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  Frequently Asked Questions

This is where you can find the latest asked and answered questions regarding Acu-Light Color Therapy.

 What is Acu-Light?

Acu-light is a revolutionary step in holistic healing and one of Europe's most popular and new alternative healing disciplines. The originator of Acu-light is a German scientist and naturopath named Peter Mandel who has conducted over 25 years of intensive empirical research to develop this unique system of healing. Acu-light involves focusing colored light on points on the skin in order to energize powerful healing impulses in our physical and energy bodies.

How does it work?

Acu-light therapy uses Light that is subtle in effect, fast moving and penetrates deeply into all the cells of the body. Recently, a world renown biophysicist had the following to say about light: "Scientists are now discovering that light is actually the medium by which cells communicate and it is at the very basis of many body functions. In a Acu-Light treatment, frequencies of colored light are focused on the skin using a hand-held Acu-light tool with specially designed, hand-made interchangeable glass rods which emit different colors of light through a focused tip." --Fritz Albert Popp, Biophysicist

What can I expect

Anyone can benefit from Acu-light treatments.  Light is the medium of life and is a powerful yet gentle agent for healing.  If you're ill and suspect that your bodily symptoms may be related to old traumas or unresolved emotional issues, confusion or lack of direction in life, Acu-light therapy can help you access and heal the roots of your problems.  Healthy people who want to help prevent illness by clearing energetic blockages before they impact the body, as well as those who want access to soul information needed to move more easily on their life paths, will find Acu Light treatments given by a trained Acu-light therapist to be an invaluable assistance. 

Is Acu-light painful?

The light and calibrated color are applied on the surface of the skin and living cells instantaneously begin to absorb the information at the speed of light.  Bio-photons are then able to reach targeted zones to reactivate areas lacking in intra-cell communication. The application of Light on the surface is barely noticeable and painless. However depending upon the level of traumatic memory in the person that has not been released people may sense a pressure build up weather on the direct area of focus or as a indirect reaction that is not on the physical level but on the Etheric level.



Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.