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The Journey Begins...

Greetings, my friends. This website is my on-line Book of Shadows ment to help teach my students. However, this is also available to others who desire to learn more of the Craft and that which I have to offer.

Who This Website Is For

This Web Site is for those who seek to learn more about various faiths and want to open their minds to more than one possibility in divinity. The truth is, as much as we all would like it to be sometimes, are faith is not necessarily always right. No matter how much we argue it, it wont make a difference. And I am sorry but that is Life.

Who Is Shadow Flare

I am a High Priest who is trying to resurrect a Pagan denomination called Orthotic Pagan that began underground and with a few select people and began to become more corrupt. I am bringing it back, improved and in a new light hoping that it wont happen again. I live in Mesa, Arizona and I chose not to disclose my real name except to those whom actually know me. I have been studying the craft since the age of twelve and have remained obsessed in my studies and spreading the knowledge to those whom desire it.

Blessed Be,
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Shadow Flare



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