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ALCM Region IV Gathering: July 12 - 15, 2010

days until the Region IV Gathering! ...Check out the links on the left for the most up to date Gathering information!

Updated on April 2, 2010

Please contact Erik Whitehill if
there are any website problems
or corrections needed.

Welcome to the ALCM Region IV “Gathering in Boulder 2010” Website!
(We will continue to update this site with new information as it becomes available - so please check back often.)

The word “Gathering” is meant to help define our intent for the 2010 Region IV event. We hope it can convey our efforts to be more “grass roots” and give all attendees an opportunity to join in the discussion with our many presenters.

Our theme: Faith: A Compass for Leaders, is the thread which weaves itself through the entire event. This is an inclusive statement meant to include ALL leaders in ministry. Throughout the 2010 Gathering we want our time together to focus on nurturing and strengthening our personal faith so it shines through all we do. Haven’t we all “caught” faith from others through the help of the Holy Spirit in our life? Let us focus on faith which can be so strong it becomes contagious to others! Faith in God helps direct us through whatever struggles and joys we find on our journey. The Gathering in Boulder will diligently follow the thread of faith since it is what makes all things possible.

The second part of our theme is Psalm 121: I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills… Obviously we lift up our eyes to God. The beautiful Rocky Mountain scenery found in Boulder is a reminder of God’s creation and reminds us to seek God’s direction for our individual lives. What a beautiful location to host our event!

To achieve the above we invited three stellar keynoters. Each one comes with unique and differing gifts:

These three will each have an opportunity to present two “keynotes” plus participate in two “forums” focusing on relevant topics needing real discussion today. This will at great time of discussion with our keynoters on pertinent topics. Please visit the Keynoters page for more information about our wonderful keynoters.

In addition to the keynoters we will have a wide variety of other exciting offerings. See Program Info for program information and the Presenters to see a list of talented presenters that make up the rest of our Gathering.

This website has been created to give you as much current information as possible about the Gathering. We will update it frequently, so please come back often. If you wish to contact me directly by e-mail, click here. We hope you can join us in Boulder!

On Behalf of the Gathering in Boulder 2010 Steering Committee -

Carole Lea Arenson, Gathering Chair

Website created and designed on Angelfire by Erik Whitehill
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