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Welcome to the Kingdom of Atenveldt's Herbal Guild

Links for the Kingdom of Atenveldt

Society of Creative Anachronisms
Kingdom of Atenveldt
Herbal Guild yahoo list

The Kingdom of Atenveldt's Herbal Guild was established in the year 2000. With a precious valuable few it has now grown into it's triple digits.

Current Officers of the Guild are:
Retainer: Lady Segurocha Unegen
Assistant Retainer: M'Lady Joy
Secretary: Open (please contact Lady Segurocha at )
Web Spinner: M'Lord Ryan Fitzpatric
Lady Alamanda de Claret ~ Barony of Twin Moons
Lady Elisabeth Moultan De Morte ~ Barony of Atenveldt
Lady Osanna Schauenengel ~ Barony of Erud Sul
Lady Shi Ming Mao ~ Barony of Atenveldt ~ youth herbalists
M'Lady Eva ~ Barony of Atenveldt
M'Lady Lorell ~ Show Low, Arizona
M'Lord Senach ~ Barony of Tir Ysgithr
Mistress Cecily de la Warde ~ Barony of Sundragon
M'lady Alexina Mey of Caithness ~ Barony March of Mons Tonitrus

If you are interrested in being a cultivator for your area please contact Lady Segurocha at

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

The Kingdom of Atenveldt Herbalist Guild, is hereby established to support the exchange of information, demonstration, documentation, education and redaction of all forms of Herbal Arts and Sciences that fall under the auspices of the period as portrayed by members and visitors to the Society of Creative Anachronism. The Atenveldt Herbalist Guild is open to all.
Topics used by the Guild Members shall include but are not limited to: gardening, drying and preservation of plant materials, apothecary, medicinal, alchemy, bathing, cosmetics, culinary herbs, herb lore, midwifery and housewifery.
The Herbalist Guild exists because members generously offer their skills, energy, and time. This Guild will provide recognition for this service and demonstration of skill through positive communication with established venues within the Kingdom of Atenveldt.
The Policies, Structure and Goals of this Guild shall be superseded by the Laws of the Kingdom of Atenveldt, The Corpora of the Society of Creative Anachronism, and any applicable Local, State, Provincial, or National Laws. Members of this Guild shall follow the arbitration process as set forth in the Laws of the Kingdom of Atenveldt, when there is grievance.
Dissemination of meeting times and places, will be done online with a website, on a list-serve, hardcopy in the Southwind, articles which shall also be available for reprint in local newsletters, by mail, verbally in person or by telephone.
Formal membership in the Guild shall be displayed by a favor portraying the Atenveldt Herbalist Guild badge. No one shall be denied membership status, so long as they adhere to the principles of the Guild.
This guild does not advocate any medicinal use of herbs or herbal substances without professional guidance or training.
This Guild makes no exclusive claims to discussions of any topic that falls within the bounds of the Guild. Other Guilds, or individuals within the Kingdom, shall remain free to discuss and publish on these related matters without either notifying or seeking permission from The Atenveldt Herbalist Guild. Membership within the Guild is open to anyone attending S. C. A. events with an interest in any aspect of the herbal arts, regardless of their level of experience, degree of participation, or specific area of study.
All those writing or instructing for the Guild are required to provide documentation on the topic. This should include bibliographic references such as quotes, foot or end-notes, with such annotation as is necessary to provide a context for his or her material. Sources should include primary and secondary sources from the Middle Ages, and where possible, tertiary sources which elaborate upon the original materials. Because some period uses of herbal products or preparations may be potentially harmful, instructors shall make a reasonable effort to delineate any safety concerns indicated by their research. Individuals using these materials shall take personal responsibility, to seek out established authorities, and should do their own additional research before any attempts at reconstruction.
The Policies and Structure of this Guild shall be subject to review and amendment at any Kingdom level meeting, that has been published at least one month in advance, in the Southwind. If any member indicates the desire to consider the revision of these policies, said member must attend the meeting established for the revision to be considered. The Guild Membership shall vote upon the amendment at the next Bi-annual Kingdom Guild Meeting.
There shall be one person acting as the administrative leader of the guild, called the Retainer. The Retainer shall be responsible for keeping records of membership, be available to guild members, interested parties and Branch officers. The Retainer shall be responsible for reporting to the King and Queen of Atenveldt, to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences and Kingdom Seneschal. Topics included shall be: monthly activities of the Guild, achievements of Guild Members and reports of service rendered to the Kingdom by members of the Guild.
The Retainer shall maintain and make available a resource list of gentles within the Kingdom of Atenveldt who are willing to share their skills and knowledge as teachers. The Retainer shall maintain a roster of the current Cultivators of the Guild, and shall notify The Kingdom Seneschal and The Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences of any changes in that roster. The Retainer shall be elected by the general consensus of the Guild Membership every two years, in March.
