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Richard Boylan
Richard C. Hoagland
Robert Morning Sky
Whitley Strieber
Travis Walton

Dr. John Mack
P.E.E.R. (Program for Extraordinary Experience Research)



Art Bell Show

Coast to coast A.M. ~ from the kingdom of Nye..

You may listen from anywhere in the world to Art Bell's daily five hour talk show directly from your PC.

Sightings on the Radio

Also another great radio program



Malta UFO Research
National UFO Reporting Center
Skywatch International
United Kingdom UFO Network
UFO Sweden
United Kingdom UFO Network



Art Bell's HOT LINKS!

Art Bell 's radio sound clips

The Triangle Project
Star Gate Portal
Eaglechild's Library of Wisdom
- Directory of UFO's, Extraterrestrials

Inanna Returns
The Lyssa Royal Home Page
The Alien Jigsaw
Project Open Mind
Alien Mind Software
The Pleiades Mission
The Ultimate UFO-page
Artemis Various Links
Alien Mind
Alien Mind Bookstore
Cosmic Rose

Travis Walton
Network 2012
The B:.B:. ©   Incredible site!
                   Roswell UFO               Zeta Talk

Jan Lustrup's UFO PAGE
The UFO Conspiracy
A Galactic Initiation


Ground Zero
Roswell Rods




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UFOSeek "Best
UFO Site" Award

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WORLDWIDE CLOSE ENCOUNTERS TOP 100            Triangles From New York To Holland                             UFOs - Some Things Never Change

UFO SEEK's Best Top 3% UFO Sites

Government Archives
A Roswell Page

UFO's - Aliens - Paranormal
Jan Lustrup's UFO WORLD
ALEENA's Close Encounters

Ships in Multitudes - Area 51 Report
Anatomy of an Abduction Alien Implant Removals - Five Abductees before and after effects

Are We Truly Alone?
Cattle Mutilations Story In Silicon Valley Paper
Official Millstadt, Illinois Police Department UFO Report
More Major Media Attention To Illinois Sighting
Silver Spheres, Gazing Balls, UFO's And Me
NIDS Ongoing Investigation Into Major Illinois Police UFO Sighting
UFO Experts Fly East To Work With Eyewitnesses To Major Illinois Sighting
Major Media UFO Breakthrough Continues
Ohio UFO Executes Strange Maneuvers In Brief Appearance
WWII German Flying Disk Schematic Drawing Found
Some Triangle Sightings Explained As Satellites
New Jersey Disc Caught On Digital Camera - Three Cylinders Over Pennsylvania
Air Force UFO Policy Directive 10-20 - The Stone Disclosures, Pt 2
Klass Scores Coup With Secret Government UFO Documents
Front Page NY Times Story On China UFO Wave
UFO Disclosure: How To Become A 'Terrorist'
Forbidden Disclosure - A True Story
'D-Notice' Blackout In Effect For UK Black Triangle Reports
Thousands In New Guinea Area See HUGE UFOs...Some Just Meters Above The Sea
Mexican UFO Sightings Continue - - Wave Began In 1991
11-16-99 - Hundreds Of UFO Reports In Kentucky/Cincinnati And Eastern US
UFO Crash In 1865 - Craft Wreckage Still There?
Alien Toxins At Area 51 Kill Two Workers? - One Developed Painful 'Fish Scales'
Forbidden Disclosure - A True Story
The Great Highway Mystery
The Sgt. Stone Disclosures
Air Force UFO Policy Directive 10-20 - The Stone Disclosures, Pt 2
Opening The Secret U-Files
UK Defence Minister To Open Britain's 'X-Files'
UFO Crash In 1865 - Craft Wreckage Still There?
Excellent Video Frames Of Night UFO In Burnaby, BC
Latest UFO Sighting Reports From BC
Amazing Florida UFO Sighting - Two Big Triangles Seen Near 990 Location
 Five Men Charged After Claiming 'Supernatural' Encounter
Visitors Now And Forever Part 2
Visitors Now And Forever Part 3
Three Austalian Fishermen Claim To Have Videotaped UFO
Mjr. Donald E. Keyhoe DataPage
Mars 'UFO' Shadow - Just Phobos Passing Overhead?
Ouija Board Warning - Don't Open The Door To Strangers...
Historic UFOS - All Shapes And Sizes
We Flew Above Flying Saucers

Communion Homepage
Spooky's xcyclopedia
UFO's, Mysteries, and Phenomena

52 signs of abduction by UFOs or aliens! - UFO sightings not required to be an alien abductee!

