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Supra Sales by Year
Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total
Turbo, 6spd, Hardtop 233 75 18 x x x 326
Turbo, 6spd, Targa 431 1,708 526 x 768 279 3,712
Turbo, Auto, Targa 830 1,213 262 88 409 137 2,939
NA, 5spd, Targa 551 281 329 95 173 x 1,429
NA, Auto, Targa 562 132 166 73 145 228 1,306
NA, Auto, Hardtop 106 31 9 19 73 36 274
NA, 5spd, Hardtop 106 48 33 9 53 x 249
NA, SE, 5spd, Hardtop x x 412 x x x 412
NA, SE, Auto, Hardtop x x 592 x x x 592
Total Retail Sales 2,819 3,488 2,347 284 1,621 680 11,239

Turbo RWHP Rating*
RPM BPU T60 T66 T78 T88 SP63 PHR2 T04R T04S04
2500 100 80 100 75 x 50 x x x
3000 150 120 175 100 x 80 100 100 125
3500 170 160 190 150 x 150 170 130 175
4000 220 250 275 250 175 230 260 175 275
4500 365 400 490 500 300 450 460 350 425
5000 420 450 575 575 460 540 580 500 475
5500 430 500 590 625 600 580 615 620 460
6000 435 540 620 630 650 600 615 620 440
6500 410 550 640 640 746 612 615 575 425

Turbo Torque Rating*
rpm BPU T60 T66 T78 T88 SP63 PHR2 T04R T04S04
2500 250 175 190 150 x 100 x x x
3000 270 200 230 160 x 150 175 x 200
3500 270 240 300 240 x 225 230 x 255
4000 350 300 400 310 250 300 350 x 370
4500 460 450 575 600 400 530 525 x 500
5000 470 475 575 600 500 575 617 x 495
5500 430 475 550 575 600 575 580 x 430
6000 375 460 530 550 600 520 525 x 385
6500 350 450 520 500 600 520 500 x 340

* - These are all estimates and by no means are these exact. This is information I have found on the net, so take it how you wish.