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wElkUm tO dEsIrEEs shOUtOUtz.....


hAnnAh : hAyE hAnnEr!!..wUshUp?..wEll I jUss wAntEd tO sAy wUssUp thru tha yEArs..yOO AlwAys wErE trUE!!...stAy kOOl ArItE?? gladd we kan keep in touch with email and letterz.ViSiT!!!

mAe : HeY mAe!!..wUssUp??..wEll thAnks fEr bEIng mAh frEn..i hOpe we gEt tO hAng Out alot hErE!!wElKum to dAygO!!stay you..never change!!and keep in touch

nIk nIk : hEy gYrl!!..It wAs fUn sEEiNg yA thAt sUmmEr dAy..!stAy kOOl,swEEt, And stAy yOOrsElf!!..jUss lIkE EvEryWun lIkEs aBoUt u!!..hehe..!!..when u kome down here u better holla at us so we kan chill!!!

EdEn : I dErnO iF u'LL sEe thIs shOUtOUt..bUt hEy!!wUssUp??..stAy kOOl aRiTe??..Yoo aRe a tIgHt fReN..stAy thAt wAy..

kArEn: hEy gYrl..wUssUp??..hOwS yEr bAllIn??..wEll yeA..stAy kOOl..aRiTe tOmBoY??..hOllA bAck..

c.J: hEy cEEj!!..wUssUp?? good..thankz fer giving all that advice and support and shiz i needed!!..thankz...yooh were a true fren..

kIa : hEy kIa!! yer hamsters??..HoW yA dOiNg??chiLLiN?..well yea..stay kool arite??..thankz fer being there fer me to chill wid..even though i wAs kInnA bOring.!

vErOlI : hEy oLi!!..wussup??..hows washington for ya?.well miss ya lots!!..stay yerself!!..kuz there is no wun who kan kum close to you!!..

StEpHaNiE McBrIdE: hey StEphIe!!how are u??..well when you visit cindy and sissy then Juss kAll mE uP arite?..its been a LONG time!!..take kare..

sAbRiNa: hEy GyRl!!wEll sTaY yOuRsElF..wIcH iS oRiGinAl..aNd uNiQuE..tOmBoY..rEmEmBeR wHeN sUmWuN thOugHt you aNd kArEn wErE duDeS..yOU wErE lIke.."nOoO biAtCh!!..hAhA..aHhH..thE gOoD Ol' DaYz..

t1n3: hey!wussup??..well yea..hows things with ya??..kuz i dunt reely hear from you much.well ill remember our times in 4th grade...theres not much i have to say so layter...

DaygO chIkz


jEnnIkA : hEy gAngstAh pnAy.! whUddUp??..well thankz fer having mah back all those times!!..i really appriciate it!!..thankz fer being here when u need me.!i loved ur grad. party!!!and that dvd!!well i hope we kan still be hOmegUrlz during middle skool. we have none of tha same classes so yea....kinkstah keep it real

jOycE : hEy!..wUssUp??..wEll yEA..thankz fer being true..and fer always being there...i know you guys will always be there..the advice u would always give out to me...i apreciate alot!!!

cArlA : wussup chika?!?stay funny gyrl!!..thanks fer giving me all that advice and all that!!..stay kool..thankz fer being there!!

jOsIE : hEy!! stay shOrt and swEEt!!..tRiCk...StAy KoOl ArItE?az3 pride!!haha..never moo!!!and the swing!!o m g.The good Ol dayz...nO mOre fOlK dAnCeS!!!!

chrIstIAnA : hey!thanks fer the advice!!..yOu kAn mAkE sUmWuN sMiLe wHeN dEy bE dOwN!!....u understand whut i go thru..and i understand whut u go thru. stay kool yOunGeN..and stay mah lil sis arite?we both kno about the ups n downs we been thru in tha past..but ryte now,we happily sisterz!!well..yEAh..we tyte now..n thaz good.When we first met..we barely talked n shiet..but now..we b chillen 24/7..LyLaS

SeReNa: hEy GyRl..tHaNx fEr KarIng!!>.yER sO nIcE!aNd If Im MaD yOu kAn MaKe mE sMiLe!!..whenever im down you take away mah frown..LyLaS!!i wish you could go to rancho wid us.We have weekends though!!whenever you need me..juss holla at me.. arite?im here juss like an ateh should be..

