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Avril Quotes

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Here are some hilarious quotes Avril has said...not sure if all of them are real, but I'm positive that some are.

"My butt-crack showing is like my trademark. I wear my pants loose, and lately I’ve been so busy I’ve lost a few pounds. My crack is always showing!"-Lovely, Avril. Just lovely.

"People like Shakira shouldn’t have record contracts. She cant even speak English."-Shakira CAN speak English, half-wit.

"People like comparing me to Alanis. Sorry, I take baths."-I'd like to see you sell as many records as Alanis has, idiot.

"There was a guitar laying around the house - my Dad plays the guitar - and I picked it up and very slowly taught myself to play it."-Very slowly. VERRRRY slowly. Like, you haven't even learned yet.

"I'm not a b**** or anything, but I can be a b****. People want me to look all pretty and sexy for pictures, and it's just not my thing."-You are a pure, 100% B**** (God I hate censors!)

"When I write a song, I sit down with the guitar and write about what I'm feeling at that time. It just comes out."-So what exactly comes out of the guitar? Does it sound like a dying cat?

"Michelle Branch better watch her back."-At least Michelle Branch can play the guitar, loser.

"I dress cool and I look hot, so if you don’t like it suck it."-You're an egotistical threat to society. Oh, and what are we supposed to "suck"? Is there something you haven't been telling us?

"Pink's pretty cool. She's just kinda like a poser."-Intelligent.

"I really hate preps."-Oh, stop with all the intelligent remarks! I can't comprehend!

"I could be Britney. I could be better than Britney."-Now, that'd be funny. But wouldn't you have to be a "PREP" to do that?

"I'm going to be around for a while. I'm going to make tons of records and keep on writing music and performing and reaching fans."-Slit my wrists and run a hot bath.

"I like to express myself in songs, I mean I wrote my entire album......well cowrote my entire album."-Nice save. By the way, we can still see through you.
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