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What animal are you? Take this quiz and find out which animal out of dozens you are, alone with a brief description, picture, and your soulmate!! Do this by adding the numbers next to each answer you select (one per question) with the calculator at the bottom of this quiz. Then click on the number you get, and you'll see a picture and description that is printable, and a box with html for a online journal or what-not.

1.) You are outside playing your favorite sport with a few of your close friends. You guys get thirsty
so come inside to get a drink. You open up the fridge. What do you choose to drink?
Coke (2)
Pepsi (1)
Water (4)
Gatorade (3)
Soymilk (5)

2.) You and your boyfriend/girlfriend head out to the movie theatre to discover that your favorite movie
is sold out! What do you do?
You pick a different movie to see (4)
Both of you decide on a different movie to see (5)
You throw a fit because you REALLY wanted to see that movie! (3)
Run around asking people if they have j ticket for that movie (1)
Decide to do something else instead. (2)

3.) The coolest person in school has invited you to the hottest party of the year! But, its on the same day
as your Nana BooBoos funeral. What do you do?
Go to the funeral, no doubt about it (2)
Go to the funeral, act so traumatized by seeing your nanas body and run out crying... to the party! (1)
Go to the party! Your nana won't mind. (3)
Cry and throw things around in your room because you can't decide. (4)
Do neither. (5)

4.) Your at a school dance, and the DJ is taking band requests. You yell out:
Britney Spears! (1)
Tim McGraw! (3)
Pretty Ricky! (2)
System of a Down! (5)
Led Zepplin! (4)

5.) Your boyfriend/girlfriend is pressuring you to go further than just kissing. Now they are threatening
to break up with you if you don't take it just a bit further. What do you do?
Dump them first. They're obviously just using you. (1)
Give in to them. (2)
Say yes right away because you've been DYING to go further for awhile! (4)
What boyfriend/girlfriend? (5)
Cry to the school counseler and spill your guts to her. (3)

6.) You walk into school only to find even your closest friends laughing at you. It turns out someone
spread a nasty rumor about you. You find out who it was. What do you do?
Run into the bathroom and cry there the entire school day. (4)
Punch them in the face (3)
Tell a teacher about it. (1)
Spread an even nastier rumor about them. (5)
Tell everyone that the rumor is untrue, and forgive the rumor-teller. (2)

7.) You head in to your favorite store at the mall with a couple of your good friends to get this awesome
new shirt in this cool color you saw online. When you get there, you see that they don't have the
color you wanted, but you really want this shirt so you decide to get it in a different color. Which color
do you choose?
Orange (5)
Pink (4)
Blue (3)
Black (1)
Red (2)

8.) You meet this extremely cute, nice, and funny guy/girl working at the mall. They invite you to
see a movie with them. The only thing is you have a boy/girlfriend at home, but they are not as great
as this person. What do you do?
Go on the date, just don't tell your boo. (3)
Tell them you already have someone, too bad. (1)
Call up your girl/guy and dump them right there for this hottie. (4)
Get frustrated and just walk away. (2)
Tell them that you can't because its your grandfathers 90th birthday that day. (4)

9.) Your caught chewing gum in class. Your teacher is staring at you after her accusation.
What do you do?
Swallow the gum and smile (2)
Say 'whatever' and spit it out. (3)
Just keep chewing (4)
Panic and say that you just have a alakodutitis and have to chew gum for it to get better. (5)
Yell 'sorry' and run out of the room crying. (1)

10.) Your mom and dad decide to let you get one piercing (besides your ears). Where
do you get it?
Nose/Eyebrow (3)
Nipples/Genetalia (4)
Lip/Tongue (2)
Belly Button (5)
Nowhere, I hate piercings (1)

Use this calculator to add up all the points from your answers. (IE 5+)
7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
1 2 3 -
0 +/- . +

Now click on the number you get to see your animal!!
(Note - Everybody will basically have 2 chances for a soulmate: 1) the soulmate that is listed in their description and
2) the animal in which they are listed as a soulmate. If they are both the same and you only have 1 soulmate it means
that this is the person who you are destined to be with forever, which can rarely happen)

10   11   12   13   14

15   16   17   18   19

20   21   22   23  24

25   26   27   28   29

30   31   32   33  34

35   36   37   38   39

40   41   42   43  44

45   46   47  48   49