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.::[About my BFF Amy!]::.



This is the page all about my BFF Amy!

What I like about Amy

shes funny

shes one of my bff's

shes fun to be around

our momz have alot in commen lol

shes a good friend

i can trust her

All About Amy

Full Name: Amy D

Nick Namez:hyper gyal

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Hazel

Height: 5'1

Marital Status: Single

Location: Brampton

Sports: soccer

Hobbies:Singing, Dancing, chattin on msn messenger, shopping and just hangin around:)

Fav Song: Lets get down-lil bow wow/makes me go mmm-jazmine

Fav food:Pizza,Pasta,Kobasa

fav. Actress: Reese Witherspoon

Fav. Actor: Freddie Prinze Jr.

fav. Colour: Blue

fav People:Family/Friendz

fav. Movie: legally Blonde

Person I Hate the Most: Alex parker

Best Friends: Sarah,melorie and Danisha

HOT RATE: 10/10 ..LOL

Fav. Restaurant: Mandarin, The Outback

Fav. store(s) 2shop: Siblingz,Stitches,Urban Behaviour,Sport chek


Going to all the loafers dances

thousands of sleepovers!

going to see 8 mile and havin some wierd kid stare at us LOL

playin outside

when we were in the jeep and ur dad went over a bump and we hit our heads on the roof!

walkin our dogs

goin by D's house

goin by M's house

hanging with devon and LJ and sliding down that hill near the lake!

When u slept over and P and M came over and we thought someone was breaking in but it was luca!

makin fun of vince (slick back)

going to meet fager

dancin with the disco ball on

beanie babies!LOL

making a tent in my back yard!

playin soccer on my street

going to wal mart and riding the lil bikes around

getting stuck in the mud!

stayin home from school on the same dayz

walking to loafers lake!

gettin ready for the dance in mcdonalds!

When Marwan and Devon pissed on the house!!!


When the back door was open

going shopping buying bff necklaces

buying spongebob squarepants masks and loosing them on the same day!LOL

planning 2 go 2 wonderland like 3 times but it never happened!

when i got pink eye lol

goin to the bank and it was closed

finally going to wonderland!!!

going on dragon fire and me screamin "OMG I LOVE THIS SOOO MUCH!"

when u were flippin out on cliffhanger! LMFAO

big ass girl LMFAO

getting into a fight on thw swing ride lol

when ur dad woke us up at 6:30 am for breakfast!!!

going to wonderland for the 2nd time together

going in the water park!

when we almost lost eachother in the wave pool LOL

when we went on the bat scared as hell!

when i went on drop zone u were soo scared after lol

goin to wonderland just the 2 of us

goin on so many rides

goin to the water park



sayin tht dany looks like edward scissor hands! LOl

goin on miny drop zone

goin on silver streak and doin edward for our pic! lol

our lil edward handshake

my b day party!

havin soo much fun'

talkin bout ppl

stayin up so late talkin with dany

they're alwayz after me lucky charms

when we went to macks and the pizza place and it started poorring!!!!!! and we had to run home and our shoez got soaked and our clothes!

when i dropped my pizza LOL

doubleing on ur bike LOL

when we fell off my bike

when all the guyz on the street started being nice to us (wierd timez)

when we went to wonderland AGAIN hehehe

the thing u said to try and get a spongebob

when we met up with melorie and went on some ridez with her

talkin to those guyz in the wave pool

scarin lil chinese boiz pretending we were retarded !LOL

the lady in the changeroom EEEWWW GRODY

when we had to leave early cuz i felt sick LOL

going to kelso with ur mom! and krista!

the grody ppl LOL

lookin for rocks

tryin to ketch turtles

wofting wofting LMFAO pj person joke

