia  White  	William Floyd    
Rachel Wamack 		14 Jul 1870 abt 1861  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Erin    
Robert G Wamack Sr 	07 Feb 1952 abt 1889  Male   Nordingham  	sc;ir  		Azalea City    
Robert V Wamack 	04 Oct 1953       	     Kindley Fld, Hamilton, Bermuda  American       
Robt W Wamack 		27 Jul 1886 abt 1866  Male   Glasgow, Scotland  Ireland  	Devonia    
Rose Wamack 		23 Apr 1886 abt 1870  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  Ireland  	City of Chicago    
Sarah Wamack 		14 Jul 1870 abt 1835  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Erin    
Sarah Wamack 		14 Jul 1870 abt 1868  Female Liverpool, England and 
	  					     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Erin    
Sarah Wamack 		06 Sep 1886 abt 1862  Female Greenock, Scotland and 
					  	     Moville, Ireland  	Ireland  	Furnessia     
Seaborn Wamack 		-- Jan 1934 abt 1892  Male   New York, New York     		Borinquen    
William Wamack 		14 Jul 1870 abt 1867  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Erin    
Joseph Wamec 		11 Apr 1874 abt 1851  Male   Antwerp, Belgium  	Germany  	C F French    
Franz Wameck 		19 Jul 1888 abt 1867  Male   Antwerp, Belgium  	Germany  	Belgenland    
Constance L Wamick 	07 Nov 1837 abt 1833          London, England     		Westminister    
Eliza Louisa Wamick 	07 Nov 1837 abt 1809          London, England     		Westminister    
Grasy Wamick 		28 Jun 1907 abt 1881  Male   Antwerp  		German  	Samland    
Janec Wamick 		12 Oct 1899 abt 1874  Male   Bremen  		galicia  	Friedrich Der Grosse     
Ole Andreas Wamick 	15 Apr 1907 abt 1888  Male   Liverpool  	Scandinavian  	Cedric     
Virgenia E Wamick 	07 Nov 1837 abt 1827         London, England     		Westminister    
Waldener Wamick 	16 May 1926 abt 1880  Male   Tampico, Mexico  	Scandinavian  	Agwihavre    
William J Wamick 	07 Nov 1837 abt 1829         London, England     		Westminister    
William Lidney Wamick 	07 Nov 1837 abt 1790         London, England     		Westminister    
Wm Wamick 		21 Jul 1842 abt 1815  Male   Liverpool, England     		Siddons    
Albert E Wamock 	18 Nov 1918 abt 1896  Male   Liverpool  	English 	Ceramic     
Clara Wamock 		26 Aug 1909 abt 1889  Female Bermuda     	Bermudian    
Clones Wamock 		26 Jul 1930 abt 1914  Male   St John, New Brunswick     	Charles C Lister  

