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How it is here!!

       Being a Freshman in Page High School is not that difficult. But if you have friends  and family members that you know, that could help you with school or any activities.

        That is what I have. I have a lot of friends and a couple of family members that help me with school and activities. School is fun here because all the teachers know me and everyone knows who is my family. But the thing I like about school is sports. That is the only way I keep up my grades and do my homework. Softball is what brings my family and friends together. To tell someone how my team did and where we are going next. 

        Softball is  not the only sport I like, there is;  Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track   & Field, Foot ball, X-Country, Tennis, and Baseball. Those are the one that I would Like to try out. This year is just Seeing how High school is. As they say school first. So I just had to play softball first, just to see how much work I would miss leaving for trips.


     Jessie’s PHS Sand Devils

Best Classes!!

·             English

·             Math

·             Welding

·             Photography

·             Auto Body

·             Drawing/ Painting

·             Computer 

After School Activities!!


·             Guitar

·             Art

·             Environmental

·             Native American Dance

·             Spanish

·             Navajo Language

·             Upward Bound

·             Drama

·             Sports