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My meaning of life

What is the true meaning of life? Many have pondered the same question, but it seems there is no absolute truth about the actual meaning. We human beings, controllers of the earth, have been placed here on this land by god himself. Born as babies we frolic through childhood not knowing of what is yet to come, and as we grow we are introduced to the harsh reality of our lives. In the early stages of human life, it was quite simple, almost surreal in comparison to the present. Where our basic necessities were very minimal, they consisted of food, water, and shelter. Have we ourselves brought such fate to our lives? Have our discoveries and inventions corrupted the true meaning created by god. As we slave away producing money to provide for our families and ourselves with the never ending list of needs. It seems the human race has evolved too intricately, and has forgotten the true purpose of this life we live. Life the journey, has long been forgotten, it has become more or less a burden to many. From our origins, the lives we lead today are almost impossible to connect. The human race has come far, creating many advantages for itself, yet these advantages have also caused grave harms. We were once in key with nature, but as the years go by we have traveled far away from it. Yet we rely on this earth to provide us with materials, yet that is all that it as become, a great provider. What happened to those times where the earth was known as the home to all, and nothing else? The more we evolve, the harder it is to go back to our origin, and at this point it has become impossible. Have we brought such desolation and misery to our lives? Many do not have time in their busy schedules to stop and think of what we are missing, what we have forgotten. We were once equal to all animals on this earth, but we have ascended ourselves to the role as controllers. Taking the power of life over death for many, in our hands we hold too much. Such power, which we were never meant to achieve. Corruption, it has taken over the world, our very mentalities. There was once an age of innocence, yet even that no longer stands. As children we witness such atrocities and are taught such corruption in places known for education. We were once the physical and mental controllers of this world, yet know we have created such evils, that we no longer have control over our own mentalities. Corruption, greed, and insolence have preoccupied our minds to the extent where goodness, and innocence are overridden. There may have been a true meaning to life, when it began. Yet, now there is no possible way of even understanding it, since it has been so greatly distorted. There is no longer a meaning to life; there is only the meaning of living. Meaning of living, it consists of the many reasons people look for when they need an assurance of their lives. It shall answer only the questions concerning the reason for living, not the reason for life. M