August 1, 2001

a story line from life

This start of a story came from my mind. I guess it goes off into the deep remenants of what it used to be when I am not watching it carefully.. Tis where my motivation to do this comes from. It isn't complete, but when my thoughts come back, it hopefully will end. I hope, at least..


A semi rushes by at desperate speeds as to not miss a close deadline. My hair wildly pulls in each direction as the wind from the semi flies by me in one huge gush. Two more semis go by, each followed by the same insanely strong gust. All my belongings go flying into the ditch as I fall unbalanced to the blacktop of the highway. “Why me?” is my question as I pick myself up and adjust the laces on my black combat boots. “why me..”

Looking around for any more disturbingly fast, large moving objects, I occupy myself by assembling the items that fell from my pack in the fall.

“Okay, coat…flashlight…hey!? How did this fall out?” I mutter as I pick up each item off the ground. I sigh and fall to a dust-covered heap next to my pack. My mind flashes back to all the people I left behind, the problems I avoided. Why did I have to leave? Who am I to think this was all I had to do to make it all better? I know why. I know who. I just can’t believe I refuse to let myself go back. Go back to the people I know and got pushed away by my arrogance. But I can’t. If I fall that low to return, I will be only admitting I am weak. That I need others to survive. I won’t let that happen. I refuse to show that I can’t be self reliant. I can be! I shall be independent.

My eyes raise to the rising sun in the east. All the colors blocked away from view by blackened mountains entwined in millions of trails for me to hide. I shake my head in disagreement with myself and wrench my body off the ground, pack in tow. These first steps are always the hardest. The willpower and internal strength to rip myself from the reality of aches and into the fantasy of a life I could have. Sometimes I believe I will fall again, but I retain momentum. Leaning forward and eyes never looking back. I might be only a few miles from my home, but it is my start.

I start walking. Forward is the only direction in my vocabulary. Life never rewinds for anyone, why do I have too, I ask. Involuntarily I answer myself.

Well, that was excruciatingly tedious to do! Too much energy to go from one place to another, just to copy and paste... *sighs*

Okay, day was exceptionally boring. Sat around, called anonymous people, ate, and played with Mikayla. wondered if Sara was back from Cali.. SHE IS! Yippy skippy! I am so happy someone of my own, free-lance mind is finally here! hehe.. Hopefully Jordana comes back soon.. Haven't talked to her for awhile. Man, there are a lot of things I haven't done..

Finally talked to Kristyn today. First time in, like, 3 months.. 4 months. I have no clue.. I just now realized that rekindling a friendship that wasn't happy isn't going to happen. I am not as sympathetic as I used to be, and well, I don't like thinking I am being called a skanky whore behind my back. But, on a lighter note, I don't think I shall be spending too much time worring about what she is doing anymore. Sorry, but as I stated, everyone is respectable until proven otherwise by me. My best friend shot me down.. I think that is a good proof.

well, To all those bored of me, I shall leave this to be on my way to celtic heaven tomorrow!


August 4, 2001

Well, I am suffiecently better now. I think my pms had a day off or something. I felt peppy. Like myself again! Woo hoo! And without the help of outside drugs! A plus! Nothing much has happened for these past few days, but I will make it sound as interesting as I can so to entertain you some more.

Erm. I have decided that old guys that work in a library are not people to talk to. If there's shrubbery, talk to the bush instead! It is safer. And not as sickenly dementing. I wish never to go back to that library again. Unless it is to sit in the actual library and draw out of the many cool books that they have! Not to hear about different books that the can have. I guess I had my first experience (for lack of a better word) with sick old men who constantly stare.

My mother dearest (the Dark Queene) had to do a presentation in Post Falls 2 days ago and I decided to go instead of being a couch potatoe for a full half day. I could have been hanging out with friends and such, but what fun would that have been when I could be walking around Post Falls...(sarcasm ment!) I could have had a tad bit more fun with friends. I have dubbed Post Falls another "Nothing to Do" town. *sighs* I ended up having one of the best 40 minutes I ever spent the whole week there. It was a beautiful library. Including a fireplace and soft, squishy chairs, huge wood chairs, a cafe, and well, BOOKS! How good can this get?! I sat around there, after munching on a delicious Rasberry Oat Thingmo that looks like a granola bar but I am not quite sure what it is. All I know is that if I had an Iced Mocha with it, I would have had the time of my life! But of course, I am giving up all caffiene and sugar forms for 3 months of labor. But, on with the story!