Edish Wamock 		26 Aug 1909 abt 1888  Female Bermuda     	Bermudian    
Geo Wamock 	 	22 May 1894 abt 1865  Male   Sampton     			Chester    
James Wamock 		17 Apr 1905 abt 1883  Male   Londonderry  	Irish  		Columbia     
James K Wamock 		01 Mar 1916 abt 1859  Male   Liverpool     			California    
John Wamock 		22 Oct 1842 abt 1839  Male   Liverpool, England     		Talbot    
John Wamock 		22 Oct 1842 abt 1804  Male   Liverpool, England     		Talbot    
John Wamock 		05 Jul 1892 abt 1872  Male   Glasgow  		Scotish  	Ethiopia     
John Wamock 		17 Apr 1905 abt 1882  Male   Londonderry  	Irish  		Columbia     
Louisa Wamock 		22 Oct 1842 abt 1814  Female Liverpool, England     		Talbot    
Mary Wamock 		16 Sep 1902 abt 1857  Female Glasgow  		Scotish  	Laurentian    
Maryaret Wamock 	06 Sep 1904       	     Glasgow     			Furnessia     
Phebe Ann Wamock 	22 Oct 1842 abt 1835  Female Liverpool, England     		Talbot    
Robert Wamock 		22 Oct 1842 abt 1842  Male   Liverpool, England     		Talbot    
Robt Wamock 		01 May 1848 abt 1823  Male   Liverpool, England     		Richard Alsop    
Mrs W P Wamock 		03 Sep 1894 abt 1865  Female San Francisco     			Finance    
William Wamock 		22 Oct 1842 abt 1833  Male   Liverpool, England     		Talbot    
William Wamock 		16 Sep 1902 abt 1891  Male   Glasgow  		Scotish  	Laurentian    
William W Wamock 	26 Jul 1930 abt 1872  Male   St John, New Brunswick     	Charles C Lister    
Catherine Waymack 	03 Aug 1939 abt 1915  Female Southampton, England     		George Washington     
Edward Waymack 		03 Aug 1939 abt 1912  Male   Southampton, England     		George Washington     
Elizth Waymack 		27 Apr 1885 abt 1865  Female Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Aurania    
Elsie Waymack 		03 Aug 1939 abt 1890  Female Southampton, England     		George Washington     
Jonas Waymack 		28 Mar 1887 abt 1837  Male   Rotterdam, Netherlands  Russia  	P Caland    
Lizzie Waymack 		05 Oct 1895 abt 1865  Female Liverpool     			Lucania     
William Waymack 	10 Sep 1943 abt 1888  Male   Gourock, Scotland     		Queen Mary    
Leonard wemack 		05 Sep 1945 abt 1927     New Orleans, Louisiana  American  	Sea Scamp    
Perry J wemack 		14 Oct 1947 abt 1929  Male   Bremen, Germany  	English  	Davidson Victory    
Raymend C wemack 	05 May 1945 abt 1925  Male   Kilbury Dochs,eng  American  	The Yakima    
William wemack 		02 May 1933 abt 1896  Male   Genoa, Italy  	English  	Conte di Savoia     
F Wymack 		25 May 1855 abt 1819  Male   Aspinwall, Panama  American  	Geo Law    
William Wymack 		14 Dec 1874 abt 1816  Male   Liverpool, England and 
						     Queenstown, Ireland  England  	Republic    
Wm Wymack 		03 Jan 1855 abt 1834  Male   London, England  	England  	Margaret Evans  
Florence de Wimaux 	05 Jul 1939 abt 1881  Female Le Havre, France  	French  	Ile de France  

This is about all I could do with this particular listing.

New York County Supreme Court Naturalization Petition Index, 1907-24

Name 		Address 		Date Comment 	Volume # 	Page # 

Benjamin Wemick 1507 Washington Ave.  	12 Jun 1912       		21 

New York Petitions for Naturalization

Name 		Naturalization Date 	Former Nationality Birth Date 	Court 

Frank Womacsko 	18 Aug 1927 		Czecho-hung    			US District Court, New York, NY  
Frank Womacsko        							US District Court, New York, NY 

New York, 1820-1850 Passenger and Immigration Lists

Name 			Arrival Date Age Gender Port of Dep 	Place of Origin Ship 

Charles Womack 		Mar 20, 1838 24    M    Liverpool   	Great Britain   Ship North America  
Mr. ??? Womack 		May 06, 1850 25    M    Dublin      	Great Britain   James Fagan  
Mr. C. Womack 		May 06, 1850 20    M    Dublin      	Great Britain   James Fagan  
Bridget Wamace 		May 26, 1837 17    F    Liverpool     			Ship Ann Hall  
Cath Wamike 		Apr 30, 1849 26    U     		Deutschland  	Hannard?  
J??? Wamike 		Apr 30, 1849       U     		Deutschland  	Hannard?  
G??? Wammach 		Jan 04, 1847 21    M    Havre  		Deutschland  	St. Nicholas  
Mr. ??? Wamock 		May 24, 1844       M    Liverpool     			Chester  
John Carl Weimick 	Jun 15, 1849 37    M  Bremen  		Deutschland  	Edmond  
Theresa Weimick 	Jun 15, 1849 24    M  Bremen  		Deutschland  	Edmond 
Carl Weimmich 		Jul 15, 1848 11    M  Havre  		Deutschland  	Noemie  

