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Welcome to my blog, Starry Minds ^^ I couldn't think of a name so I just made one up for the picture instead. Actually, my blog is for two things, where I can blog my heart out, and for storing my updates for reference. There's alot to read so take your time!

Fri. [5.25.02] @ 12:15 am.
Well, I'm in an updating mood right now ^_^ (that's odd) sad thing is, I have nothing to update! It's just the start of my Memorial Day weekend and I'm lovin it! Actually I started Thurs. cuz we had no skool Fri...Anyway, I guess I'll be making loads of updates this weekend. What was I going to tell you? *thinks!* >_< I don't remember! *thinks really hard!* >_< It's not working! *abrubtly stops thinking* (5 seconds later) I remember now! Ahehe ^__^ I'm changing my alias. Instead of stupid old *mimicking* "CELES!" It's "Arrei" now. Coolios huh? So there you have it. What you have...I really don't know. Yeah, I'm crazy in the mornings. I think I need to go to bed now...
~Arrei <- ahe ^^

Sat. May. 18. 2002 @ 4:12 pm.
Hey hey hey! Well now, I did some stuff today ^^ Added a bunch more graphics, a new sister site (ROS Graphic Shopee, go visitee!), and some examples for the request form. I changed the request form a bit, added more links, put my past layout pic up, and just cleaned up the site ^_^ Keep it comin...*beep! beep! beep!*

Thurs. May. 16. 2002 @ 7:30 pm.
Well now, lets see...what did I do? *thinks >_<* Hmm, I guess I didn't do much of anything today! Then why the heck am I updating...Well since I'm here I'll tell you about my new lovely sisters I added ^_^ Please do visit their sites. That's it for now. *A. Swartzenegger voice* I'LL BE BACK!
Later that day...
I got a new counter! Spiffy eh? ^__^ Courtesy of

Mon. May. 13. 2002 @ 9:40 pm.
Request forms have finally reopened! I decided that I should open them up again cuz right now, I'm not too busy and there's only 18 more days of skool left (bout 3 weeks...huh?Whoo hoo!). Take a look and check out the form in the Graphics section, it might be a little confusing but hey, the devil's in the details *COUGH! Father...* I will be adding more to the form later on with things like examples and explanations. The ones I have now are all broken images. Let's hope this isn't going to be a situation in which I will regret. Please do take a look!

Sat. May. 11. 2002 @ 8:02 pm.
So, like the new layout? ^^ Most of it is up and ready although there are still a few pages that I haven't got to yet but *gasp!* good news! Instead of working on the new layout, I've updated my OLD OLD collection of graphics. That means they don't suck anymore ^_^ I'm just concentrating now on buttons, mini banners, and icons. Oh yeah, and occasional layouts. Other than that I don't have alot of everything else. You'll just have to go see fo yourself cuz I added a whole bunch more ^^ and more link me buttons too (like you really care...) I just thought they were pretty ^^ My graphics request is still closed and probably will be until the summer. But if you are desperate and need something worded, email me and we'll talk. Anyway, take a look and I'm gettin back to work now...

Tues. May. 7. 2002 @ 5:30 pm.
New layout! I can't believe I'm back. Actually I still haven't fully recovered. I was just surfin the net a cuple a days ago and saw some of these really cool sites. Sumthin stirred in me and I was inspired to make a layout! (how touching) Oh yes that felt good! But unfortunately it won't be the regular updates everyday like it was a long time ago. I don't want the Internet and the computer to occupy my mind and my every waking minute like it used too (and sleeping minutes too...I still hear: *bzmmm bzmmm...beeeeeeeep!* in my dreams! ahh!). I need to get out more and find new interests. Hey, that's really good advice for all you Internet junkies like me ^_^ As usual, please read my past updates in my blog (psst!'s in the Sitey section!) to get clued in on recent happenings in this site if you are totally lost. And please, I would love it very much if you would sign my guestbook to tell me what I can do to improve this layout before I get it set in. ie: loading time on graphics, colors, is it easy to read?, and please! Give me ideas on the background! What should I do?! Well thanks and keep checking back for updates!

Sat. May. 4. 2002 @ 6:00 pm.
Hey! *gasp!* What's this!? An update!? I think ima have a heart attack! Actually, just here to check up on the good ol site ^^ Nope, not in the mood to make a new layout or new graphics yet. Yeah I know -_-() I need to get back in the groove, but I just can't! Maybe over the summer I will. Uh wait a sec *thinking* Nope, can't do that neither. I'm jam packed with vacation this summer ^__^ But I do have a few weeks of just being a bum around the house. We'll see what happens then. Well I went through my list of sisters and added one new one! Yay! *sigh* It's so hard to find loyal and trustworthy sisters these days. *shakes head* I just had to delete half of them and the rest I'm waiting on. Even if I am on a long...long...long hiatus, I would still like to be sisters! They could at least notify me! *tear!* Where did I go wrong?! Oh well ^_^ out with the old and in with the new, eh? Enjoy!

