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The Legion of Victory is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to providing information on alternative treatments for cancer, and a support network and forum for cancer patients to find encouragement and guidance from cancer victors (those who have had cancer, have undergone conventional and/or alternative treatment and are now cancer free). Adhering to the attitude principle of “entertaining the positive,” we consider only positive success stories of people who have overcome cancer through any means. Thus we do not dwell on horror stories of those who were brutalized and left to die by the medical establishment or ripped off by quacks, pandering questionable therapies. We offer practical steps cancer patients can follow to become victors instead of victims and thrivers instead of survivors.

These steps are presented in the BREADTH protocol. BREADTH is an acronym for the six elements of the protocol: Breathing, rest & relaxation, exercise, attitude, diet and therapeutic herbs. One definition of breadth is: “freedom from narrowness or restraint, as in ‘breadth of view.’” Thus the protocol is comprehensive, including all factors that affect the immune system. A cancer patient may eat the best diet and take dozens of supplements and herbs, but if he or she has a negative attitude, the cancer may get worse. Conversely, a person with a positive attitude may be not be healed if he or she does not detoxify the digestive system and blood and follow a strict diet and nutrition program. We realize that many cancer patients have invested a tremendous amount of money, emotion and pain in conventional treatments. We do not criticize their choice of treatment; we offer another way that may complement or replace their therapy if they are not getting satisfactory results. We do not stand to profit from the sale of any equipment, supplements or herbs mentioned in the protocol. We try to find the best products at the best prices. Anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer can join the Legion of Victory as a Legionnaire, provided he or she follows at least one of the six elements of the BREADTH protocol. Our hope is that you will incorporate all of the elements, but we believe that real permanent change can occur only when you do it voluntarily, without being persuaded by fear or guilt tactics, and your own pace. We also believe that deep within every heart resides the spirit of Victory that will not be put down by medical hexing and pessimistic prognoses.

Always Victory!
Wayne H. Purdin


Rest & Relaxation
Attitude & Awareness
Therapeutic Herbs


The following articles include those gleaned from the web and others I wrote for the "Team Victory Newsletter." Team Victory is not affiliated with Legion of Victory. It is a Christian-based Cancer survivor fellowship, support group and educational resource. Visit their website at

Definition of Victors
Victors and Thrivers
Ha Ha Yoga
Bitter Medicine
Look For the Cactus Buds
Love Your Cancer


The following are cancer victors - people who have had cancer and who are now cancer-free. Each person has a story to tell. Read it for inspiration and information. Some have included website or email addresses or physical addresses and phone numbers for those who want more information.

William Sykes - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Larry Clapp - Prostate Cancer
Arthur Doerksen - Melanoma and Breast Cancer
Doug Blampied - Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Sammy Medlin - Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia


The following books should be in the library of every Legionnaire. Click on the title if you want to find out more about it or order it.

"Alternative Medicine: A Definitive Guide to Cancer" by John Diamond, W. Lee Cowder and Burton Goldberg.
"Beating Cancer With Nutrition" by Patrick Quillin.
"The Cancer Battle Plan Workbook" by David Frahm.
"Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy: Promising Nontoxic Antitumor Agents from Plants and Other Natural Sources" by John Boik.
"You Can't Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought" by Peter McWilliams.


Ralph Moss' newsletter
Cure Your Cancer Newsletter
Artemisinin web site
Proven Alternative Cancer Therapies
National Foundation of Alternative Medicine
CLL Topics newsletter
200+ Aletrnative Cancer Therapies
Seattle Cancer Support Group
Leukemia (CML) web site
Cancer Options