As I walk in the front entrance, rigged with those monitors that are in the entrances of music stores and such, and this extremely strong magnetic pull tore me away from my oatbar and dragged me to the oak desks and chairs. This force, which I had no control over (!!), threatened me with ruining my diet if I didn't get out my charcoal and drawing pad. So I kindly complied with the commands, and accumulating my Linkin Park cd in the process. I sat, drew, headbanged around the library (no weird glances either), and enjoyed ever frigging moment!

Well, That is all I shall say about that. Onto the sick, old guys. There was "Chicks in Chainmail" dude, Mr. Doesn't blink, and sick groupie #1. There wasn't any other groupies, but I didn't want to leave him with a drab name amougnst the more unique ones. Going forward, It took me around 10 painfully scary minutes to get mom's pretty sword. I don't like having many ways of slashing people explained to me. Especially when the examples are facing me! *backs up slowely..chooses against it and lunges toward sword and yanks out of "Chicks in Chainmail" guys hands* Of course, the other two surround me, so I really had no where to go. Of course one had to over hear me talking to the musician about my bellydancing and SCA, so he was probably removing all the clothes off mentally, thus the "can't stop staring".... The groupie.. Well, that is exactly what he was. But It all got better when Kathy and I joyrided to the nearest Denny's to eat Icecream and pies. Thankfully Noya was there to overindulge with me. Cheese cake and Icecream parfait! YUMMY!

Well, onto today. Iszy and Oba....Well, the whole Richardson family no longer resides in Bonners Ferry. *screams* NOOOOOOOO!! Iszy, Tweaker, "good morning" nazi...good friend and sanity (insanity) of geometry is gone from the days of invasion and torment. How lucky are you to get out of this dump! And then Oba. Started as a little teasing of Darcy and I to a good friend. Both of them are 2 of the easiest to get along with guys, and funny as heck! Artistic too, even if the talent was mixing paints on each other. Well, I helped pack their extremely large U-haul and sat around cracking jokes all this morning. I love their family. Bunch of humor loving people. We squished eachother with matresses, had cushion fights, drank Mountain Dew, tripped over dogs, and stuffed couches in small areas. It was fun! I was stuck against millions of sofa cushions and an upright coffee table trying to hold this up and fear for my life, when suddenly there is a crash and the recliner comes down upon Mr. Richardson and I. Of course, being blonde and of irrational mind, I put out my hand to block/catch/whatever the hell I was thinking, and gouged my hand out. All in well fun. We had a custody case on hats.. I want Oba's hat! hehe.

Well, I get a call from Jeremy saying that Darcy will be back tomorrow or the next day because of the depression thing. Man, it must be bad for her to come back. Excludin the concussion she got...but oh well! Darcy is back, and Sara is sleeping over sunday and monday! Alls good!

I was invited to a "movie" party which morphed into a nice "fly swatter" party. Don't ask how it got started, but it did. We all started with smacking eachother on the asses with fly swatters, and then just resorted to hitting any possible place, because it was all just a blur. I don't remember. Maybe tomorrow! We decided that it was time to go home, so Kim, Jory, and I rode our bikes around for 15 minutes or so trying to run each other over or consisted in rabid chaos. I am not quite sure which. For some reason we rode around the helecopter landing pad to see how dizzy we could get. I could barely make it between a large gap of chain. *sigh* I get dizzy easy I guess. It was all fun and good. I decided to see how far I could go without pedeling while both Jory and Kim went up my hill. I came up, climbed the hill and victimized by both to an ambush from behind a bush.

That is all til a later time that I want to rush.. Just a side note, the last entry's story was ment to be unfinished!


August 7, 2001

9:44 p.m.

Well, I don't know what is going on with me today. I "spent the night" at Marti's house with Esther and Sara (cali friend!) and getting used to this girl thing. I enjoy it so. I like dancing, I realized! But that is far from the point, which I probably won't get to til tomorrow's entry. So sorry if this one isn't finished. I only have 10 minutes til "Mr. Drama" calls to inform me why he wanted me to call him. *sigh* I am always the middle person. And I had a shitty time after Marti's house, this is all chaos!

