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My Candy Lyon @-)-----

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date: feb 9th 2005 Hey candy, i dont know if you ever check this thing anymore. because of your phone. but i wanted you to know something. do you remember what we said at the steps about no matter what happends between us. I will always still love you? Well I do. and i think about you alot. maybe i was a little to distant. or let what was going on in the house interfear with out relationship. I love you with all my heart. Believe it or not, i am trying to turn my life around. i started going to church with your mom and john. i think i can give my heart to god. i just have to take it slow. hahaha me going to church? i didnt think i could. i was thinking about how we wanted to go togather. and i gave your mom a call one day. and we had a good time. and i told her how you wanted me to go. and that i was stubberen about the whole religous deal, but i was willing to give it a try. maybe be a better person out of it. i think its time for a change. I hate myself for alot of dumb things i said and did to you candy. i just hope you have it in you to,...i hope you still care about me candy...even though you moved on. i hope i was not just a boyfriend. i hope there was something more to me, then a chapter in your life. i realy wanted us to be happy. i loved making you smile, when i called you my candy lyon. before i heard that you was losing feelings for me, i was going to ask you that night if you were serious about us making it again. because i thought that what happened in phx, was'nt enough to make me stop loving you. and if you truly felt bad on what happened, we could work through it togather. i realy wanted to be your man, your husband. i hope this letter to you does not upset you. you have been in my dreams last night, and you where happy, and we where holding hands at fann park sitting on the rock like we had before. and i didnt want to wake up. i cried when i woke up. i went to fry's latter that night, and everyone kept stopping me, asking about me and you, telling me to tell you they said hi, and to come in some time. i am not going to live at jessicas moms. i dont know where ill be, but at least its on my own. im so sorry for not letting you stay the night that night killed me. i regret so much. but can do so little about it now. i hope your ok in phx, i worry about you alot. and i wear your necklace that you gave me to bed sometimes. i wear it to reasure me your ok. i guess its a little corny. mom took me,grandma and john to the golden corral this week. john, your nefew and me has been getting along great, he walked up to me when we where at walmart with your mom, and told me he wishes me and you could have gotten married, because he would have like me to be his uncle. i got him a small walkman radio latter that night and told the lady i was his brother, he smiled. you have missed alot around here candy. I hope to see you again. this thursday i am going to on-the-snap to hang out with jena, and i am going to give her my spike choker/corrar. it doesn't look that good on me anyways, and something tells me its her style. call it a wild guess. hahah. well girl, I am going to finnish packing. it's febuary ninth. and i have to be out on the 12th. iv been all alone here finnishing up the move. I just needed to talk to you. Have fun going to college baby, I hope its what you want. maybe after college i could be your first customer. And hey girl, you still have to make me a blanket. hehehe. goodnight candy, i hope you sleep good tonight. and i love you my candy lyon. always. goodnight... ps i will continue to go to church, so if you ever have the need to find me, for what ever reason, you know where to find me candy lyon.
