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Perty hun?

*These are some of my journal entres from my Writing 121 class.*

Date: 9/5/02

Subject: Why I write

Ranting:  I wasn't really surprised by any of it.  It all makes sense to me.  I may not write so continually, but I do write to know that other me who doesn’t have work, school and people to be so responsible to.  I write to keep from being board, and I write to escape life in the real world.  When I write I receive satisfaction.  the joy of knowing I can make my mind known to the world.  I discover new worlds and people to befriend.  I receive par of my soul and fulfillment at the beauty on the page.  I learn about my self and the world around me.  If a teacher grades it, then sometimes I get graded.  But mostly no teacher sees what I write.  Why?  Why not?

Date: 9/17/02

Subject: Voice

The ater was rolling along it's bed, dwon the taris as the wind brought in the sent of the near by flowers.  A path wondered over stream, ground and between flower beds.  Toward the end of the path sat a bench, with the sun set dropping off behind it, and the waves of the ocean crashing before it.  Everything was fresh them…  The sound of the bird’s song could scarcely be heard over the crashing waves, when I sat on the bench.  Peace over came me when I was there.  When I wondered the path deeper into the garden, the layer of thick green bushes dimmed the sound of the ocean, until only the peace of the garden and the bird’s song was heard.  Thus were the most peaceful days of my life with an offer I should have refused…

Date: 09/20/02

Subject: Life

Ranting:   Work has been fun, so far.  That was before Mark started working there.  Mark is horrible!  For one, he’s incompetent...he knows how to do one thing; sell bibles (I work at Christen Supply).  He’s vary good at selling bibles...if you call shoving a bible he believes the customer should have down their poor un-expecting throat good....   I CAN'T STAND MARK!!!!! No one likes him.  He has no idea how to use the cash registers, but tries any way.  And he messes up other systems we have set up because he thinks that his way would be a better way of doing things.  So he dose things Marks way.  Marks way is the wrong way.  And only Mark understands what in the would he did, but to Mark its the only way.  Foolishly I tried to correct Mark yesterday.  Resulting in a word fight.  I discovered that Mark is actually a vary week man.  Not nearly as big as he boosts to be.  He got all "Well then why don't I just go jump off the edge!" on me.  Which not too many people would mind.  The other girls commended me.  Mark is vary sexist and girls can't do anything as well as boys do and if your younger then him (like I am) and a girl you *really* don't know anything.  *Most* of us are intimidated by Mark, so my standing up to him was a big deal.  I'm just glad my boss didn't hear about it! ^_~*

Date: 10/23/02

Subject: Write from the perspective of someone you don't assoiate with

Ranting:…………………………….*oui* Brian can not comprehend assignment……*How am I suppose to write form someone’s point of view if I don’t like them and don’t know them?*  and if I don’t like them how am I suppose to write like them?….GRRR extreme frustration…impossible…can’t…….grrr…………………………………………………………………………………………………*un-able to thing of anything to write* …………………………………………………………….Just Can’t!  Fight w/………@………..fight @ the store.   Really really stupid person being stupid and fighting with a perfectly normal person.  What the heck goes through a really stupid, horrible persons head?!  I HATE this kind of person!  I have no idea what or how this kind of person thinks!!!  I don now know the kind of people that I dislike, because I dislike them!  Grrrrrrr!  Out word actions say…”I’m stupid! La de da de da!”  so they fight with whoever and whatever…  do strange things.  Like that bla who’s way over nice and love, but really doesn’t like me.  Their stuck up. Rude. Dow what they think is right or just do what ever the h*ll they want.  Pushy.  Cut in lines.  Say dumb things.  But WHAT POSSES A PERSON TO ACT LIKE THIS?  What makes them tick…  I hate this….i don’t know this kind of persons…*sigh* that I assume would be the point of this, now isn’t it....?  It's been a long day...

Date: 11/8/02

Subject:  Consumerism.  Learned or Inherent?

Ranting: Learned.  Our desire for things stems form the producers world of making their products desirable or addictive… Take my addition to Japanese Mangas (love love love!), I did not have a natural want to buy Mangas just out of some wired something or other, I happen to pick one up one day and now can’t set them down...  I like fantasy stories, which stems form my dads love of fantasy stories which lead him to read to them to me as a child.  Therefore my love of Fantasy is learned.  Or a love for music.  I think that, that is an inherent treat, but owning music in the form of CDs and stuff is in not inherent.  Just think about the world back a couple of hundred years.  People loved music but did not won it.  Someone would play or sing and all would enjoy*.  And then you always have book/stories.  There was a story teller once upon a time ago not many people had books.  Its just kind ‘a the way it goes.  Position of wanting things just for you: also learned.  African tribes can live w/o anyone person owning on thing**, by just sharing.  Therefore my point here would be that we do not have an inherent need to buy things.  It is most decidedly a learned thing.

