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Avril Parodies

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These are some parodies I've written, please don't take them!.

Fooling you(I'm with you) I wear Abercrombie and Fitch,
But I cross out all the marks
And people still don't see how
They really need some brains
It's so obvious now
My clothes look punk, but not my sound
Everyone still finds me punky?
I've brainwashed them, it's wrong and I know
It's a damn tight tie
It might hang me tonight
Torn up socks are on my hand
I need something new
Oh, where's my guitar?
I'm fooling you
Make-up on my face
Sharpies all over the place
Eyeliner's better, i know
Racoon's look real tight
Oops, my eyes are a mess
A garbage can is my new home
Everyone still find me punky?
I've brainwashed them and I know
My tie's too tight
It's hard leading a fake life
Punky armsocks and armbands
And a drawn on tatoo
I can't play guitar
I'm fooling you
My fake fashion's confusing
Dropped out and I have no mind
yea yea yea
Stay away, racoons bite
And I might take your life
Lets make bracletes with rubber bands
You can be punky too!
Let's try and play guitar
I'm fooling you
See my punky band?
They've got tatoos too
Fake yes they are
And I'm fooling you
Fooling you
Punky armsocks and armbands
And a drawn on tatoo
I can't play guitar
I'm fooling you
Fooling you

Motel(Mobile) Have no home again
Mom sucks, she forgot the bills again
Who cares, I don't have friends
Can't say where my daddy's been
Gotta turn the home round
All our stuff is gone
EVERYTHING (all my stuff gone) everything....
Trailer parks, old and dirty homes, gotta turn around, try a motel.
Trailer parks, old and dirty homes, gotta turn around, try a motel.
Not enough money for life
And my mom has a very weird vibe
And she never even tries
Can't afford a TV GUIDE
This old and dirty home
Our house isn't attached to the ground oh oh oh....
Trailer parks, old and dirty homes, gotta turn around, try a motel.
Trailer parks, old and dirty homes, gotta turn around, try a motel.
Try a motel
My daddy's been on drugs, when's he coming round?
My mommy's much too crazy & wild
And my sister likes to SCREAM OUT LOUD ....
So many trailers...
everywhere I go
My life's out of control
So many trailers...
That's the only home I know
la la la la la la (la la)
la la la la la la (la la)
la la la la la la (la la la)
la la la la la la

The Internet Stalker (Naked)
I wake up,early morning
Send you a pic of my face
Why don't you IM me?
It'll make my day
Doesn't really matter
My info's outside
life is like a blinddate sometimes
Then you came to stalk me
And now I'm just in fear
What did I say to reveal me?
I'm almost cryin tears
I'm unprotected
I thought I really was in love
Why did I trust?
I had better lock all of my the doors
And fake it
Around you
Not at home
Please stop following me
And I can't hide
I'll fake it
Around you
Try and live tonight
I'm trying to remember
What I might have said
To let you start to stalk me
I might die today
I've never IMed someone like you
Someone save me before this guy gets
In my skin
I've never met you ever before!
Take it..
I hate you!
So just go!
I changed my screenname!
So I can hide
I'll fake it
Around you
So I'll make it through tonight
I'll fake it
Just go..
So just take it
I'm so scared around you
Internet doesn't hide
I'll just switch chat rooms, baby.
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