Punkster Embodies the Seven Deadly Sins
How To Be Just Like Me...


  • Pride: Take great pride in something you own. Never miss an oppurtunity to talk about it. Ever. For example; I have beautiful hair. So textured! So silky smooth! So... ok, you're bored now.

  • Greed: My Christmas and birthday lists are infamously lengthy. Copy this and make a really LONG list. Learn it off by heart. Recite it in class, instead of your alphabet, latin verbs, or multiplication tables. Glare at people who do not buy you at least three of the things on your list and loot their homes.

  • Anger: I am pissed off, as I am missing my TV program. But don't just be PISSED OFF. Go and pick a fight with an armed police officer for no reason. Call him names. Lots of names. Then punch the guy, and run.

  • Lust: Enrique Iglesias... *drool*. Fall in love with as many singers, actors, musicians, athletes and popular people as you can, whom you don't know but fantasize about because of their looks. Or their money, lifestyle, etc. Improvise, why doncha?

  • Envy: Envy everyone who has something you don't have. Envy acne-stricken people for having spots. When you FINALLY get acne, instead of being satisfied, begin to envy those with satiny skin. Oh, and you can envy my hair. My wondrous, amazing, fabulous hair.

  • Gluttony: I once ate an entire tub of ice-cream. On my OWN! Great acheivement, eh? Try eating anything that doesn't move. That includes heavy machinery. And sleeping cats.

  • Sloth: I'm ashamed of you. Reading this, when you could be lounging around, doing nothing?!? Go to bed. Go to bed at once. How DARE you???

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