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Tears of The Moon


In an ancient Indian legend, pearls were said to be tears of the moon. Therefore they were often looked upon as unnatural and an ominous sign of disaster...

"Oi, you guys see Katoh anywhere?" Youji looked around the school canteen, his eyes searching for a certain blond. The group of students shrugged their shoulders and walked away, ignoring the infamous school gangster.

It was a normal school day in Anglican Catholic Institution, a couple of weeks since the school term started and by then, Youji and his posse had made a name for themselves. They were the group of year 1 students whom even the year 3 had not dared to go near. They smoke, gamble, and play truant as and when they feel like it, so much so that the teachers had not even bothered to keep track of their attendance record. The only reason that prevented them from quitting school altogether was that they had a limited amount of pocket money and no matter how you look at it; it was always more tempting to go to school than to stay at home.

Fuck, Youji cursed under his breath. "If that twerp decides to give school a miss without telling me, I'm gonna..."

"Gonna do what?" A voice chirped from behind him. The red haired teenager jumped slightly, meeting a pair of bright blue eyes behind him. Katoh smirked at his friend's response and stalked off in their other direction.

"Damnit, Katoh! Where were you the entire morning?" Youji ran ahead to catch up with his friend, muttering something unprintable as he did so.  If Katoh had not been part of his gang of friends, he would have no hesitation in hitting those teeth of his out. "Answer me!"

Katoh raised his hands up to his sides, palms facing upwards in a casual gesture.

"Why do I need to tell you?" They were already out in the back garden of the school, their shoes forming a squishing sound as they made contact with the wet mud.


"Oh fine, there's a new transfer student in school today. Heard that he is quite cute, the girls, including those in the upper levels are crazy over him. Wears specs, looking like a nice little mummy's boy who will piss in his pants and cry over the monster under his bed."

"So?" Youji sighed, arms akimbo. Sometimes his friend just have got this irritating way of speaking in riddles. "If he's a girl, I might be interested. Nay, I'm not a fag."

"Is sex all you could think about?" Katoh snapped, the grin on his face betraying what he really felt. The two kept walking on.

"That newcomer likes to read, a big bookworm. But there's one good thing about him, " The blond paused for a moment for effect before continuing. "He's goddamn filthy rich."

"Ah-ha!" Youji replied, finally seeing the light in things. If this new guy was really like how Katoh had described him, they could jolly well exhort some money from the poor kid and get the hell out of school and have fun in the games arcade.

"Glad you got it." Katoh suddenly stopped in his steps, causing the man behind to crash into him. "There he is." Youji rubbed his nose in a growl and followed the direction Katoh was pointing at.

There, sitting under a tree, was indeed a young man absorbed deep into the book he was reading. His long fringe fell freely over his eyes, some of it even falling over his spectacles. His black hair was neatly cropped, ending just right at his neck. His school uniform was properly tucked in, straightly pressed to look just right for the first day in school. As if noticing someone else's presence, he carefully placed a bookmark between the pages of his book and looked up.

His gray eyes were neutral, but at the same time holding a wise look in them that was not suitable for his age, yet holding the ability for one to drown into those depths and not want to get up. Youji and Katoh suddenly realized the reason for the girls' infatuation with him before even knowing his name. If they were female, they might have reacted in the same way too.

The new student reached out his hand to remove his glasses, wiping them on the cloth of his trousers before folding them to be kept in his shirt pocket. Katoh stopped his examination and approached the boy.

"So, you are the new student huh?"

A nod.

"And do you know that you are darn popular among the chicks?"

Another nod.

"Hey, stop being so quiet." Katoh yelled, feeling his limited patience slipping away like sands in an hourglass.

"You didn't ask me to speak." The boy answered curtly, totally unaffected by a danger of being beaten up so blatantly being displayed in front of him.

"You--" Katoh held his tongue and decided to go on a safer approach. "What's your name?"

"My name currently is Kira. Kira Sakuya." Kira replied.