I am not going to say anything about last night. People who are s'posed to know, know. And the people I want to know will know soon enough. So don't try to pull it out of me! I shall be back some time late tonight in my sleepless "somberness" hehe... Mother dearest is kicking me off!

August 8, 2001

I am the one who helps people with their problems, or let them talk and cry about their problems. I help them, and when I can't figure anything good to say, I let them ramble on because that helps. Always helped me. And they all ask the same question. The one's who I let bounce hell off me and the one's I bounce my stress off of. "How do you put up with them/me?" Always there to help them, but never having my problems of my own.

Honestly, I can’t answer that question too well. The only thing is that I listen and try to help only because I care. Too much so, but I do. I feel better if I can help other people or at least hold a nice haven for them to shoot off their anger and worries.

I break down. I regain control. I break down. I regain stature. I break down. I regain state of mind. I break down. I regain nothing but insanity. That is where my mind is. I have all I used to have before, but now it is masked by the thoughts of what I have done, what I could have done, what I am doing, and what is happening around me. Kelley is still here. I am just sunken deep into the blacker part in this grey shaded world. I have seen more in 3 days, that I would think would take others a month to get towards. I sat in the middle of my kitchen, hidden by nothing, crouched, crying uncontrollably. I sat there, clenching at my skin wondering if it my own. I thought of leaving. I wanted to leave so bad. I did not want to deal with the doubt anymore. I didn't want to live with my mom's stubborness anymore. I wanted to be gone. No one around me except for the people who listen to me. With others that will listen. Thad called and I answered without a thought that I was balling. I had to hang up with him. I couldn't talk on the phone with Darcy. My best friend up here. For all she thought, I did something to myself.

I felt as all the walls were closing in. I was isolated in the middle of a steel room, walls around me. Pushing inwards, I could feel the pressure forming around my shaking body, while my nails press against my skin. No one understands anymore. I lied for once in my life. All the days my mother refused to listen to my side of the arguement, all the times if only I could explain my side, if only. She refuses to listen when it comes to this kind of thing. I never feel right after. I always feel like I shouldn't be living here anymore. That I am a horrible child that shouldn't know what she knows.

But oh well! That was yesterday, and I am over it! I am sitting here, wondering what I should do to help myself. I have decided and was told that I have to be happy with myself before I can help anyone else. I babysat for Mikayla today. She certainly has a special place in my heart. Her and I can talk for ever. Even if we just sit there and gurgle! Hehe.. She is a lovely girl. Her first crying tantrum today. She is usually so pleasant but today, she just wanted to move around but be held. And sleep. Boy, was I grateful she slept! Time to myself! And it was soooo boring! I ended up watching 20 minutes of Oliver and Company, music vidios, listening to music, and calling people anonymously. All in all, it was a pretty good day, considering it was exceptionally warm in that house. Insanity prolongs any other orgainized grouping! And is more well known! Tis why I am proud of being insane! Makes for more of an interesting life! *smiles* I love life. I live it to the fullest and try to get others to do the same.

Til a later note


"why am i insane , look at what society has become on a global scale, we are practicing a way of living that is fundamentally unstable (in an evolutionary sense)... look where it's getting us , literally 100's of species driven to extinction a day , countless carcinogens and toxins released every second and in general the rape and pillage of our planet... realizing this shit and feeling a sense of self-loathing for it makes me insane eh" -some stoned guy who contacted me on ICQ. Lonnie and I think he is a "Tree-hugging Liberal Communist". Agreed?

August 10/11, 2001

Late nights, early realizations...and sweet gone sour

I have a new obsession. (other than Brian and other nicely sunned guys!!) Finger Eleven. If you have heard of them, I salute thee! (in a nice way! this one doesn't include the movement of the middle finger) If you haven't, download any and all of their songs. Do it now! If you are skeptical, get over it! It is a very good band. GO! Go and download! This is "god" speaking! I shall give your brainwashed minds something to go off of! "Above", "First Time", "Suffocate", "Drag you Down". All names of good songs! Download and live your life in the glory of a preppy looking grunge band that is better than any other you can find! Listen and prosper!

