be afraid, be very afraid...

sexy as hell...

Welcome to my submarine lair. It's long and hard and full of seamen. If any of you puny mortals even THINK of practising generosity, kindess, or moral goodness on this page, then I'll damn you to an eternity of eating mouldy parsley. If, however, you practise any of the 7 deadly sins, e.g. gluttony, envy, sloth, anger, and ESPECIALLY lust, then you might just get into my good books, and I'll reserve a fiery pit with a nice view of people being tortured for you in hell. Ok? Good deal, right?

And also... ignore all the scary and misleading pictures you may have seen of devils. I really DON'T look like that. As a charming and witty she-devil, I am quite plainly, as sexy as hell.
