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BPC170: Microcomputer Maintenance I



Instructor: Les Reynolds




Web site URL:



Course Catalog Description:



3193   8/26 to 12/11 (Tue & Thurs) 9:30 AM to 11:20 AM


All provisions in this syllabus are subject to revision by the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to note changes announced in class.


Required Text:

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fourth Edition, Comprehensive.  Jean Andrews.  Course Technology.  ISBN: 0-619-18617-8.

Lab Manual for A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fourth Edition. Jean Andrews.  Course Technology.  ISBN: 0-619-18619-4.

Other Materials:

Standard PC Toolkit.

ESD Wrist Strap.
4 1.44MB High Density diskettes with labels.
#2 pencils for examinations


Technical aspects of the microcomputer, including system setup (hardware and software) and basic troubleshooting. Emphasis on basic troubleshooting, use of tools, hardware components and hardware/software interfacing.


CIS105 and BPC121AB or permission of instructor.



Grade for Completion of A+ Certification:

Many students either have an A+ certification or take and pass the A+ certification exams during the course.  If you have an A+ certification or during the course, take and pass both A+ exams, you will receive a grade of "A" for the course.



There will be no classes on Tuesday, November 11 (Veteran’s Day) or Thursday, November 28 (Thanksgiving Holiday).




Cellular Phones and Pagers: If you carry a portable communications device, please set the device on silent mode as to not disturb the class. If you receive a call, please defer the call until break or leave the class during your call.  Be courteous of your classmates and instructor.


Workload: Do the reading and homework and hand it in on time!  You should plan for a minimum of 3-6 hours per week of outside study in order to get full benefit from the course.  You’ll receive 50% off your homework grade if it’s late.  If it’s a week late, it won’t be accepted, resulting in no points for that assignment.


Attendance: Attendance is a component of your final grade.  One unexcused absence could result in a reduction of one grade.  Two unexcused absences will result either in an incomplete grade or automatic withdrawal (see the following).


Withdrawal: Students electing to withdraw from the class must do so according to the policies of the college. You will be subject to withdrawal if you miss the first two classes or you have a large number of unexcused absences. It is your responsibility to complete the proper paperwork if you intend to drop this class. Failure to do so will result in an "F" for the course.


Food in classroom: It is the policy of Paradise Valley Community College to not allow food or drinks in any classroom. Do not bring food or drinks into the classroom. If you do, you will be asked to leave.


Class behavior: Do not interrupt me or other students.  Do not talk while I am talking, because you or one of your classmates might miss something important.  If you want to socialize during class, take it out of the classroom.  Your grade will reflect on your behavior.  There will be no “surfing” on the Internet, unless directed to do so as part of an assignment by the instructor.  Violations of this may result in your removal from the classroom or a reduction in grade.





·        ·        Assignments will be discussed in class.  If you are going to miss a class, your homework should be submitted to me via e-mail (See the note on late homework).  Please place the following as the subject of your e-mail: BPC170 (DO NOT INSERT SPACES.) Please send assignments to (Please note that there is an underline character between les_reynolds.  It doesn’t show because of the hyperlink underline.)


·        ·        Assignments (chapter and labs) will be given to reinforce material covered in class.


·        ·        Assignments turned in later than one week after the date due will NOT be accepted.  Under no circumstances will assignments be accepted after the final regular class (finals week is not a regular class).



·        ·        A note about answering questions. Questions are designed to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Short answers only indicate you can memorize lists. I am looking for understanding of concepts. Keep your answers to the point. When a question asks you to "Explain", please give an adequate enough explanation to demonstrate you understand the material.  See the note on the assignment page in reference to lab assignments. Be sure your name, assignment number, and course number appear on all handed in materials.


Authorship of Work

Work submitted to the instructor is to be the student's original work. No group work will be accepted unless specifically directed by the instructor. If you quote work from any source, you must identify and recognize the source. Failure to comply with these instructions will result in a failure of the assignment.


Grading Algorithm:


Final grades will be based on the following schedule:



Percentage Range


90 - 100%


80 - 89%


70 - 79%


60 - 69%


< 60%


There will be five exams, lab assignments, pop quizzes, five article reviews, and chapter review questions to answer.  The grading is as follows:


Exams are worth 25% of your total grade, quizzes are worth 20% of your total grade, article reviews are worth are worth 15% of your total grade, review questions are worth 20% of your total grade, and the lab assignments are worth 20% of your total grade. 


(A note about the article review:  This is for your benefit to get you “out of the box,” and looking at other learning medium to expand your knowledge.  Just summarize an article you find apropos to some of the topics that we are discussing during that time frame.)