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The Lord Of The Rings

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Middle Earth

Lord Of The Rings- Sauron, keeper of the rings, Lord Of The Rings has won 11 oscars and has been proven to be the greatest film ever. Its scenes are phenomenal and the images are great. It is a movie no one could ever make except by the phenomenal Peter Jackson. The film is magnifecently diplayed with evry kind of colour and movement and greatness just like the book. He has shown an enormous amount of dedication in all fields over a couple of eight years. The Origin Of Middle Earth & It's Inhabitants. J.R.R Tolkien, professor of languages created the trilogy epic known as the Lord Of The Rings. Creating this book wasn't easy as extensive research was done throughout Europe to starting with Middle Earth's geographical location. First of all, the Black Sea is known as Mordor. Not only is it known for its colour but its shape. Istanbul which is a city at the second opening of the straits of Bospuros is known as Morannan in Mordor. The strait of Bosporus is supposed to be UDUN and the first opening is where the Black Gate is located. As for the Haradrim, their lands lie in the country of Turkey. Gondor lies in Italy and Greece as Rohan lies in Gaul, the name for ancient France. As for the Shire, it is in England. First and foremost the hobbits of the shire consists mostly of the peoples of Great Britain. You get the proper English who behave rather like the hobbits of Hobbiton and the Scottish and Welsh, the hobbits known as the Tooks and the Brandybucks who know how to have fun and tend to do outlandish things know and then which bring plenty to talk about. Next the architecture of Minas Tirtih is compared to the ancient monuments Of Italy, Greece and Turkey. Take a look at the leaning tower of Piza. Doesn't it remind you of Minas Tirith? Look at its colour, it's design. Now speaking about Gondor's soldiers, take a look at their armor. Most of it consists of the breast plate and helmet. Now take a look at the Roman soldiers armor. Note the similarities? As for the people of Rohan, the houses are mainly of thatched roof, resembling the ancient times when the anglo-saxons once lived. As for the helmets, compare an anglo-saxon helmet with that of Eomer's. The birth of Rohan started when Professor Tolkien noticed a white horse on a chalk hill in England. From this, came the eblem of the people of Rohan. A horse. Last of all the Easterlings and the Haradrim are pretty similar to the Saracen Warriors of the twelfth century. With veils covering their faces and robes around their shoulder, these primitive militants terrorized the cities of Gondor. As for the day Frodo left the shire, the date still signifies the saving of our world. On 25th December Jesus was born to save us. Frodo set out to save Middle Earth. Last of all, The Lord Of The Rings has a connection with The Pearl. The pearl is treacherous and brings evil and eventually Kino has to throw it away no matter how precious it is to him for the good of his family. From this, his son dies. So is the One ring which is greatly treasured by many but all it rings is evil and treachery. Middle Earth came from the world Middle Erthe, which means Middle English in old English.

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