Sat. March. 30. 2002 @ 10:45 pm.
*sigh*Oh I'm so sorry. It's been a month since I updatd and I know I was going to do some revamping but it never happened. It's now Spring Break and I thought I'd better check my site out. Last time I updated it was a pathetic attempt to regain my interest in my site. Well it's just not working and I'm not as motivated as I was a year ago. It's a shame when website owners lose interest...and that's happened to me. I'm still keeping the site opened though ^_^ So you can still keep on signing the guestbook and emailing me if you want ^_^ *thinking* Well since I'm here I just MIGHT make a new layout...maybe...Anyway, talk to ya later!

Mon. Feb. 18. 2002 @ 5:04 pm.
Whoo hoo! No skool today! Well, I've gotten back on track and added a few new graphics, including new animated buttons (weeee!) And one new layout. I have also decided that since I have gotten more content I'll be upgrading to version 6 soon to better organize my site. That project will be for next weekend (since you all know I said I'll only be working weekends). And after that project is done. I'll be going through and revamping my graphics collection cuz some of them are really really really outdated (and I mean REALLY). So that's what's going on for the next couple of weekends. To find out what's been added/changed recently, go check out my blog in the Sitey section. That's it!

Sat. Feb. 16 @ 4:12 pm.
Well, as you all know, I came off my hiatus yesterday (^_^) but things aren't going to be like they were. I'm really only going to update in the weekends from now on cuz 1.) I'm not as motivated like I was last year 2.) I've learned that the internet really took over my life and I need to get out and do other stuff and 3.) I have to say anymore? Aside from all that, forms are still closed. I bet you can imagine why. And, oh yeah! New blog!!!! I just made a new blog layout for myself last night (that one layout was a particular little beotch). Go check it out in my sitey section!

Fri. Feb. 15, 2002 @ 10:32 pm.
Yay! I finally have the time and inspiration to get off my butt and update!!! Well, looks like I'll be adding more graphics including a few new layouts, and I think I will be changing my current layout too sometime soon. Whew, it's good to be back. Anyway, this oricess I think is going to be very very slow cuz I'm just not as motivated as I used to be. Just keep checking back. Thanx!

Wed. Feb. 6, 2002 @ 4:17 pm.
No, I'm not quite back yet...I'm still on hiatus. I just mentioned that if I wasn't back within a month than I was probably dead. Well it's been a month, and I'm still here ^^ Anyway, my life is still hectic right now, and I just had to quit the great reviewing site I was working for ;_; Anyway, when things cool down, I'll be coming back to making alot more graphics and working on this site. Probably when summer break 4 more months -_-() Or maybe Spring Break. Oh yeah, I also deleted some affiliates cuz of numerous reasons, but for those who are still holding up their end of sisterhood, I thank you ^__^ Well I'll be back hopefully somtime soon!

Sun. Jan. 13, 2002 @ 4:31 pm.
Yes yes! I'm still here! It's just *sigh* -_- I have been so busy lately! I have exams coming up and enrollment for the next school year and I'm applying for magnet schools and what not and they require so much stuff! Well *relief* and moment of peace to update. I finished upgrading most of the site to the new layout for all of you last time ^_^ So it should be ok, maybe a few glitches here and there. Request forms are still closed cuz no freakin way am I gonna have time for that! But please, still come and take a look around. Looks like another hiatus! I think you're not gonna hear from me for a few weeks cuz I don't have time, but I'll be back as soon as it's all over! You're webmistress won't let you down! In the meantime, please keep coming back for regular visits. Thanks a bunch! *hugz* Love ya guys!
P.S-If I'm not back within a month...then I'm probably dead.

Tues. Jan. 1, 2002! @ 7 pm.
HEEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO! I'm back again! Whoo hoo! I got my PSP7 back ^__________^ Actually it's now a PSP 7.02. I'm so happy I'm crying ^_; Actually no. I'm just happy. And new layout and more graphics and business as usual ^_^ I'm off my nice Christmas hiatus and will hopefully begin work ASAP. See? I didn't desert you guys. So please for all of you who like to make regular checks, can now do so again ^^ Request forms will still be closed until I can get my new layout up. Well it's off to work I go.......Oh yeah, thanks for hanging on for me and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I really appreciate you guys ^^ *Whoo, lots of people have come since I've been gone....*

Sun. Dec. 9 @ 9:22
MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY HANNUKAH! HAVE A HAPPY KWANZAA! Whichever you celebrate ^^ Seasons Greetings. Anyway, just a little update to tell ya I'm not dead. Not much action around here. Urgh! I am SO freakin BUSY! Well, not much to say so I better get goin. But I have lots of plans (hopefully) after the holidays but it might be some time (can we say around April or May?) So don't be surprised or anything. Anyway, have a happy holiday! I'm on hiatus! TEN MORE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS BREAK! See ya in the New Year!