Okay, now that all of you are on audiogalaxy or some other MP3 site downloading Finger Eleven, I can ramble on knowing that you aren't reading it. You will be listening to the music contently, happy that Kelley sent you. Well, my life is turning in a complete 180 degrees. I was about to say 360.. but that wouldn't have made any sense what-so-ever. I don't have a new attitude, I am the same Kelley; but my sleep scedule is topsy, I can't live off of sugar anymore (bagels galore!!), no more spending late nights hanging out with friends, and I shall be sore beyond any reach of your brain. Cross Country, my friends! Cross Country. Group misery has become a sport! WOO HOO!! I get to wake up at the wee hours of the morning, ride in silence to a secluded torture route, and run til someone starts dry-heaving, and then...*thinks "and den?!?! -"Dude, where's my car?"* RUN SOME MORE! Life will be great!

I honestly don't know why I like X-C. We run til our bodies almost give up, then we run some more! But it all seems worth it to be with a group of awesome people bashing on different things, listening to music, laughing, and cracking jokes. Doesn't sound like much, but it means almost the world to me.

I have decided that to be able to wake up at 5:30 a.m. Monday morning, I shall stay up all tonight, all tomorrow, and wake up the day after at 6:30-7:00 to get in the groove of early rising. It will work! I swear by this! It shall, it shall.

I am sitting here, it is around 1 in the morning, in my swim suit top, running shorts, and a visor wondering why I am doing this. Well, summer is here. And it is too hot to wear actual clothes. *pokes at stomach* I hope this chuck goes away. Or at least make my butt go down. Goodness, I am happy being me. I have decided that you can do nothing with your body to make others like you. All you can do is find people who accept you for you. THey won't care what you look like. I start being me, and everyone is happier. True to yourself is my motto!

Well, til later. This is 1:04 A.M. and I shall write later to keep me somewhat awake!

August 12, 2001

Fairy tales, boy toy, and caffiene

Today was interesting. VERY interesting! It began/ended/started/continued when Sara and I decided to go invade Martha's house this morning. We have been up all yesterday, all night, and plan to stay up all today. (she crashed! I only slept 1 hour, though.) We crept up to Her window stealthly, but felt really bad for waking her up. Even though she wasn't sleeping comletely. She got clothes on, and we headed down to Jesse's house to wake him from his wonderful sleep. *HA*

After waking Jesse up and discovering the resident 6 foot penis was dected out in a lampshade, we hurried back up to Martha's for food and coffee! COFFEE!! *sighs* Oh, how do I love coffee. I shall count the ways!, Maybe I won't. Lets say, drunk I am quite the quiet one, but caffeinated...Think completely opposite! I don't think I ever stopped laughing or moving, except to take pictures or wonder what the hell Sara and Martha were doing. (they confuse me..) Jesse and I were commited to being annoying together. Even Virgil decided Kelley on caffiene was bad. Both of us were completely buzzed by caffiene and Ammaretto syrup. *thinks back* YUM! Kary thought it was interesting. He sat back and laughed his usual thoughtful laugh. Damned him.

We all piled into Matt's car after a bit of confused yelling and "what"'s. We including Jesse, Matt, Martha, Sara, Kary (Ozzy), and I. Sara and Martha were completely ditzed up and were acting so oddly, I really didn't want to be included. Well, Jesse took us up on Myrtle Creek to this wonderful swimming hole. It was almost fairy tale like. A secluded waterfall, falling into a peaceful puddle like reservoir and another waterfall coming from it. Cliff sides rising up each side of this bowl, each side entwined in tree roots and moss. Shade and light dance through out, and I just fell in love! That is someplace I would love to go with someone just to talk, have lunch, draw, and live life. Beautiful. That is all I can say, you will have to see it for yourself to experience the calmness and energy of life.

I felt somewhat left out, but I was enjoying being in the midst of earth that I even neglected to put in my usual hyper comments and such! I was also slightly under from spending the whole night awake and wondering if we can sneak out of my room. We found we could, walked to the end of the road and walked back. In the name of all corny things to do, I think that won first place. Or at least honorable mention! And we went through hell to make it quiet and everything. Hopefully that experience will come in handy some day. Hopefully.

Someone help me! I have become a ditz in my mind. I need to be intellegent-ized or something. GET ME AWAY FROM BLONDE CHEERLEADER TYPES! I need someone to talk intellegently here.. No more "like, yadda yadda", "kosher", "oh MY GAAWD!!!!", and jumping around. Please. I love my friends to death. My real good friends too! But I need to stay sane in some way! I am already blonde. Don't make me worse!