PaLoMa : wUsSuP cHiCkA??..wEll yEa..iM kOoh..jUss ChillIn..sTaY a kOOh fRen ArItE??..kUs WhEn im dOwN yOU UnDeRsTand jUsS aS iF yOu rEad mAh mInd..tHAnKs fEr bEiNG tHErE!!LaDy ViXen!!!LyLaS

Iliane: hey!i juss wanted to say wussup...yooh are a kool friend..i hope we kan still be good frends in mid skooh..and grow to become better friends.See ya.iF u need anything im here.

kArInA : hEy gYrl!!..wussup??..thankz fer the advice, truth and everything!!..i know yooll stay kool,tight,n true. If you ever need anything im here. and i will help you out juss as you were there for me.

April: whutsup??well i wish you couldve went to rancho!!!you are so funny!!Remember all those memories at table 6!!they miss you so much. And i wish you were at rancho wid us..

jennifer : aye gyrl!!wussup??..stay kool...arite..yooh are wun funny chick!!stay funny, and yOuRsElF!!..we have wun class together so thaz kooh

Danika : hEy gYrl...wUsHuP??..wEll thAnX fEr BeInG a GoOd fReN.tO mAkE mE lAuGh aNd sHoW mE hOpE..we have spanish together...and thaz good. call me if u need me...

tIrZaH : hEy gYrL!!wUsSuP??..wEll yEa..jUsS wAnTeD tO sAY wUsSuP..aNd dAt..yOu ArE sO fReAkIn fUnNy!!..i wish u couldve gone to rancho wid us.Good luck

AiLsA:hEy dImPleS!! have real deep dimples!!fReElZ!!...wEll sTaY kOol..AnD WiErD..sEe Ya AnnA

MaRiViC: yEr HiGhLiGhTs ArE sO kYuTe!!...wEll yEa..wUsSuP??..sTaRbUcKs??..bRoWnIe fRaP!!arite??..hAhA..sTaY kOoL cHiCk!!..remember tha dayz..!!

Kim-Hey gIRl..thankz fer understanding everything.u do your best to cheer me up and i appreciate it. we have like 3 classes here when you need me and i know your there when i need you..stay kool.

GabbY: hey girl!!or should i say sibby??or should i say Gaven??well we have no classes together... Dayng.Well if u need advise or cheering up or here...u know..

EdNa:hEy EdNa!!well im glad we can keep in touch!!because alot of ppl from kamp i dunt even remember there names!!so yea...i also see you in skool!!we have p.E together!!thaz kool..well yea..see ya around i guess..

AiCa: HeY hEy!!a'teh!!in tha beginning we had a lil trouble gettin along..but it wasnt true!! gladd to have sucha kewl ateh..thanx fer being there...n ill be here fer yew....

EllEn: hEy!!sUp??wEll yEa..yer phunnie as hell!!Especially when u hyper.hehe..i hope we kan bekum betta homies..ya kno??..wEll gladd i have a fren like yew...stAy pImP aIte??HoLLa...

CrIssEllE: hEy!sUp??..whEll..wE mEt @ RoGeRs..wHen u wAs in 7th.yEw wErE sO qUIEt sUmtImEs...hehe..wEllErz..nE whO..yEr realli gladd i met yew!!kEEp smIlIn...hOllAh

GiNa: HeY ghErl!whUdUp?wEll yEr sO bOmb to ChillAx wId..thnx fer being there fer me..whenever u need me im here...i never seen yew sad er yea..but juss in kase..ya kno? proud ta have a fren like you..holla

NoEllE: hEy gIrl..!!mOnKeYz r BeTTeR thEn pIgEoNs..dO yEw kNo wHuT pIgEOns aRe??..((tHeYre FeMaLe sKrUbS)) thas wHy mOnKeYs aRe bEttEr..nE wAyZe..yew were there fer here fer yew..thnx

vAnEsSa g: Hey gIrl!sUp??.wEll yEa.hMm..wE dunt tAlK mUcH nO mOrE hUh??..wEll yEa..iM hErE whEn u NeEd mE..sO jUSs hOllAh..