Fri. Nov. 30 @ 10:41
Well, despite my graphics program being gone for the time being, I'm still here ^^ Hey, we have a new sister! Her site's great. It's still adding sections but it looks really pretty! Oh yeah, I'd like to thank Bishoujo Reviews for reviewing the site. I'll get to correcting as soon as I have time. Check out their site in the Links section if you want to read the review. I got a Gold award ^^ *smiles!* Thanks a bunch! Well what else? Oh yeah, I'm starting on my clique now but I need a few suggestions on what I should call it. Please send me in some ideas, I'll be sure to give credit where it's due. You can use my affiliate form to send in a quick note (as an example from Miss Miaka ^^ thanks! BTW.) I'm kinda too lazy to go digging through the site to find the URL for the quicke form I usually use. I know it's in here somewhere...
And what else will I be doing to pass the time you ask? Well, I'm going to start putting up more pages in my Sitey section including HTML codes and lots of help. In fact I'm thinking of making this the temporary HQ of special HTML help ^^ And tutorials on graphics maybe? Kinda hard w/o the program though. Anyone want an award? I have a site of the month one too! That things been up forever now and still no one's applied! You can be the first ^^ Well take care...Ana out.

Fri. Nov. 23 @2:23 am (I work best in the mornings)
My goodness gracious.....;_; Today must be the saddest day through out the entire history of this site. What I have long feared, the very cause that can put an end to this site...has now dawned upon us and covered us with it's dark depressing shadow. *waaaaaaaa!* MY GRAPHICS PROGRAM IS GONE! *sniff* ;_; It's such a long long story and I am in no mood to go through it, much less mention it or think about it. But yes, it has happened. I no longer have my trusty and faithful Paint Shop Pro anymore. The very tragic story that has to deal with the program being erased and the actual disk. It's all gone...gone...gone with the wind...bye-bye...whoo hoo...outta here...seeya later...hit the road gone. And what's the point of having a graphics shop if you can't make no graphics I ask? So yes, the sad truth ;_; I can no longer make graphics, therefore being forced to close the request forms...halt all production...the works. *sigh* I'm so very sad...*whimper* I miss my program! I've gotten so attached to it! Now my site has to end! After all this hard work! ....Whoa, back up a sec. Ending the site? Heck no! It's still going stong ^____^ Of course I'm not going to close my site. I'm still gonna update and everything...except I can't make graphics ;_; Until Christmas comes rolling around that is. Unless anybody has $99 bucks their willing to loan me. Guess not. I have to wait till Christmas -_- So you have to wait too -_- Oh well. It's worth it I guess. What am I gonna do in the meantime? Actually I was going to start a clique ^^ Been meaning to do so for a long time...except I can't make my own layout ;_; I'm also going to have to find some other things to add to keep me busy while counting down the days. *sigh* Anywho, please enjoy everything I have and pray I will still be interested in my site by the time Christmas comes. Well at least Thanksgiving wasn't so depressing. My volcano cakes were delish ^_^ Mmmm they were good! Oh yeah, I'm suppose to be sad....GOODBYE!

Thurs. Nov. 22 @ 4:06 am
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! For those who celebrate it that is. Actually, it should be more like Happy Harvest Day. Anyway, no time for small talk. Gotta hurry up. The Mother woke up and is not to be messed with. And she just found out I'm still awake @ 4:06 in the morning (hey, I can't help it). Perfect timing. I swear, that woman.....Well, got another layout up ^^ Call me butter cuz I'm on a roll! (<- My sister's a dork) So I have three downloadable ones in all. Go check them out. They're pretty good. So, does anyone want to apply for an award? Take a look at the Sitey section. That's it for now ^^ Enjoy!

Sun. Nov. 18 @ 2:10 pm
Ok, I think I got all the pages done. Plus ^^ I finally have my first downloadable layout available! It took me long enough! Go check it out and tell me what you think. I have lots more coming so just hang on.
Later that day @ 5:42 pm:
Added one more layout to download. It's a pink Card Captor one ^^ Also added a new section..."About Me!"

