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Hey Guys, The Page is Back!

The page is back and with a vengeance! As most of you guys know I finally graduated from college. It has been a long and tough journey but mission accomplished. Everyone takes different routes on their way to graduation but all roads lead to the same destination, I just took a longer then expected path the bottom line is that it got done and if I can do it with some hard work and motivation then anyone can. Also I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their motivation and support, I really appreciate it. As for the million-dollar question. What am I do after college? I figure I’ll just chill for a little while and slowly but surely look for a job. I just want to soak it in a little bit, plus it gives me more time to be lazy, which is my true calling.

So Happy New Year also to everyone! What’s everyone’s New Year’s Resolution? McConnell’s is stop going to strip clubs, amen for that, but won’t happen, not on my watch. Mine would have been to start lifting and start eating healthier, which I plan on doing but after the other night I’m changing mine. Mine is to stop drinking and driving (you figure out the rest). I just don’t need any more trouble in my life with that, plus I want to live and not ever go to prison. It’s kinda funny, the last time I saw Paige she said that maybe I should go to jail for a day to get me straighten out, weird how wishes come true in the most unique ways. Anyhow, what an interesting year it has been, a fun one with many good times and here is a list of the good times. Ahhh…all pipedreams.

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The 2004 List

Congrats once again to Tessa & Matt and Steph & Luke for their weddings. I’m so happy for you guys.

When we were at Tessa’s wedding and Weitzel got left behind at Maloney’s. At least when the cab driver dropped us off I asked him if he could go back and pick him up, still not our fault.

Emu…The “U”. You can’t ignore the power of “The U”.

Twice this year I went to 5 strip clubs in 1 day. Once with Mike, Ryan, and Mike’s old roommate Sean and another with Joe. Let hope this record stands for awhile.

One time while at the strip club, our server squeezed nipple milk onto Joe’s hand. Yes, she licked her nipple and then extracted nipple milk out. Kinda weird but yet interesting.

So there’s a customer at my bank who’s name is “Juan Manuel Wong”. Maybe he’s half? No, because he doesn’t speak English. Guess he had no idea what last name he was taking when he came into this country, someone should’ve told him it’s a CHINESE last name.

Remember when ASU football was suppose to kill UofA in football? You’re right, I don’t remember that because it didn’t happen. Bear Down Arizona! Bear Down Arizona!

So mine and many others here’s high school, Cactus, once again lost in the football state championship game for the 2nd year in a row. That’s 4 state championship runner-ups now. Our 22 year curse is hell, if the Sox can do it so can Cactus. Cactus High School Football Rules!.

So recently Karie and many of us were at Maloney’s and she apparently asked a bartender if he had a girlfriend? He said “no”. She said “do you want one?” He said “no”. That maybe the 2nd funniest thing ever relating to picking up on people. 2nd to McConnell’s story.

I got the Britney’s Greatest Hits CD for my secret Santa at work, cute huh? Oh yeah, what’s up with her new white trash husband? You got to be shitting me!

Amanda Bynes and Hiliary Duff 18 yet? I mean perverts!

So the last 2 times Freeze-Dog has hung out with me he has been involved in a fight. Once I it started it, but wasn’t my fault. The other time, he just got in a random fight people he didn’t know. He just jumped in and started beating some guy down. Kinda funny but yet just weird. His girlfriend had 2 requests for him before he came back to Arizona. 1- not hang out with Wong, 2- not get into a fight. Good luck there.

I told myself I would quit smoking after my 25th birthday (April 13th). Anyone want to take that bet?

I never realized how fun text messaging is, don’t mind me if I go a little overboard on it.

Some of us were in Vegas last week and I only spent $350(included food, gambling, Studio 54, and the strip clubs) there, that has to be some kind of record. So when does everyone want to go next? Look Jaclyn, I'm inviting my friends to go on vacation with me.

Wong's final thought:

Be safe and make 2005 a great year for everyone. Peace!


Last Updated: 01/02/05

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