August 16, 2001 12:00 P.M. (noon)

The torture has started. I see my life passing before my eyes and I still strap on my running shoes. Waking up at 5 in the morning to be dropped in hell for 3 hours is never easy. But, oddly, is easier than ...well, it isn't easier than anything now that I think about it. *thinks and compares* O'Dell....Sleep. O'Dell....Sleep. I won't answer myself on that one. I am chanting sleep right now, but I am subconsiously thinking -run! run!-. Damned runner's high. My first thought the first morning was "Why?!" 5:30 A.M., the sun is barely pressing the horizon and I literally fall out of bed and onto my alarm clock. It turns it off, anyways. The first time I hear Mr. O'Dell's voice, I cringed. Literally! I walk up to the school yard just in front of Baird and Daniel and I hear, "Hey! More of my little children!".. It was all I could do to keep myself walking straight, and not running the other way.

3rd day of running and I am somewhat less sore and more into walking down to Jesse's house or something at the moment. Before, I refused to move, but now, I want to party! (just had to get that out)

I honestly hate it when a guy/boy/man/male refers to me or any other girl as woman. Or his "bitch", property, or "slave". Y'know, It is okay for a jokingly jeer of "do it, woman." from someone you know is joking, but if it is persisted upon me as we as females are inferiour. May men die in hell. I guess you could call me a female equality enforcer or something. I just hate wasting my time bothering to argue with thick-headed dipits that keep ending each sentance with bitch and those that aren't fashionable closed that way, are shots just to get me pissed off. Die, dipit, die.

Well, I have spent the last week or so as a middle man, "track star", comforter, blunt bitch, flirtatious me, thoughtful, irresponsible (in the fun way.. no bad stuff for me), and hyper. All at the same time. But in between all my jobs and selling my soul on the black market, I have managed to boffer with someone who knows what he is doing. Not to mention being hit on by a 20-something year old, but that is a whole different story. It is mid-day, I'm hot, everyone else is bored off their rockers, and Mogely(erm, if anyone knows how to spell his name, tell me!) and I are outside exchanging swipes and shifty sword play. I guess I can be pretty good, even though he beat the shit out of me. It goes for good entertainment. I WANT A BOFFER! Any silver wrapped squishy thing will do! I just want one! They're fun.

I have been bestowed the "privilage" of helping a friend get over a relationship he can't handle at the moment. Unfortunately, the way he acts reminds me exactly how "the puppy" acted when I ended mine. Scares me. I am (and so are a few of my friends) trying to convince him to get over it, live his life like a normal 17 year old and have fun. There will be more girls, and he has one more year of high school. How will he live with himself if he is constantly swooning over this.

Onward with life, Shannon is coming up for a day saturday!!!!! *jumps for joy* I like it when Shannon and I can get together. If you don't know, she is one of my best girly friends and we understand eachother completely. Mostly with our "story exchanges" and such.. woo hoo. Hopefully we can go swimming or such, cause I have this pretty swimming hole that is so awesome!

Finally heard back from Iszy. I miss him. We have gone through a lot. Not a lot, lot.. but enough to be able to talk to him about a lot of different things. He is fixing his old p.o.s. with another frankenstein p.o.s. smart move! Oh well, as long as the lucky sock goes with him!

this is my last few sentances considering I forgot the whole entry I was going to write inside my head. WHY ME?! I am also online here to avoid another uplifting phone conversation with relationship depressed buddy old pal.. I shall remove myself now so I can sleep. 5 in the morning is too frigging early.


August 17, 2001

Sometime after being buried in dust

A thought for the usually bored. Doesn't it seem really weird that the rock salt that is used to freeze icecream is also used to de-ice your sidewalks. That is kind of like using vanilla yougurt as a toilet cleaner. *sigh* I will never understand the techonologies of today. until tonight! Kelley is out to search for other unusual things to write about!

August 19, 2001 and counting to 10

I now know how you all feel when your computer decides to torture you when you are right in the middle of a wonderously beautiful entry and all the hard work is lost! *glares* May this computer go to computer hell.. It was wonderful and if you want to know, ask me cause I am too tired to write it all out. Maybe tomorrow morning after the torture chamber! Til then!


