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DQ Something Different The Dairy Queen Headquarters
like10000spoons: Owner Neighbourhood: Sloths Lair
DQ Something Different
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Founded: 05/17/2003
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    The Drivethru

    DQ Food Of The Week

    Peanut Buster Parfait
    This wonderful item of the DQ menu is a tasty treat that only a peanut allergy could tear away from anyone with a love for DQ. Layers of smooth vanilla ice cream, layers of rich hot fudge, layers of nutty peanuts...what more could someone ask for? I bet your mouth is watering just by looking at the picture.

    Peanut Buster Parfait Nutrition Information

    Cal. From Fat------280
    Total Fat (g)------31
    Saturated Fat (g)--17
    Cholesterol (mg)---35
    Sodium (mg)--------400

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