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"Y du we alwayz go out of our way ta hold on ta da wrong 1z
'n' let da rite 1z slip rite thru our fingerz?"

"I miss u wen sumting relly good happenz,
bcuz u'r da wun I want ta share it wit.
I miss u wen sumting iz troubl'n meh,
bcuz u'r da wun hu undastandz meh so well.
I miss u wen I laf 'n' cry,
bcuz I kno tat u r da wun tat makes mai lafta grow,
'n' meh tearz disappear.
I miss u all da tiome,
but I miss u da most wen I lay awake at nite,
'n' tink of all da wondaful tiomez tat we spent wit each otha
fo doz were sum of da best
'n' most memorable tiomez of mai life."

"Promise u'll neva fo-get meh,
bcuz if I thot u woud,
I'd neva leave"

"How du I say goodbai ta wut we had,
da good tiomez tat made uz laf outweigh da bad,
I thot we'd get ta c fo-eva,
but 4evaz gone away
ish so hard to say goodbai ta yestadeh"

"I luv'd him so much,
'n' talk'd about him so much,
'n' thot about him so much.
It waz like he lived inside of meh.
Like he had taken posession of mai soul or sumting.
'n' den 1 deh...I got ova him."

"Lub tat we can not hav
iz da wun tat lasts da longest,
hurts da deepest 'n' feels da strongest."

"Let's not say
"we hate each otha",
instead, let's use da word "despise"...
sumhow it soundz less childish, mor passionate,
'n' az if dere iz still sumting dere ta hang on to."

"Az I stared inta ur eyez,
u asked meh y I waz about ta cry,
ish bcuz I knew u were go'n ta say good-bai."

"Let meh be angry...plz.
Ish da only way tat
I can keep u from c'n
how much I relly need you."

"Oh, I shodn't care or wonda whar 'n' how u r,
but I can't hide diz hurt inside mai broken heart.
I'm fight'n back emotionz tat I've neva fot b4
bcuz I'm not supposed ta luv u n e mor"

"I won’t pretend tat I intend to stop live'n.
I wont pretend I’m good at forgive'n,
but I cant hate u...altho I hab tried,
I still relly luv u. I still relly luv u."

"1 deh u will luv meh az I luv'd u,
one deh u will tink of meh az I thot of u,
one deh u will cry fo meh az I cried fo u,
one deh u will want meh
but I won't want u."

"I wish I had da guts ta walk away
from wut we had.
But I cant bcuz I kno u wont come afta meh,
and tatz wut hurts da most."

"I wish i coul read ur mind 'n' hear ur thots az u c meh,
so tat i coud jux figure out if u wanted meh or not."

"Wut'd u dink tat I waz gonna du,
curl up 'n' die jux bcuz of u?
I'm not tat weak ya kno.
Wut'd u dink tat I waz gonna du,
try 'n' make u luv mhe az much az I luv u?
How coud u be so low?
U arrogant man,
wut du u dink I am?
Mai heart will beh fine,
jux stop waste'n mai tiome."

"The worst feel'n in da world iz luv'n sumone,
wen dey dunt luv u back.
Ur heart aches ebry tiome u c him,
kno'n tat no matta how deep u look into their eyes,
try'n ta reach their heart, u neva will."

"When I met u I liked u.
Wen I liked u, I luv'd u.
Wen I luv'd u, I lost u."

"I'm not da kind of gurl hu dinks
a guy iz da answa ta evryding...
I'm jux tired of being alone."

"Y du we alwayz luv da onez hu hurt us
'n' hurt da onez hu luv us?
stress iz whar ur heart sayz,
"no, no, no"
but ur mouth sayz,
"shure, no prob"

~*BoUnCe BaK*~