Aust.. Is that a word in german, shannon?

Well, this was an exceptionally good day in Cross Country. I managed to ward off evil thoughts against running and we had herd indian running. Mr. O'Dell decided to skip on the usual mule kick stuff and go straight to the indian runs. All guys together, all girls together. We complained, we moaned, we sulked, *sigh* we ran. The guys decided that an indian walk sounded good and continued down the hill passing each other and complimenting on their power walking techniques.

After we girls proud moment when we were ahead and doing better than the guys, Tyler and Daniel decided to come and join. So, for about 10 minutes the whole cross country team was in complete chaos trying to pass each other, laughing, running, and bouncing everywhere! The stronger, faster runners (aka the guys) decided to stray from our wonderful group and run ahead.

That was our 10 minutes of hilarity in our work out. *sigh* if only that lasted through our passing drills. But I seemed to keep a good view on things and now in a better mood because of. That is oddly different from me, because I usually tend to regress through running as the work out passes in front of my eyes. Oddly, ever so often I would start singing "YMCA" or "I feel good! na nanana na na na.. I knew that I would" song. Don't say you don't know that song! You know you have listened AND sang it at least twice in your life!

Coming home in Baird's car, we laughed and talked about music, cars, and how our fear of Mr. O'Dell compells us to run at a dead sprint. I also jeered on baird's car considering we had a nice sporty Mustang in front of us and his wasn't sporty enough for his attitude. He saluted me on that one. He stated quite frankly that his was slightly better than my little S-10. He is right, but it gets me to my destination (I am not mentioning the speed it gets there) and it fits my personality. I move only when needed to or wants to. He then accused me of being a slacker and we argued that I was but I take the hard way unless it is a petty task. Like turning the volume up. Why bend over and reach for the little knobby thingy when you can just as easily press a minute button on the contraption you are holding? According to Baird, because of that and my slacker tendancies I will never get anywhere in life. HA! I scoff in your general direction!

Until I feel like writting some more, I shall end this. My back hurts from slouching while typing and don't feel like leaning back to the back rest. I plan to have a fun day!


I need a new format for my september..this is August 21st, btw.

Well, I am going through many different topics I could ramble about now, but I still haven't figured which one yet. I just need to write and get my mind off my unusually depressing day. I am a happy person, yes, but everything around me is oddly confusing the hell out of me. But I will live!

Well, for my first topic, my mom's bathroom. If you are one of my lucky friends to have used this bathroom, you will know what I am talking about. Her "haven" looks almost like the rest of the house. Smelly substances, moon charts, pagan calender, baskets and runic necklaces. As I said, it is almost a meld into the house. You know how people's bathrooms have things that determine itself from the rest of the house. If it is different wall paper to a new color scheme, they all are different. But ours follows the same muralic subject of the rest of the house. There are even magazines askew like our living room!

Assumption day was August 16. I guess that has some kind of importance, but I am still to figure that out. All I know is that August 16th was Assumption day. Does that mean that on that day, we all are s'posed to acknowledge all our assumptions from our obvious truths or what? If you have any idea what it is, please E-mail me or telepathically send knowing vibes my way so I can uselessly follow them into nowhere and hopefully find the answer there.

Too many things happening at once for me. I had a wonderfully horrid day at Cross Country today. Woke up a half hour late... First down item of the day. I got drop kicked into reality with a condition of a friend and am down for the whole practice anyways. #2! I hate being in a calmingly disturbed mood. Bleah. I can't run the extra curcuit because of my fucking knee. I know that doesn't sound bad, but when you actually want to run intense because of a bad day it sucks. Majorly. I finally limp my way back to the cars and sit there in a somewhat depressed/absent mood for 10 minutes before Baird decides to move towards the vehicle. At least he cares. Baird is a really awesome guy. He cares a lot and is easy to get along with. I'm glad we are friends. He is really good at the "stupid! get over it and deal with the pain!" looks. But still, why couldn't all this degrating news spread itself over a period of a week or two instead of a day..

The sky was pretty today! At 6 in the morning, the clouds weaved through the sky in wisps like threads in a rug. The sun was a brilliant yellow flash of light against the purple mountains. Because of the recent local fires, the light distorted to vibrant reds, yellows, greys, blues, purples and almost everything else in between. These colors splashed upon the wisps of clouds forming colorful strands of cloud waving across the sky. It was beautiful.