The Retainer must be a paid member of the S.C.A. and must remain a member while holding office. Acting or temporary officers may be appointed by the Retainer to serve until the next available Kingdom Guild Meeting established for permanent appointments.
The titles of Retainer, Assistant Retainer, Cultivator, Assistant Cultivator, Secretary and Web Spinner are administrative titles only and do not bestow any particular level of recognition within the Atenveldt Herbalist Guild.
The Assistant Retainer shall maintain contact with the Retainer, learn all aspects of the Retainer's responsibilities and shall be prepared to take over the duties of Retainer if ever he or she is unable to fulfill them. The Assistant Retainer shall help the Retainer in such matters as may be required for smooth operation of the Guild.
A minimum of two officers and five other members must be physically present to amend Guild Policies, to vote for Retainer, and Assistant Retainer. Appointment of Guild Officers shall be based upon a consensus by a simple majority of the members assembled for that purpose. Proxy envelopes should be marked: Officer Selection Choice. All envelopes received will remain sealed until the meeting, at which point they will be opened, and the individual's choice shall be noted. In the event that a quorum of members is not present, no permanent selection shall be made at that meeting.
Each local group within the Kingdom of Atenveldt is encouraged to form their own Branch. Each Branch shall have their own administrative head, called the Cultivator. The Cultivator shall be responsible for keeping records of membership, provide a point of contact for members, interested parties and local group officers.
The Cultivator is to make available a resource list of gentles within their Branch who are willing to share their skills and knowledge as teachers to the Retainer. Cultivators may ask for their Branch membership to elect an Assistant Cultivator at any time, the candidate must receive a simple majority vote of the area's membership.
Members of the Atenveldt Herbalist Guild will endeavor to assist individuals, households or local groups in autocratting classes during events, practices or other meetings.
Members of the Atenveldt Herbalist Guild will endeavor to encourage fellow members to research, redact, learn and instruct in the Arts Herbal. Discussions of documentary sources available, who wrote them, when written, part of Europe affected, where to find the source today.
Members of the Atenveldt Herbalist Guild will endeavor to provide instruction in the theory, history, contests, displays and redaction of things medieval to encourage the study and celebration of the Arts and Sciences Herbal.
Members of the Atenveldt Herbalist Guild will endeavor to assist local groups in founding Branches of the Guild. Members will endeavor to support displays of Branch and Kingdom Member's redacted recipes, group efforts on difficult or large projects.
Members of the Atenveldt Herbalist Guild will endeavor to establish a spring / annual plant and seed exchange. The Guild shall assist its members with the means to find and trade herbs for their collections. Members are to feel free to post requests to the list-serve, or by calling their Branch Cultivators or the Retainer who will keep an annually updated list of those members with plants or seeds available for trade. It shall be the responsibility of individual members to follow all appropriate laws when transporting either herbs or seeds.
Members can discuss and display equipment used to process plant materials, handmade or purchased, and discuss at length how to create scientific equipment for use in herbalism.
Members can discuss the variety and diversity of a thriving healthy garden in any style that fits within the period, types and the techniques utilized to create them in our hot, dry and sunny Kingdom, even discuss how to write a gardener's record of daily care of crops grown organically to ease documentation for competitions.
Members shall encourage discussions of safety precautions of many kinds of herb, the parts used the forms of application & dosing and which forms can be administered safely.
Members can also discuss the astrological sign, hour of the day, body part, lore and planetary correspondences of herbs used in period. An in depth discussion can also include the "Four Humors".
Members can discuss the different forms of preserving flowers and herbs, the best techniques for drying and storage of individual and multiple types of herbs.
Members can discuss issues relating to the positions of Midwife, Housewife, Herb Woman, Apothecary, Alchemist, Laverer, Washer Woman, Herb Strewer, Physician and other Herbalists in period held, their place in society, requirements for successful completion of their jobs, and what their rates of pay were.
Special Note:
Herb lore often contains references to astrology, metaphysics, magic, religious practices and lore of various countries. Any references to such practices or associations in Guild sponsored contexts shall not be intended to advocate any religion or other set of beliefs. However, this shall not hinder Guild members or others from gathering to discuss lore that may be religious, magical, et cetera, or from conveying this information in an educational, non-proselytizing context.
Written by Lady Wynne MacGillebride
Signed By Their Majesties Aaron III & Alisandra
All copyrights reserved.

If you would like to learn more, please visit us at our yahoo list or find a cultivator in your area.

This is an unofficial and unsanctioned web site for the purpose of enhancing the Kingdom of Atenveldt's Herbal Guild.