Oregon Passenger and Crew Lists, 1888-1957

Name 		Arrival Dt  Est YOB   Port of Arrival 	Ship Name/Airline 

Eugene Womack 	16 Feb 1952 abt 1917  Portland, Oregon  Denise  
Hushan W Womack 14 Nov 1945 abt 1925  Portland, Oregon  Alamance  
Otis A Womack 	09 Dec 1949 abt 1909  Portland, Oregon  American Miller  
Otis A Womack 	08 Oct 1949 abt 1909  Portland, Oregon  American Miller  
Robert Womacks 	15 Dec 1944 abt 1923  Portland, Oregon  Myron T Herrick 

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s

Name 			Year Age 	Est YOB	 	Place of Arrival 

Mark S. Womack 		1835        			Texas  
William Womack 		1823-1836        		Texas  
Frederick Wimicke 	1842        			Alabama 

Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1800-1945
Name 		Arrival Dt 	Est YOB   Gender  Port of Dep  		Last Res  	Ship Name 

Anna Womack 	06 Aug 1935 	abt 1863  Female  Frontera, Mexico     		  	Atenas   
Estelle Womack 	06 Aug 1935 	abt 1898  Female  Frontera, Mexico     		  	Atenas  
Johannes Wahamaki 28 Dec 1904 	abt 1874  Male    Liverpool, England  	Karvia  	Merion   
Julio Wahamaki 	25 Dec 1905 	abt 1867  Male    Liverpool, England  	Wasa Jalayarvi  Merion   
Julie Wahamski 	23 Jun 1895 	abt 1871  Male    Liverpool, England  	Kristinestad  	Ohio  
G M Wamack 	28 Oct 1901       		  Liverpool, England     		Noordland   
Jane Wamack 	29 Jul 1850 	abt 1846          Londonderry, Ireland     		Robert Burton   
Mathilde Wamcs 	28 Jun 1912 	abt 1881  Female  Bremen, Germany     			Chemnitz   
Viktoria Wamcs 	28 Jun 1912 	abt 1911  Female  Bremen, Germany  	Galicia  	Chemnitz   
Ennst Wamecke 	04 Nov 1878 	abt 1850  Male    Liverpool, England     		Ohio   
James Wamesch 	05 Apr 1881 	abt 1858          Liverpool, England     		British Crown  
Jos Wamuaski 	11 Jul 1875    		  Male    Liverpool, England     		Illinois   
Mary A Wamuaski 11 Jul 1875 	abt 1847  Female  Liverpool, England     		Illinois   
Val Wamuaski 	11 Jul 1875 	abt 1873  Male    Liverpool, England     		Illinois   
Bertha Wamush 	27 Sep 1892 	abt 1872  Female  Antwerp, Belgium  	Hungary  	Pennsylvania  
Anne Wanmek 	04 May 1846 	abt 1838          Londonderry, Ireland     		General Washington   
George Wanmek 	04 May 1846 	abt 1840          Londonderry, Ireland     		General Washington   
John Wanmek 	04 May 1846 	abt 1815          Londonderry, Ireland     		General Washington   
Mary Wanmek 	04 May 1846 	abt 1806          Londonderry, Ireland     		General Washington   
Mary Wanmek 	04 May 1846 	abt 1832          Londonderry, Ireland     		General Washington   
Matty Wanmek 	04 May 1846 	abt 1836          Londonderry, Ireland     		General Washington   
Wm Wanmek 	04 May 1846 	abt 1834          Londonderry, Ireland     		General Washington 

