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This page last modified 1-29-06

Boulder Glider Boulder Sailplane

The picture on the left is of me by a Schweitzer 2-33 glider I flew in Boulder Colorado in 1996. On the right is the sexy single place I fly there now (starting in '04).

My Aviation Web Pages from the Past

Check out my photo blog, I try to update it Daily


Our International Vacations

Asia in 1999..... Italy December 2001..... Bali in 2004..... Belize January of 2005

Check out my trip with my 86 year old father

Taking my pop to Australia

Below Are Links to Pages About What I'm Currently Up To

Leftover Pages

Fishing at Lake Conroe 11-17-2001

My Commercial Musical Instrument Web Site

Created: 11/6/01 Updated: 11/14/01
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