August24, 2001 before a race and hating it

I had fun yesterday! We had time trials that day for cross country. 28.38 for 3.1 miles. Hard course of course, and it is only 2 weeks into the season, but I was still hoping for something more like 26 something... But I did make Varsity. I am extremely happy. EXTREMELY! I beat Amy by a minute or so, accomplishing my first goal of the season. Made varsity, that deminished goal #2! Now my goal is to run up in front of Erica. She is nice, but I can break her. I don't want to be behind a Frosh! I can do it, too!

That night, all us x-country persons joined forces and devoured 5 large pizzas and 2 large breadstix. They asked us if we wanted soda, we all cried and said NO! But it was all for the best of our running capabilities. *sighs* I do miss caffiene.. and icecream... and chocolate! ACK!

After an enlightening chaos in the Pizza Factory parking lot, Kaitlin decided to take voice, and yelled, "everyone to the Valley View playground!" and we all jumped (literally for Daniel and Tyler) into the cars and drove off. According to Tyler we were Soliciting in the Pizza Factory parking lot. Later on, we all decided that we were going to Loiter Pooh Sticks while Soliciting in the Pizza Factory Parking lot. Thank you Tyler for messing up your words!

After a wonderful 2 hours swinging, playing 4 square in the dark, and chucking woodchips at eachother, the whole x-c team minus Baird swarmed over to Amy's house for movies and a night of laughing our asses off. I got there and attempted to call my mother dearest in desperate haste so that I wouldn't meet the wrathe of Queen again. Unfortunately I hit a wall called busy signal and decided to call Jory for help. Same wall, bastard! My efforts were then directed towards Skyler. He tossed a message over the wide world web to my mother who got it from 2 different people. No matter it made, considering I just went to my house anyways.

Just as a note, A new word! irremediable! Means something like desperations and such, I guess.

Well, after a few pathetic games of pool in which one was played by me, we all decided to watch Center Stage. This movie was one of the better I have seen, and I have a new found desire to become a Jazz dancer. But not really anymore. Running is enough. But it has such a beautiful plot. It shall be one of my newer favorite movies. But anyways!

By the time the movie was done, everyone except for select few were fast asleep. So Tyler, Daniel, Amy, Kaitling, Johanna every so often, and I stayed up til around 1:30 in the morning laughing uncontrollably about absolutely nothing! It was great!

But, I am home now and gone from the social outings I wish I had in my life at the moments. Those were forcefully shoved out of my life by X-country, but I love thee none the less. Except for this unsightly weight gain I get for the first weeks of practice. OR so I think of it as such. I don't know, I just seemed slightly obsessive about it right now. It doesn't seem right for me cause I had the little fright earlier in the year and I don't want to go into a mental stage like that again. Too many other mentals around me to go (literally) insane myself. Where would their "talking wall" go to? But enough of that because I will keep talking and get bitter with each subject! I am going to a doctor soon if I can convince my parents to let me go. *hopes*

Well, I shall talk to the people I want to so I need to end this now. til a later time and after the first *shudder* race of the season.


August 25, 2001

My mood: Contimplation and Chaotic confusion.

My personality color: I found out yellow! Joy and Energy! Oh yeah!

Well, life is getting interesting. I have a living problem.... It involves a best friend's ex and that is all I shall enlighten the web with on that one, I have a personal problem with X-country, and I have a best friend in the hospital. My life is going well.. NOT! I think I need to talk to someone about this all who doesn't know me. Or what is going on. I don't like going to therepist/councilor peoples though. I always feel watched and like an experiment. I didn't even like going to the Chiropractor! I felt like frankenstein with all the little things they hooked onto me! Geepers!

Well, on a happier note! I went on a date with my brother. I took him to the movies! He was a little pimp with 3 older girls in a beefy truck. You can't get any better than that, yet he just laughed and looked embarrassed. Poor James! But all in all, Dr. Doolittle 2 was a pretty mediocre movie. It was hilarious at times, but not as original and unique as the first one. Thus the reason they should quit making sequels! DOWN WITH SEQUELS! But it was fun! James and I desperately tried to walk down there with 15 minutes on the clock. We were fast! We were picked up by two of my friends and hung out with them the whole time! I found out that Virgil talks a lot about me from one of his friends. Heehee! I still need to call him about that Functional book....

