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Welcome To Lady Amulet's Homepage


About Me
Fan Fictions
A relationship is like a rose, 
How long it lasts, no one knows; 
  Love can erase an awful past, 
Love can be yours, you'll see at last; 
  To feel that love, it makes you sigh, 
To have it leave, you'd rather die; 
           You hope you've found that special rose, 
                   'Cause you love and care for the one you chose.
                   -Rob Cella

It's the month of May!!! I've just done a new layout for me homepage ^_^ , So how are you guys doing?
 To Josephine, Van, Vicky, Adam, Amal, Kaarthi, Erin and the rest of the Seafieldians... all the best in your life, 
don't you ever forget me and be sure to give me a call once in a while okies?
To all of my FF:WA friends, thank you so much for always being there for me. Fygee, JuDevil, Keevik, Neutronflare,
C-Fu and the rest of you guys... thank you so much for always being there for each other. I love you guys!!!
To Acrux, Saturn, Venus, Nunki, Mr. Confuse and WindyOctober... thank you for always being there for me... thank you for 
always showing support and thank you so much for helping me out with this home page. Lots of *HUGZ* Thank you SO much.
To Mike... friends forever...

[Note: This homepage is still under construction so some of the links aren't available yet. =) ]

Time for some latest news about me and my homepage. ^_^
1/05/2001: I don't have to tell ya. You can see it for yourself ^_^  However, I would like to thank my friends for giving me the 
fullest support for my homepage. To Amal, thank you so much for sharing with me your poems and your story. 

what if i loved u
what if u cared 
what if u told me 
u'd always be there 
what if u gave me 
the chance to say 
i loved u yesterday
and ..i love u today..
(More at the Poems Section)


"I can't help it, really. If it weren't for him, I would have never left Keagen. I always believed 
that Keagen loves me no matter what, even though he ignored me and treated me badly.  I guess what 
I believed in was wrong and it was him who helped me see through it."
(More at the Fan Fiction Section)












This Home Page was created on the 31 of January 2001 by Lady Amulet (a.k.a Eelyma on FF:WA)