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Welcome to my online photo album. I'M HERE!!! I decided to come out early...I was born Sunday, November 11, 2001 @ 9:48pm!!

My album covers from mommy being pregnant, to me being born and growing up!!
Hope you like it!!! Don't forget to sign my guestbook!


Baby Shower

7/2001 - mommy wants to thank everyone for all the gifts given to us!!! They will all go to good use!!!.

Getting Ready

grandma and grandapa "g" helped mommy and daddy put my crib together!! they did a great job!!!


First picture

As you can see I am still kinda small. My Grandpa and Grandma "G" say that I have a big forehead like my daddy. But mommy says that only makes her love me even more.


Message from MOM

10/2001 - ONE month to go. Tre is moving and kicking more now. He likes to dance to the music in the car. I'm now 170 lbs, and still growing. Things are moving along great! I feel good and I'm still working. I'm expecting a lot of changes here on out. More pictures are on their way. Stay tuned ;)

Congrats Stef! Little Essence is finally here 10-8-01!!!

Congratulations Vicki! Juliana was born 8-26-01.

Okay I'll see you in Nov. and if you haven't gotten me anything yet then daddy says you can go to Target and look up some things I need. And mommy says you can also go to Babies"r"us.