"Currently? You mean you used to have another name?" Youji walked up to the two and leant an arm over Katoh's shoulders, utterly amused by Kira's queer answer.

"I used to. We all used to. I think there was a point in time when people call me Kenji. But that was at least a century ago. Meiji era."

Blue eyes widened for a moment, before their owner burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, his first motive of exhorting money completely forgotten.

"Interesting fellow you are, Kira Sakuya! My name is Katoh, and that's all you have to know. And this..." Katoh jabbed a finger at the redhead beside him. "Is Youji."

"That's all you have to know too." Youji chipped in.

"Aa..." Kira gave his newfound friends a smile as a gesture of acceptance. "Not willing to give your entire name, I see. I'm looking forward to unravel the mystery."

"So we've got a Sherlock Holmes in here." Katoh grinned smugly.

"No, just Detective Kira-sama. By the way, you guys know any fun places around here? I just got moved to this area and I really don't want to have any lessons today."

"You've got any money to spare?" Youji asked.

"We could go home and ask from my old man. Wanna go now?"

Katoh threw one arm across Kira's shoulders and led him out of the school gates. "Where's your school bag?" He inquired, looking at the empty ground around the tree.

"I didn't bother to bring one. Not when I am planning to skip school even before you guys came along."


"Sakuya! Ain't you supposed to be in school right now? And what are you doing with my wallet?" Kira Sakuya threw a backward smirk at his father, waving a bunch of notes in his hands and walked out of the door towards his waiting friends.

"Here!" Kira threw the bundle to Katoh and waited for the other two to lead him to their afternoon activities. The blond stared at the money Kira had just thrown him, amazed that the young man could just treat this great an amount of money like trash when it could meant a week's allowance for both him and Youji together.

He gave Kira a questioning look, only to be returned with an equally puzzled one as the trio made their way towards the centre area of town.

"Hey, Katoh, where's Kasumi? Had not been seeing her around for quite some time." Youji asked his friend.

"Kasumi?" Kira raised an eyebrow at the name he could not recognize. "Who's that?"

Katoh gave a cocky grin and led the gang into the games arcade. "My girlfriend. Have you heard of the saying 'parting makes the heart grow fonder'?" And stopped start on his steps all of a sudden.

"KASUMI!!" A girl in school uniform bolted upright at the sound of her name, breaking away from the kiss with this other youth from Katoh's school.

"Katoh," she exclaimed, from both shock and fear. "What are you doing here?"

Katoh stormed his way towards the pair and gave the man a punch across the jaw.

"What am I doing here? I should be asking you that question." He yelled at the top of his voice, not caring who would hear him while continue raining punches on the stranger. He struggled slightly as he felt himself being pulled away by a pair of strong arms and was being held in an arm lock. The young man he had beaten regained his footing and wiped the trail of blood from the edge of his mouth with the back of his hand.

The young man walked up to Katoh, staring at the gangster before spitting at him.

"Ha, you think you're so great! Stay away from my chick, you heard me, motherfucker?!" The statement was punctuated with a punch from him. Youji muttered something under his breath and made a move to approach the group, only to be stop by Kira's hand on his shoulder.

"Kira?" The said individual ignored Youji and made his own way towards the group.

"I don't understand what is this all about, but I want you to let go of my friend right now." Kira took the time to remove his watch from his wrist and pulled it in his pocket.

"And why should I--" The once haughty teenager widened his eyes in fear as he felt pressure closing in on his throat. His companion quickly let go of Katoh to attack Kira from behind, rewarded only by an elbow aimed straight at his nose.

Kira dropped his hold when he saw his friend freed. Hauling the now unconscious Katoh off the ground, he gathered him in his arms and walked out of the arcade, leaving a crowd to marvel at the what little mess the fight had cause, so unlike the usual cases in there.


©Copyright 2001 Majokai Yukiko
This fanfiction is an original work of the author, although the characters belongs to Kaori Yuki's Angel Sanctuary©. Please seek permission before archiving. All Rights Reserved