Seattle Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1957

Name 			Arrival Dt  Est YOB 	Port of Arr  		Ship Name/Airline 

Charlotte Marie Womack 	16 Nov 1934 1932  	Seattle, Washington  	President Jefferson  
Chester Womack 		07 Apr 1952    		Seattle, Washington  	Pan American World Airways  
Ethel M Womack 		16 Nov 1934 1895  	Seattle, Washington  	President Jefferson  
Eugene Womack 		08 Aug 1947 1917  	Seattle, Washington  	General John Pope  [crew member]
Eugene Womack 		01 Jul 1947 1917  	Seattle, Washington  	General John Pope  
Hamilton G Womack 	02 Jul 1953    		Seattle, Washington  	General Hugh J Gaffey  [crew member]
Hamilton O Womack 	07 Sep 1953    		Seattle, Washington  	General Hugh J Gaffey  
Hamilton Q Womack 	01 Jun 1953    		Seattle, Washington  	General Hugh J Gaffey  
Hamilton Q Womack 	13 Apr 1955    		Seattle, Washington  	Marine Phoenix  
Hamilton Q Womack 	03 Jan 1955    		Seattle, Washington  	Marine Phoenix  
Hamilton Q Womack 	-- Nov 1953    		Seattle, Washington  	General Hugh J Gaffey  
Hamilton W Womack 	05 Oct 1953    		Seattle, Washington  	General Hugh J Gaffey  
Henry Womack 		11 Feb 1954    		Tacoma, Washington  	Fort Stephenson  
Homer E Womack 		03 Jan 1947 1899  	Seattle, Washington  	General H B Freeman  
John C Womack 		27 Aug 1945 1901  	Seattle, Washington  	Douglas Victory  
Louise T Womack 	06 Jul 1946 1911  	Seattle, Washington  	General J H Mcrae  
Lyla L Womack 		06 Jul 1946 1934  	Seattle, Washington  	General J H Mcrae  
Lyle A Womack 		06 Jul 1946 1944  	Seattle, Washington  	General J H Mcrae  
Lyle E Womack 		06 Jul 1946 1902  	Seattle, Washington  	General J H Mcrae  
Mary A Womack 		21 May 1956 1918  	Seattle, Washington  	General Mason M Patrick  
Oather B Womack 	18 Aug 1934 1912  	Port Angeles, WA  	Admiral Gove  
Oris Womack 		08 Feb 1951 1910  	Seattle, Washington  	Gainsville Victory  
Otis Womack 		19 Nov 1929 1909  	Port Angeles, WA  	Admiral Chase  
Otis Womack 		26 Oct 1945 1909  	Seattle, Washington  	Carl Schurz  
Otis Womack 		28 Jun 1944 1909  	Seattle, Washington  	John W Weeks  
Otis Womack 		19 Oct 1944 1909  	Point Wells and 
						Seattle, Washington  	Cape Fairweather  
Otis Womack 		10 Sep 1944 1909  	Bellingham, Washington  Cape Fairweather  
Otis Womack 		16 Jul 1938 1909  	Port Townsend, WA  	Capac  
Robert R Womack 	29 Sep 1923 1879  	Vancouver, BC  		Niagara  
Ruth Elizabeth Womack 	16 Nov 1934 1922  	Seattle, Washington  	President Jefferson  
Sterling Price Womack 	16 Nov 1934 1890  	Seattle, Washington  	President Jefferson  
Thos Womack 		29 May 1905 1865  	Port Townsend, WA 	Waddon  
Thos Womack 		06 Nov 1905 1865  	Seattle, Washington  	Waddon 
Richard Wommack 	02 Sep 1943 1921  	Seattle, Washington  	Coventry 
Richard G Wommack 	26 Nov 1943 1921  	Seattle, Washington  	General W C Gorgas 
Hamilton G Wamack 	-- Dec 1953    		Seattle, Washington  	Not Stated  
Alice Kay Wemack 	-- Jun 1949 1923  	Seattle, Washington  	Hindanger  
Eugene Wemack 		06 Jun 1951 1917  	Seattle, Washington  	Brazil Victory  
Henry M Wamock 		06 Aug 1949 1905  	Tacoma, Washington  	Garden State  
Roy C Wamock 		-- Nov 1923 1904  	Eastport, Idaho