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A hill, is a hill, not a mountain
Not something we're unable to cross
It may take some time and some courage
But we'll show that old hill who's the boss

Some things in life seem like mountains
Some things seem so monstrous and tall
But if we just sit and think and do nothing
These mountains, just as surely, will fall

Mountains are just little hills with a complex
A complex like so many of us have
We just have to think through the problem
And the hills, with the complex, seem flat

Copyright 2003 ©Adrain Desaire


Life, sometimes, is compared to a box of chocolates
Other times, to red hot Jalapenos in a jar
We just have to sort out the chocolates
Cause Jalapenos start a roaring hot fire

Don't confuse the fire of Jalapenos
With that of the heat from the soul
Of a young man who finally pops the question
And his love puts his answer on hold

"First we must go ask my Daddy"
Who knows what that man thinks of him?
He's made enough cracks about his manhood
To fill up his cup to the brim

With the fire of his youth they approach him
In his lair, the workshop outback
Perhaps these tools are for torture
He can feel the stripe up his back.

He stands, with his hands on his hip bones
Doesn't waiver, just stiff as a tree
He grunts out his message of greeting
Speak Up" he growls,"Words are still free"

The youth in him now turns to passion
The fire burns bright in his breast
In answer to the gruff, growly greeting
He squeaks out the question at best

"What's this now, you want to marry my daughter?"
He growls out, then melts at the seams
Son, if you're half the man she makes you
"You're as welcome in this family as me"

Now chocolates and Jalapenos are tasty
He struts like the cock of the walk
No more does he fear for his sanity
This has been just a walk in the park!

Copyright 2003©Adrain Desaire

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