Sat. Nov.17 @ 11:42 pm
So, tell me, is the new layout nice? Well I finished changing most of the pages to match the color. Phew! That was hard work! It gets boring after a while -_- But all comes out pretty in the end ^_^ Oh, for you people who don't have Internet Explorer 5+, you won't be able to see the color of the scrollbars....therefor, the inline frame's scrollbar might look a little funky, depending on what color scrollbar you have. Just to clear that up ^_^

Sat. Nov.17 @ 3:13 am
New version! New layout! You like? Sorry, I don't have any of the other pages up but hopefully will soon. Just hang on and I'll get back to ya ASAP. Meanwhile, enjoy the new look! ^_^

Sunday Nov.4 @ 2:41 pm
Hello!! ^_^ Yikes, really sorry for the lack of updates -_- It's been what? A little over a week? Well, I haven't been in the mood lately, don't really know why. So, how was your Halloween? Mine....was really whacked ^_^ Long story. It's November already!? *gasp!* That reminds me........yesterday *sniff* my poor little baby rabbit died :( *crying* How do you make one of those stupid tear drop thingys?! Oh my poor Chloe.....I was so sad when I went outside and found her cold dead body lying sideways on the sodden turf. It was as hard as rock and I just stood there with my mouth hanging open in complete and udder shock. Than grief. It was just that afternoon I went outside to go play with her! I didn't know she was that sick! We just thought it was a cold! We took her to the vet before and they said it was noting to worry about! Why!? Why I ask!? *_* My poor bunny........ lying three feet below the earth in my back yard.......*sigh* Anyway, not much going on here. Except we don't have school tomorrow (thank the principal for Staff Development!) Oh yeah, I went to go see "The One" today with Jet Li ^_^ Not a bad movie. Lots of cool fight scenes. And ysterday I went to see "The Thirteenth Ghost" Now that is one freaky ass movie ^^ Really scary in the beginning and ghory too. So if you have a weak stomach....better order in on Pay Per View where you have the trash can next to ya. That's all for now, if I have anything else, I'll get right back to ya. Oh and, drop me a line, you know where I'll be ^^

Sat. 27 @ 2:56 am (night owl.... LOL ^^):
Well Bravenet's back up again, good for them! (and me ^^) Not much happenin today. I got so bored I finally decided to make some graphics! ^^ And also beacuse I found some new pictures of Fushigi Yuugi. Go to check em out. That's about it. I'm so bored!!!!! Help! I need something intellectual to do.... --_-- my brain's totally fried @_@ But at least it's daylight savings extra hour of evil late night menacing ^^ *mwuahahaha!!!* Kay then, see ya tomorrow.

Fri. 26 @ 3:16 am (yes I know, I'm a night owl. *whoo....whoo* LOL ^^):
Darn Bravenet had to go move servers and put everything on hold (it's for the best I guess) So don't bother waiting for the counter to load. Actually I've been thinking about creating a new gbook from a differnet provider, just to have something different. Any ideas? I've seen some cool ones out there. Anyway, not alot of updating today. Just been lazily sulking the web, nothin much to do, so if you have any comments, suggestions, requests (I'll even do layouts! I'm serious!) improvements, even crtiticism, please feel free to send them all to me. I need a little feedback anyways. Oh yeah! If you have any cool anime or manga pictures, send them all to me too! I've been looking for different anime to make graphics out of. I'll credit you and add you to my links of course. So if you would, that would be a big help. Anyways, that's about all I have to say. So please look around and have fun ^^

Thurs. 25 @ 5:22 pm:
Ok now, all the links are up and working ^_^ I still need to upgrade a few more pages but most of them should look right. So excuse any broken images or links that you see. Well I'm working on adding a few new pages but it's just a bunch of basic stuff to add to my Sitey section. Any suggestions? Is there anything that you want to see added? Speaking of sitey, go check that out and perhaps sign up for and award ^_^ YESSSSSS! No school tomorrow! Thank you for adding Nevada to the U.S! *patriotic song in the background* Anyways, still have a crap load of work to do....including a stupid state project for Geography -_- Have fun! cuz I'm not gonna be........

Wed. 24 @ 3:22 pm:
Am I that superficial? Seriously, I'm always telling myself that that stuff dosen't really matter to me. I mean, you wanna look nice and smell good and have a friends, but I like it when you get to know the person. Lately, I've been thinking about that I? .....No! I'm not overly superficial! Stop thinking like that Ana! *sigh* I was so certain about everything last year, but now, I don't know anymore. Argh! Darn teen years! Anyways, sorry I've been neglecting the site lately. I intended on being done with my new layout yesterday at least. Just a lil behind schedule. Like I say, th

Hey! What happened here?!?! Why do I just get cut off?!? Urgh -_- I must have accidentally deleted it *mumbles to self* Well that's just great! >_< *throws hands in air and stalks off*