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::Tahirah::Anubis Antrho


Name: Tahirah,

Race: Anubis

Age: Unknown

Height: 5’9”

Physical description: A tall figure, she usually wears nothing but the ornate Egyptian styled jewelry. A large crest of a winged creature at her thigh, gold about her arms and just above her eyes dangles gold and ruby and pearl. Her face is the sculpted image of an anubis with jackal-like sharpness to her visage and the long ears shimmering with gold as well. Tresses of gossamer white match the opalescence fur that covers her lithe figure.

Personality: Dominating and sensual, she enjoys the pleasure of men and women both and appreciates the slave as she does the mate. She belongs to no one but herself and yet loving those she finds worthy. Of course, she also is subject to violent mood swings and has bee known to start a fight or two among those she calls friends and lovers, depending on her mood she can be angry and forceful or gentle and loving.

Background: Aziza was named after a conquest of Tahirah’s tribe over a small human settlement. Though her people have moved on she has stayed. She had always felt something of an outcast among the dark hued Anubis the more common color of her race and though she was beautiful and strong she was never quite expected for what she was. And since she had lead the raid on the settlement her people honored her with its spoils. Raised as warrior of her people, she had trouble adjusting to a more peaceful life, still does.

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