Steve Neill's Dreamland Gallery
Alien Hunter Home Page
Bismuth material given to Art Bell
Alien / UFO implant investigation by Sim's - Leir team
Alien UFOs, Mysteries & Phenomena
Welcome to Planetary Mysteries  
UFO Master Index
UFO & the Paranormal
Chris' Zecharia Sitchin Web Page Wingate's UFO Files


United Flying Organizations - Fly anywhere in the Universe - book hotels, find your next vacation spot                                                                                                    (the site is under construction but worth book-marking for further update)


UFOSeek "BestUFO Site" Award

Alien Gallery Alien Invader's Page Area 51 Dark Side of the Moon
Ground Zero Hard Evidence Pleiades Index UFO's/Aliens
Metaphysical Circus Rense Reports UFO Scotland South The UFO Conspiracy




Real Alien Killed
Dr. Jonathan Reed kills an alien outside Seattle October 1996.

Images released on
Art Bell.

Roswell ET Craft Said To Have Helped Develop Our Spy Planes
First 1999 Crop Circles in Canada!
The Real 'Truth' - Why It Is So Hard To Find
Sightings: Some Old, Some New; Some Silver, Some Blue
ISSO Appoints NASA Veteran Creon Levit As Director Of Research
Firmage Elaborates On ISSO Plans To Media
Two Excellent UFO Photographs Examined  
Yukon UFO Investigator Kept Busy
Terrific Mexico UFO Daylight Live TV Photos
The Failure Of UFO Skeptics - Prosaic Explanations
Overlooked Israeli Strange Phenomena
Project Sign/Grudge - First Official USAF UFO Investigations 
UFO Triangles: Theirs or Ours? BOTH!
Of Visiting ETs, Wormholes, Sightings, Electricity And Crop Circles
Statement From Joe Firmage, Chairman ISSO
ET Landings In The Giza Desert? Photos! 
Ex-NASA Worker Says Space Agency Knows About UFOs
Another Astonishing Crop Circle In England
Crop Circle Comes Down In Nashville, TN
Australian UFO Flap Underway


Webmaster Karen Lustrup's book may be purchased here:

"Pluto Transforming the New You!

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Books up to 90% off

Search by 'authors' to find the UFO material you desire!

Author Search: Dr. John Mack, Whitley Strieber, Jenny Randles, Jacques Vallee, Raymond Fowler, John G. Fuller,
Ed Walters, Stanton T. Friedman, Brad Steiger, Richard Hoagland, Timothy Good, Allen J. Hynek, Kevin D. Randle, Donald R. Schmitt, Robert Ghostwolf, Grey Wolf,  James Redfield, Carl Sagan, Raymond Moody, Philip J. Klass, Timothy Green Beckley

US UFO Sightings Increase - Peru Reports 'Mother Ship' Out Of The Ocean
UFO Footage from STS-61 - The Hubble Telescope Repair Mission
How Emotions Spread Through And Poison Families
Report Says The More Sex Couples Have - The Younger They Look
Did Egyptians Mummify An ET Along With King Tut?
Orange Spheres Hover And Fly In Formation Over England
2nd Anniversary Of The Amazing 'Phoenix Lights' Incident
Bizarre Flying Disc Over Scotland Shakes Witnesses
Phoenix Lights Anniversay Overview From Bill Hamilton
Oliver's Castle Confession Video To Air On Nippon TV
F-18 In Near Miss With UFO - CA UFOs Seen Entering/Leaving Ocean
HOAX - UFOSC Foils Cheshire, UK 'UFO Landing' Fraud
Lammer's Hot New Book On Military 'Alien' Abductions
NY Campers UFO Sighting Still Intrigues
Famous UK UFO Photo Hoax Now Said To Be Genuine
Peru UFOs Caught On Video - Giant Cylinder Seen Near Heathrow
Canadian Defence Department Scientists On Alien Alert


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Webmaster: Karen Lustrup Meek
Copyright © 1999 Pleiades. Created Jan. 6th 1999  All rights reserved.
Revised: October 18, 2001.


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