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INTRODUCTION Hello, My name is Johnnie and welcome to my little page. It's nothing fancy but I'm sure you will find that the purpose is clear. I will use this page as a mode of communication and help in my pursuit of continuing education. The title of the page means exactly what it says. I am hoping to connect with persons, firms, orginizations, whatever, who-ever who are interested in helping me to help myself to a brighter future. What kind of help you might be asking. Well, I am asking for donations. I am not a non profit so I wont be a bit of help on your taxes. What I am is a single mother of one son. What I am is a 32 year old female from the West Coast who works 7 days a week and has done so for the last 4 years. At times I have held as many as 3 jobs in order to make ends meet and try to clear a better path for mine and my sons financial future. What I want is to go back to school so maybe I wont have to work so hard to have so very little. I struggle not as much as some and more than some others. I want to start back to school this summer but I wont be able to work two or three jobs and do so. I am only 22 credits away from my Associates of general studies at the local community college. I have decided that I want to stay geared toward science and medicine so I also need to pick up an Associates of Applied Science to transfer to the University to continue on perhaps in Forensic Science. That is the plan anyway. Without funds it is hard. Working as much as I currently do it is impossible. But what choice do I have? Financial Aid is currently not an option for me at the Jr College level as past circumstances have left me 22 credits short and my resources exhausted. That is why I am asking for assistance in this forum. With enough assistance I can enroll in school next summer and next fall and hopefully be ready to head back to the University by summer session of 2005 or maybe that fall. First I have to get started. Wont you help me? I am wagering that the internet is going to be a very good tool for me to get the word out and connect with the right people to help me to achieve my academic pursuits. Eventually on this page I will have an outline of my goals and direction and progress. I will post schedules and fees as proof that I am indeed following through on my dream to finish what I started so many years ago. Soon I will also have a link to PayPal and also a PO Box for those of you who love to help but are not comfortable with the whole internet experience. Stay tuned.
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