Well, James and I walked home in the dark, attempting to avoid odd shadows and laughing all the way. I get nervous walking in the dark, so I was the perfect parent, but hyper at that. We decided to go tap on Jory's window just for the hell of it. We crawled up the side of a twig covered slope to innocently rap on the computer room window. Our desperate attempts were completely ruined by my brother's head bobbing in plain view and yelling, "HI!". Dummy... Oh well, we walked home after that to only be picked up by the drummer mother. Hehe, she went drumming with friends today! I had no one in the house! Go me!

Well, until I decide to write again. i get to sleep in the rest of this week and forever more! Practices at 3:30 in the after noon now! GAG!


Sunday. Whenever that was!

Well, I think the highlight of this day was a nice scratch inflicted upon my dad's new blue pickup. The cause was Kelley's less than perfect attention span and the horrible view of behind the damned thing. The only nice thing about it was that I didn't do any damage to Kathy's large truck, only made a nice dent of large size in the driver's side panel. It is very beautiful!

You are probably wondering, "how did that happen?!" and if you are not... well, you are too unconcerned or something/other. Well, I shall answer that question by saying, never back up blindly. NEVER! Even though this is obvious, you would be surprised on how many people do this. Or just me. Which ever sounds better at the time you read this.. I decided to back up and pull into my sister's driveway just to show off my mad driving skills. Weeeeelllll...... I showed off all right. *SCREAAAAAAAATCH* Hehehe... I couldn't see where the driveway was, and all I saw was their neighbor's yellow ass bent over a pile of something or other. (yellow shorts, who would have guessed...)I think I bawled about my share of a half hour apologizing every second of the way. Oddly, my dad let me drive again! Right after the "collision" too! Go me! I just hope I don't get my hours taken away....*sighs*

August 28, 2001

Dark Queene went into surgury today! erky.. Well, thankfully everything went cool with that, and she is unusually perky for someone who just got their utereus scraped.. But that is enough about that. I almost got sick with the details. Kelley's tip: Never ask how they do a D and C.. or something like that... *gag*

Something really stinks in the basement. I could probably make a good guess that it is the kitty litter, but knowing my house, it could be anything. The pop can above the computer, something hidden amidst James' cluttered corner of hell, my bathroom, or Ric, our disgustingly cute rodent got out and died somewhere we won't find him for a few months. By then, we probably won't be able to stand the stench and I would be sleeping outside for the rest of my highschool career.

Cross Country sucks ass right now. Not only am I 6th in varsity, but I can't run at all right now. I did hell good at the meet saturday, but of course my body decided that it was time to be bitchy and refuse to run. My mind is willing, I know I can do it all! But my legs refused to move! Monday's practice, I collapsed twice because my legs gave out on me. I couldn't feel my legs! I could see them move, but it was exceptionally horrible feeling. Today, my body was kinder to me and let me run a little more than half a mile before to give me hell. I was happy until I couldn't move. But I still ran. Like hell was I about to stop! And then the sprints, and over to the beach... O'Dell's sick image of a beach.. Formerly known as the sandhill. Pure death in its purest form! but I will live. I think.

A few other interesting facts of kelley's life right now...
         1) I am not losing my driving hours or any chance of getting 
my liscence in this centery!  $10 off from losing my only hope of driving!  
         2)My friend, who is in the hospital, is coming home so she can go to school at the 
start of the year.  I am proud of her that she can handle all the shit 
she goes through.  Takes a lot of guts to go in for time to herself!
         3) Note to self: Kick Jeremy's ass.  I think when wrestling 
he knocked my leg a little hard and effected some of my 
running today also. 
         4) I have someone else who is Danial-esque...  Why am I attracted to guys like 
that or they are attracted to me?  I don't know, I like playing with his mind,
 but I like someone else..  He just needs to quit calling me every night.  
        5) Fair started, Shannon is coming tomorrow for a day, 
and Adam Isn't moving!  My life is somewhat more happier than it 
was before!

Well, I am going to go and study HTML and some other advanced HTML shit so I can make this site more appealling to the eye! And sleep. Sleep is good!

I'm still hungry..