IvEE: hEy!!mOnKeYs hUh??..thEy rOk..nE whO..*sIgH*..tha mEmOrIeS..sInCe 2Nd gRaDe yEw WeRe tHeRe fEr mE..fRoM jAplAnD to dAyGo..i mYtE moVe after 8th though..dAmn fUckIn nAvY..wEll r U??..nE here fer yew..lyke yew were fer me..

DeVyN:hEy..wE aRe juss starting to become better frens..which is hella kewl!!huh?..wELl yea..i hope we become better frenz too..6 3 7 im always here..

vAnEssA: hey!sup? yea..we are becoming gooder frenz too!!kewlio huh??..uhmm..wEll yea..i sayd this to everywun..but im here when u need me aite??..hollah..

mAnDa: hey girl..sup??....yea..i wanna be gooder homies wid yew a say..6 3 7 im always here..did i tell yew that ivy was skurd ta meet mah frenz??..well yeah.wHeNn aLl of YaLlz R cHillIn tOgEthER is wYlD aS hEll!!!

ViCtOrIa: hEy girl?sUp?..Well..yEr a kewl fren..on tha real..yea..holla at me when u need me aite??..thnx fer being there...

kArOl: hey girl!sup?..sO..thnx fer being here when u need me.. u kno ...aite..whell yea..holla

....cHiCkS @...OtHa LoCaTiOnZ.......

emma-hEy hEy!!wussup??im so gladd we kan keep in touch.kamp was so fun!!and i wish i could go back and have the same skewls there n stuff..but i didnt like everything.well yea...keep in touch

LaUrEn: hEy!!..wHuDuP??..wEll yEa..i'vE kNOwN yOU lIkE alL mAH lIfE..yOu AlWaYs MaDe Me SmIlE..jUsS kEeP iT rEaL..sTaY sHoRt!!..dUnT pLaY tO mAnY gUyS aRiTe??..tRiCk,tRiCk..--sTaY kOOh..

DeVyN ((sAwIe iF i SpElLEd yER nAmE wRoNg!!..))wUsSuP??..wELl yEa..tHaNkz fEr cHiLLin wId mE wHen i wAs oVa thErrE!!aNd im gladd i wasnt the only 5th grader that one night at the dance..n yOu chilled wid me when i was bored....kEeP It rEaL..

jEnNiFeR:hEy gYrL..wUsSuP??..thAnkS fER chIllIn wId mE tOo!!wHeN LAUREN DITCHED ME!!..hAhA..j/k..j/k..thankz thOuGh..stAy tRuE..lAyTeR..

Mm: hEy GiRl...wUsSuP?..hows iT iN Las Vegas?¿..iss been along time girl!!when you visit ivy..hOllA at me arite ch1ck4??wEll...keep it real..

.>>dAygO dAwGz<<.

BrIaN PeArSoN:..hey¿?wussup??well...thank you for everything .and for everything uve taken from me and anything uve given... ...

cHrIs..:hI..thankz fer cheerin me up that wun day...that was really sweet....i was hurt ..and u were here when u need HoLLa at Me...oh yea and at the dance when i was sad u tried to cheer me up...that was nice...n sweet..bhut never ever play a gurl aite??..thankz

KeEgAn:hEy..yEr tEw sMaRt..iSs Tha AsIaN iNvAsIoN..HuH??..wEllErz..yEah..i sEe yA rOuNd all thA tImE sO jHuSs hOllAr..

