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Balancing your body mind





and spirit at the speed of light






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Omarian Atman,

Your Certified Acu light Professional.





Omarian Atman was born in Providence, RI.  His mother is a surgeon educated at Harvard, and his father is an artist and musician who attended the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design.  Omarian took after his father and became a painter, graphic artist, and web designer, but like his mother has always had a desire and aptitude to help people and a keen interest in the healing arts.  His artistic background helped build the desire to know more about the theory of color therapy.  After poring through a wealth of information, he realized the profound implications color and light have on our health, and felt the necessity of finding a system which uses them for therapy.  After a year and a half of intensive research, Omarian found the work of Peter Mandel to be cutting edge in the field of color and light therapy.  

Omarian graduated from Mandel’s Institute of Esogetic Colorpuncture USA and is a Certified Acu-light Practitioner and is dedicated to the evolution of human consciousness.



Questions and Answers



Why is Acu-light therapy  important to you?






Acu-light works to help balance one's physical and emotional health, anything from minor aches and pains to chronic physical problems and emotional trauma.  Helping people in this way allows them to experience more peace, happiness, strength, and creativity, and thus to live a happier and more fulfilling life.


What attracted you to Acu-light therapy?





Acu-light therapy is a pioneering system.  It delves into the causations of sickness and pain using the ancient system of Chinese medicine to find the root cause, coupled with an ancient but newly applied form of healing technology – light. As long as Man/Woman can remember, there has always been a deep connection with light and color in the human consciousness, connected with our state of mind, physical health, and well-being.  Light is one of the most universal, efficient, quick, painless, and penetrating therapies now available.  It is a  system of healing based upon the synthesis of practical, proven methods of science, while helping one to become more in tune with the metaphysical facets of life.  To deny either side of life is to deny the basic functions of the right and left sides of one's own brain.  Both sides ideally must be in harmony, one with the other, for optimal functioning, health, and happiness.





Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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Copyright © 2003

The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.