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Hey Where's Your Saddle?

Victor and Elvis at the Great Dane Club of Las Vegas

Victor and his dad Bill

I purchased Victor as a show prospect but unfortunatally her didn't turn out as I had hoped
so I placed him in a wonderful companion home.
I did show him a few times but he never did well as he was so BIG.
At 6 mos old Victor stood 36 1/2" at the withers and he ended up topping out a a whooping 40".
Victor always stood out from all of the other Danes due to his enormous size.
Even though he was so big he didn't have a mean bone in his body.

When I placed him out as a companion he went to live with Bill and Niki who loved and adored him.
Victor and Bill had a special bond they were great buddies. Of course Niki loved him to peices as well.
Victor was so spoiled he got to ride in the golf cart with his daddy Bill.

Unfortunatally as time went on Victor had some pretty serious health issues.
Bill and Niki didn't waste anytime or expense to find out what was wrong.
He had to be on very expensive medication and have costly tests a few times a year
for the remainder of his life.
Bill and Niki are very special people as they did whatever was needed for Victor.
Victor was truely bless to have a family that loved him so much.
I wil always be greatful to Bill and Niki for loving and taking such great care of Victor.

I am honored that Bill and Niki have choosen to add one of my future puppies to their family.
This puppy will also be blessed to have such wonderful people that will love him.

Sleep softly Lil Vic