*Knowledge stems mostly from my addition to fantasy…
**Knowledge comes from the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy (love!)

Date: 11/15/02

Subject: When I felt like and outsider...

Ranting:  Whenever this happens I feel totally surrounded and completely alone.  Feelings of despair.  I want to get to know the people around me, if nothing else, so that I can stand next to someone instead of in the back...  We visited a church in California that my dad had a chance at becoming the youth pastor at.  My brother, boyfriend (Zach) and I went to the youth group.  It was a huge group.  The whole church was huge.  We hung around in the back.  Watching as life friends and best friends reunited for this weeks meeting.  They were playing games and going on about their lives.  Not one single person said "Hi." or even glanced in our direction.  I felt so out of place!  They seemed like nice people, if you could ever get the chance to know them.  They really didn't seem friendly to outsiders.  Then the class was all about these people personal lives, testimonies and stuff.  It was kind ‘a uncomfortable...

  Date: 12/20/02

Subject: Discribe what your day has been like so far in 3ed perosn...

After viciously attacking evil read glowing alarm clock, she passionately fell back a sleep.  Only to be awoken violently by the annoying buzz of said evil alarm clock.  She once more attacks it.  This happens every ten minuets from 6am to 7am when her mother comes into the room and insists that she get up.  She might have leaped out of bed, if she wasn’t so tired and worn out form her battle w/the evil alarm clock.  Instead she pours her self onto he floor and slinks into the bathroom.  There she agonizingly leans her teeth and works the knots out of her hair.
    Having finished, she triumphantly returns to her bedroom to change for school.  Once in her car, she reeves the engine to get it warmed up.  Pealing out of the driveway she curses for over sleeping fen fly’s (latterly) down to the corner and out onto Cedar Hills bluv. VROOOMMOOOO! 
She get to school to late for breakfast and having no money outside her account, decides to book it to class for the battle that will ensue there.  She throws opens the door and rushes to her set.  Following the teachers instructions she prepares Gir for battle.  The robo rally begins.  After the first fight we find that that her lack of attention has kicked in, again, and she is quietly enjoying her online comic MEAGA TOKYO!  Beautiful as the battles are, they’re as boring as watching paint dry.  Racing through the cold, she rushes back into the main school building for the second class of the day, 121!!!!! 
    But first, friend must be visited!  Slipping in and out of the gaps between people in the hall she bravely makes her way to DON DON DUN!!!!!(dramatic music-y sound) MR. CRANDLES CLASS!!!!!!  Once again in the her old class room of the last years writing teacher brings a brief wave of nostalgia for her graduated friends that had this class with her.  But Vicky has a Christmas prez!!  So this nostalgia must wait until after CHOCOTAL!!!! (pic of a triumphant person holding a prize).  Wahahahahaaahahaahahahahahhhaha!  Sweet sweet sugar!  Prob. Not what one wants to give to a spastic-crazy-psychotic-high school student.  (if you can’t tell I’m a tiny bit hyper! *grin*)

*Not from Writing 121 Class ^_~*

Date: 1/27/03

Subject: Super Bowl

Ranting:  I didn't watch it.  Normally I would have...but this year...well it just wouldn't have been the same.  See I’ve had a lot of stuff change in my life from last Super Bowl to this one.  Last year and every year before that I would go, with all my friends, you my church in Hillsboro and we would put up this big screen and all the youth would, some adults would come to “help out” with the event; and we would all watch the game together.  The best thing about doing this was a) I didn’t really have to actually watch he game and b) we ratted the commercials.  That was fun.  I would sit in the middle of everyone, eating food and talking with friends.  It was so loud that no one would yell at us for talking because those who really wanted to watch the game could go up and sit on top of the screen and enjoy the game.  Then during the half time we’d go out into the parking lot and play football tell the game came back.  It was a lot of fun.  This year…that wasn’t an option this year.  See, my dad was the youth pastor at our church…he got laid off and we were asked to leave.  Strange but watching the Super Bowl this year with just my family and a friends family just didn’t feel right…  I really miss my church family…
Any way, I stayed home and watched Minority Report.  I think that was the first Spielberg movie that I’ve ever liked.




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