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I Love The USA!


One day we are going to wake up and ask ourselves, "Where did the 'Middle Class' go?" We will answer with, "Oh yeah, Mexico, India, China, and every other country we have sent our jobs too"!

We are rapidly moving towards a two class society, and if we don't do something about this immediately, it will be too late. Doesn't anyone but me wonder why college graduates are working at McDonalds?

There are some well intentioned people out there helping out "their people", and yet they are having their clothing and shoe lines manufactured outside of the USA. They aren't the only ones doing it. Drug companies, computer companies, telemarketing companies. We are rapidly losing our jobs around the world and I don't hear anyone talking about it or doing anything about it.

If you feel the same way I do, and want your comments posted here, e-mail me now!

Many times people just want to complain about what is wrong with our wonderful country. I'm not posting this web site for that purpose. I'm hoping that by drawing attention to some of the problems, some changes will come about. I'm not in a position to make those changes, as I do not have any factories I could bring home. But by posting this web site, I'm attempting in my own way to make a change. To speak out rather than remain silent! Let's join together and make some changes!

Forward this web site to as many people as you can and maybe someone who is in a position to make the changes, will. God Bless America!!!

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