A bombshell announcement
**The scene opens up inside of the arena. Standing in the ring are Misty and James Cornett. The fans are booing them as Misty raises the microphone to her lips**

Misty: It's great to know how much you all absolutely adore me. *smiles* Either way, I just needed to say one thing to all of you. This is a new era in the Extreme Wrestling Assocation, if you didn't notice. This is a time where I, Misty Anne Donimari-Cornett, reigns supreme along with my loving husband right by my side, your Lt. Commissioner James Cornett. This is a warning to all of you out there trying to make a name for yourselves. This is my company and no one else's, you got that. Furthermore...

**Suddenly, the lights dim a little, interupting Misty in mid-sentence. She looks around, rather confused, as "Money" by Pink Floyd blares over the loudspeakers. Then, out of nowhere, Misty's brother Nathan Donimari emerges from the backtage area with a microphone in his hand. He just glares at his sister and her husband**

Misty: What in the hell are you doing here Nathan? You have no business being in my arena!

Nathan: Misty, Misty, Misty...how quickly simple minds forget. I've been sitting back, letting you run the show and I'm sick and tired of seeing my little sister make a mockery of the wrestling business. Do you even know who our father is? He's Alistar Donimari, the most influencial promoter in the entire east coast of the United States. I refuse to let you tarnish the Donimari name any longer.

Misty: What are you going to do Nate? You don't have any authority here in the EWA. You don't even work here for cryin' out loud.

Nathan: Oh sis, that's where you are wrong. Don't you remember about a year back in January of 2001, a time where you were just trying to get the EWA up and running? Have you forgotten so suddenly? *grins*

Misty: Nathan Michael Donimari, don't you dare do this to me!

Nathan: What Misty, are you afraid of not having absolute power? You've been parading around like you have soul ownership of the EWA when you have let one thing slip your mind, this company is half mine!

**The fans are stunned as Misty goes irate. James looks at Misty, completely confused as Nathan begins to speak again**

Nathan: That's right, I am the half-owner of this company right here. Now that I'm here to claim my spot and bring some decency back to this company, it looks like I have to appoint someone to help back me up. *looks at James* I think you know this person very well. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce to you, the new CEO of the Extreme Wrestling Association...

**James and Misty look at each other in confusion as Nathan points to the curtains behind him as "Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock rips through the arena and Jennifer Krug comes out, dancing seductively as the fans errupt in cheers. Nathan and Jennifer exchange smiles as he hands the microphone over to Jennifer**

Jennifer: *grins* James, Misty, you two have made my life a living hell, especially James. You lead me to believe that you actually wanted to reconcile but that was just complete bullshit. Now, it's my time to make your lives into a living hell. With the half-owner Nathan Donimari by my side and the fact that I am now the CEO of the EWA, no one can stop me now.

Nathan: *taking the mic* Now that the truth has come out, it looks like the EWA is never going to be the same again...

**Nathan smirk as he takes Jennifer by the hand and leads her to the backstage area, leaving James and Misty in complete shock. Then, the scene fades to black**