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This is my page. You wanted more pictures, here we go. It's all about family and the things we find important. After all girls just want to have fun.

This picture the girls now tell me is miss leading. It is a professional shot taken awhile ago. It's the only one I like and even if they say I don't look like that, I still feel like that. SO THERE!

This is my normal attire. Not a real conventional girl. That's to say the least.

The only Wrestling match I have lost with my many biological/adopted children. I'll have you know it took four of them to take me down!

These are the two children I claim, no friends attached.

Not as old a picture as you would think.

This is me in my She-ra pose! It at least scares the kids!;-)

Here I am 40 and I still don't know better than to hurt myself showing off. It was fun anyway.

These are some of the many strays I have adopted in my heart over the years. This is this years batch. They are in deed great kids.

This was the last trip my siblings and I got to take as a complete family before my father passed away. How much fun. We all converted back to our roles as children.

This shows the love that my brothers and sisters have for me being mom and dads baby and favorite. rofl (roll on floor laughing). Family is the center of all things.

My buddy Robin and I just clowning around at the house. We lived togeather for 3 years until she went and up and fell in love. Damn Her.

Nothing is better to do with a weekend off then relaxing at a camp site and enjoying nature.

Floating around on the water. With a lot of peace and quite. (especially if you can get away without the kids trying to dump your raft.

Hiking is also a favorite pass time. Usually one I have to do by myself since somehow I seem to have raised a couple of girly girls.

However they do like to tear the house apart on their weekends. This night they decided to play a simple game of twister. You'd of thought there was money on the line or something.

Empty nest syndrome. This is my baby that left me to go off to college. No longer does she need me. How sad huh. I want her to be a kid again, but she is doing great at becoming an adult.

One of many places I love to go when I'm in my hermit moods.

Here is my 10 year old stepson trying to act like Mom. What a fun night.

My middle child playing with the teddy bear at the fair.


Katies' page one of my adopted daughters.
