"Multiple Best of Breed Winner and Group Placing"
Colras Larger Than Life

DOB 5-29-02

Maxer going WD with Joy Lobato under respected Breeder Judge Gina Jaeblon

Maxer's Pedigree
Maxer was bred by Colra Danes and is out of our 2002 litter.
(Int'l Nat'l CH EIO Danes Colerich Mystique x CH Hauerdanes R U Talk N To Me)

Maxer is now retired. When he reitred he was ranked #12 in the Top 20.
He is now enjoying his retirement with is owner Sheila Thompson.

Max finished his Championship with Perry Payson on 3-19-04 at 22 mos
WD/BOW/BOS under respected Judge Michelle Billings

Maxer going BISS at the Great Dane Club of Greater Dallas