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MESOPOTAMIA (greek meaning, 'land between the rivers')

Lies inbetween the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in and around what is now present-day Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Many civilizations developed and collapsed in this area.
Mesopotamia is the very first civilization, probably because of it's location.


Mesopotamian diseases are often blamed on pre-existing spirits; gods, ghosts, etc. Each spirit was held responisble for only one of what we would call a disease in any one part of the body.
EX: "Hand of God X" of the stomach corresponds to what we call a stomach flu, ache, etc.
A number of diseases were simply identified by names, "bennu" for example. It was also recognized that various organs could simply malfunction , causing illness.

ASHIPU: in older accounts also called a scorcerer. He diagnosed the ailment, what god caused it, or if it was the result of some error on the patients' part. Attempted to cure them with 'spells' and 'charms'
ASU: also known as a 'physician'. Treated serious injuries and diseases.
Hamurabi's Code also stated that docotrs who performed surgeries were liable if their patient died, but only if it was in connection with "the use of a knife"
Payment depended on the social status of the patient.
Rivers were thought to provide healing.

Formed large city states, spoke a language that isn't related to anyother human language, were ruled under a monarch, built temples, etc.
Important Cities; Ur, Uruk, and Eridu
Water was scarce and was a valuable resource, wars broke out over it.
Sumerians developed one of the world's first monarchies. was also a Theocracy. Kings lead the military, administered trade, jugded on disputes, engaged in important religious ceremonies.

WRITING: the first writings were records, tons of records on clay tablets. they wrote in Cuneiform (meaning wedge-shaped in latin) with the edged os sharp reeds. Clay was better than paper because it was hard to lose and if it burned, it would not be lost.

INVENTIONS: the calendar, discovered astronomy, system of mathematics (from all that record keeping)

RELIGION: polytheistic Gods who were Anthromorphic (human like) controlled natural forces and human activities. after death, they thought that they would turn into whisps of smoke, living in a house of dust, fading into oblivion after a century or two...very unlike the Egyptians.

LAW: Hammurabi's Code. mainly a law of revenge, or what we call 'lex talionis'
"An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth, A Life for a Life."

Social Classes:
AWILU: a free person of upper class MUSHKENU: a free person of middle or lower class WARDU: a slave
FAMILY LIFE: Marriages are arranged by parents, ceremony is concluded with the signing of a contract.

WOMEN- Secondary to men, but can hold property, engage in business, and are able to qualify as witness. Men can divorce their wives easily. If she bares no children, he can take on a second wife.

CHILDREN: Could be disinherited or sold into slavery in times of need. Adopted children were not uncommon and were loved as much as biological children.

FASHION: men wore white tunics, with a woolen tunic if it was cold. White cloaks were worn as outer garments. Sandals were also worn. It was later found that men also wore turbans. Women wore long simple garments that concealed the figure.

KING-------> held overall administrative power, head of the political structure.
GOVERNORS AND ADMINISTRATORS---->governors ruled important provinces on behalf of the King
ADMINISTRATION---->Local administration is handled by mayors and councils of city elders.

INDUSTRY: Agriculture: Barley, emmer, sesame, dates, onions, garlic, and marrows. Barley straw, sesame cakes, and other roughage was used as fodder for large and small cattle, goats, sheep for their milk, flesh, hides and wool. Meat, fish, fowl were important produce.

Mesopotamians depended on irrigation due to the irregular flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

Bookkeeping was important in all industries.

TRADE: Babylon was a major center of commerce throught the ages because of it's ideal location.

Exports: grain, skins, oils, dates, pottery, and reeds. Pearl and mother-of-pearl were expoted to Europe and Egypt.

Imports: Gold, silver, rock salt, stone for building, percious gems and stones.

Babylonian religion was much the same as the Sumerians, but they believed that they traveled to another world and so were buried with their worldly possessions.


PICTURES: “The Detroit Institute of Arts Ancient Art , Mesopotamia.” The Detroit Institute of Arts. Date posted unknown. Detroit Institute of Arts. October 12, 2003.