StEvEn: hEy...whudup?im good...well..thank u fer everything...we go to different skewlz but i knoe we wont loose touch...u were there if anywun hurt me..i know that if i wanted you to..ude beat there ass..kuz they hurt me..almost anywun who messes wid me...and i know yer brother would be there when u need me..

BrIAN PErIn: HeY...ThAnx fer always cheering me up those sad n lonely days when pplz broke my i sayd for your brother i know that you would be there for me if i ever needed you....n im here 4 u. .remember all those memories we had..all those notes we passed...all tha trouble we gawt inta..takin tha blame fer eachother..and all those memories....never forget me...if u guys need help hookin up wid sumwun(wich i doubt you need) holler at me.or holler at me whenever...

AdrIAn : hEy dAwg..wussup??..hows it going lil big brotha??...juss stay yerself arite?..kuz if u change...whoa..that would be WIERD!!..yoo going to a different skool from me..and i know ill barely see you..but yea..take care..n gOd bLess

jOshUA(RuIz) : aye lil bro..!!stay skinny,and funny arite?..keep it real..never play....thaz kooh that u going to da same skool as me..but we dunt have any of tha same classes..but ill see ya around and when u need me im here...juss like all those times you made me laugh n cheered me up..u were there for me..and ill be here for you...

RoBeRt: Hey..sO,thnx all tha advice you gave me helped.Yer sweet,did u kno that??..haha..well yeah..hollar

MaRcO:hEy..sUp??..wEll..hMmM..whut do i say??????...oh well

JoHnNy: yEr wUn NiCe gUy.ANYWUN WHO READS THIS SHULD KNO THAT IF U NEED ADVICE GO TA THIS GUY!!OR ME!!yEr rYte kIds shUlDnT bE sAd..n tHaNk yEw fEr hElpIn mE thAt wUn dAY aBoWt thA thInG aBOWt frenz..i fergot whut u sayd..but it was nice..bYe

JoUrdEn:hEy..take kare of mah homegirl JoSiE aiTe??..she realli likes yew..i hope u guys last...u realli brong out tha happiness in her...thnx

MaRtIn:hEy hOmIe!sUp??..wEll yEah..kEeP it ReAl..

AngElo : hey jello!!wussup??..well yea..we aint got any of the same classes but we see eachother around....n i know where you yea...see ya around...

jared : hey jared [aka]tarzan [aka]tj [aka]jd well yea....i guess ill see ya when you chill wid LeBrian sumtimes....and u were there to help me whenever yoo need shit im here...thanx n godd bless.

AlEjAndrO : hello..wussup??..well stay kooh arite foo..syke..juss stay yerself....u startin tha bussiness back up??..well yea..we dont have any of tha same classes...but we see eachother around all tha see ya round...

nIck : hi prince of darkness..gothic brotha..wut els kan i say..i??well StAwBeRrIeS!!!dO yOu GoTTa GeT tHrU tHiS AgAiN?¿..hAhA...aH..thE gOoD oL dAyS.kEeP iN tOuch

bJ:hEy Bj..wEll yEa..YeR sLiGhTlY pEvErTtEd..oR wUtEvEr iTs sPeLlEd....stay kooh arite?keep in touch like we do at tha yea...uve been juss like a brother to me....but yer my sisters yea...i dunt like kallin u dunt sound ryte..well thankz...bye

ALi: Hey...we got math n english together...n i see you around in p.e so yea...i see you everyday...hOlla

KeNNy G: hey!!wusup?? yer too smart!!!!why are you so smart??...yer lucky...i got dropped on my head when i was a baby so that explains why i aint as smart as you....hehehe...see ya around......

----->>YoU gUyS gOiNg tO hIllToP and sTufF..yAll BeTtEr kEeP iN tOuCh wid mE!!<<---------

?¿hOmEbOyz OuttA kALi..?¿

mat-hey..wussup??..hows italy fer ya??..well stay you!!

pj-aye dude...stay yoo..arite..u in lemoore now??..hahaha..well yea..keep it real...holla

larry-hey...well have fun in flowida!!

frOnt pAgE