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Call it a Day

Everyone knows that work and school is definitely not the highlight of your day. Well, this website is made by some kid who wants to do anything to keep himself from going insane. This, is March 15, 2002, lets call it a day.

Well, I've always wanted to just type about a movie idea, or, maybe I'll put up a forum, or wait, how about an area about games, who knows, I'll just try to make a site so that I'll continue to update it.


4/18/02:Finally, I get to go on the net for a while, so check out the Pathetic Boy's Adventures, I'll keep adding more and more stories about him when I can! I also finished the Secret Character list for WWF Smackdown! Just Bring It. On a final note, I decided to add a Video Game of the Year area. Check out all these things!Final update of the day:Darn, I had a lot of free time on my hands, check out my War We're in the Middle of, it has my feelings on the Israle vs. Palestine.

Say hello to surfin' CPU!

Different Areas of C.I.A.D.

War We're in the Middle of

Video Games

Video Game of the Year


Pathetic Boy's Adventures

My Forum!SSD Dictator forums: Thanks to AK1 for it!

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