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Cassie's Website

Welcome to my website! Come on in, have a cup of hot cocoa, and make yourself at home!
(Last updated 07/23/03)

November 26, 2002 - Allison Joanne was born!! She weighs 9 lbs, 14 oz. I can't wait to see her!!!
You can see Allison here.

Around my site

My Photo Album Here's my photo album!
My Family Here's the people I belong to!
My Hobbies Here's some of my hobbies.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Here's my church.
Teaching I'm studying secondary education, to hopefully teach high school English.

Coming Soon...

Animals Here's some of my favorite animals. Someday, my house will be a zoo.
Bible Studies Commentary on what I have studied, links to online Bible studies.
School Where I've gone, where I'm going...

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